
Nikola Tesla's "Patent for an Anti-Gravity Engine"

Nikola Tesla is one of the most creative and mysterious people ever! If it weren't for his inventions and research, our current technology would be terrible. But is there anything more to tesla about? Is he really in contact with aliens as he publicly claims? He is truly one of the most amazing inventors in the history of civilization, and his knowledge and ideas are far beyond what human beings know and accept.

Nikola Tesla is credited with inventing many of the technologies that are taken for granted today. Without these incredible ideas and inventions of his, there would be no radio, television, alternating current, Tesla coil, fluorescent lights, neon lights, radio control equipment, robots, X-rays, radar, microwaves, etc. and dozens of magical inventions that allow us to have such a convenient life!

But Tesla didn't stop there, he went into an incredibly mysterious anti-gravity flight that allowed him to register a patent in 1928, patent number 1,655,144. Is about a combined helicopter with a general aircraft aircraft. Before his death, he had drawn a blueprint for the vehicle's propulsion system. He calls it a "space engine" or a propulsion system that prevents electromagnetic zones. Interestingly, according to William R. Lyne in his book Occult Ether Physics, Tesla mentioned the dynamic theory of gravity at his meeting with the Immigration Institute on May 12, 1938.

Lyne did further research and analysis of Tesla's claims and writings, and found that the full statement related to the original documents his findings and articles were very limited, because Tesla's papers were stored in government safes for national security reasons.

When Lyne specifically designated the documents to the Research Center (now research center Robert J. Oppenheimer) in 1979, she was rejected because they were classified.

Tesla had great ideas and moved quickly according to his theories. In 1938, he said two of his discoveries.

First, the dynamic theory of gravity: it assumes that the body acts on its surroundings, causing the same bending deformation, assuming that the body moves without space warping. The indispensable role of ether in the phenomenal world (gravity, inertia, dynamics, the movement of celestial bodies, and all atomic and molecular matter); and...

Second, energy in the environment: a specific discovery: specifically, energy comes from the environment, which contradicts Einstein's E = mc2.

In an essay in "Man's Greatest Achievement," Tesla sketches out his theory of dynamic gravity in poetry.

Light is too full of space.

* Othiosta acts according to the power created by living objects.

* Ether is thrown at the speed of light into a "very small vortex" (micro-helix) to form a weighted substance.

* When the force weakens and the action stops, the matter is transformed into ether (a type of "atomic decay").

Humans can apply these programs to:

Derive matter from Ether; create any source of matter and energy; change the size of the Earth; control the Earth's seasons (climate control): Steer the Earth's trajectory into the universe, just as a spaceship causes a collision of planets to create new suns, stars, heat, and light!

Create life in infinity.

"I've made all the details and I'm ready to release it to the world soon. This explains the reason for this force and the movement of celestial bodies is influenced by it, which can also put an end to invalid speculation and false notions that space is distorted. Only the combination of existential forces can be used as a valid observation, and the assumption is that all writings on the subject are unimportant and doomed to be forgotten. Therefore, without recognizing the existence of the Ether and its indispensable role in the phenomenal world, all attempts to explain the workings of the universe are useless. ”

What Tesla is saying is that energy is unlimited, and free energy comes directly from the environment. Mysteriously, all these incredible discoveries about free energy have become the property of the government, and it is clear that these documents are kept away from the public and the media. Tesla is talking about converting energy into something greater... "electrical impulses" are used to control weaker gravitational pull to help produce more products in the same amount of time.

Back to Tesla and his anti-gravity and his incredible UFO, IFO. Tesla found that the emissions of static electricity on the surface are always concentrated on the surface, or on the edges. The more concentrated the electron emission becomes when bent or angled, and he also found that electrostatic charges pass through the surface of the conductor rather than through it, which is also mentioned in the Faraday effect discovered by Michel Faraday.

This also explains the principle of the Faraday cage: the use of electrosensitive equipment in high-voltage research rooms to protect people and avoid equipment damage.

According to the UFO report: This vehicle is made up of a circular slot or a circular grid that passes through the entire spacecraft. This forms the superstructure of the disc to multiply the high-voltage high-frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer that provides static and electromagnetic loading to the polarity of the aircraft. This coil is believed to be the Tesla coil invented by Tesla in 1891.

It is believed that when the hemisphere of the aircraft is vacuumed, atmospheric pressure can pass through the tube, driving some kind of electronic turbine generator. Some reports say that "aliens" also use this system as a stationary power station to generate electricity for their planet.

You know that Tesla also has the ability to generate abnormally high pressures that can be of great help in the task of "atomic collisions."

Other scientists, to this day, are still struggling to create a voltage of five million volts, and Tesla, as early as 40 years ago, generated a voltage of 135 million volts.

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