
Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

Pay attention to Amaojun, the game thief is happy~

Hello everyone, I'm Amaojun explaining.

Speaking of the top heroes in the glory of the king, Sun Wukong is definitely one of them, I believe that no one should have any objections, which can be seen in the previous anniversary return vote, but all the skins of Sun Wukong participate in the return, basically are stable firsts, such as Sun Wukong's Monkey King, Sun Wukong's supreme treasure and Sun Wukong's great saint marriage, etc., although many people are very dissatisfied, but it is also a fact that cannot be changed.

Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

And just now, there is another Skin of Sun Wukong announced the return of the scene, this skin is the Sun Wukong joint skin Zero Red Flame, but this news is not revealed by the Glory of the King official, but the Game Center of the Penguin revealed, but basically can be concluded that it is true, let's take a look at it together.

Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

This time the skin return, is the penguin social platform and the glory of the king of the cooperation, the return of the skin is Sun Wukong joint name of the zero red flame, the return price of the original price of 1788 coupons, the return time is March 30 and April 1, the reason why there are two dates, it is worth saying well.

Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

March 30 is penguin's social platform return, and April 1 is the return of the game, that is, penguin will return to the skin in advance, and the official clearly indicates that the purchase is shipped, that is to say, if you are a player of the penguin channel, then you can choose to start this skin on the penguin, so that you can give priority to the experience, as for the players of the WeChat channel, then you can only wait until the game returns on April 1.

At present, on the penguin channel, the reservation for early return has been opened, and those who are interested can also make an appointment, and they can also get some gift packages that are better than nothing, even if they do not buy skin, white prostitution is not bad for a while.

Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

And this return, should be only Sun Wukong joint name of the Zero Red Flame, and another Star Legend Zero Thunder is not marked to return to the field, should not be temporarily, and after this return, according to the return rules of the King's Glory Anniversary, this skin will not have the opportunity to participate in the anniversary of the return vote, other skins will have one less strong competitor, but although this skin can not participate, but Sun Wukong also has another Sun Walker skin can participate, and this skin is afraid that the popularity will be higher, Winning first should not be too much of a problem.

Glory of the King Sun Wukong Zero Red Flame returns! QQ area early return? It is really more noble than the WeChat area

Thinking of the fact that Sun Wukong was strengthened in the experience suit before, I am afraid that it is not related to the return of the skin this time, so will everyone choose to start with this skin.

The above, is the entire content of this issue of game information, if you feel that there is a gain, ask for likes and comments, ask for forwarding, and the most important thing is to point a big attention! I'm Am Maurien and we'll see you next time!

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