
"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Pay attention to the sense of ceremony of the small friends maybe has the intention of picking up the home, even the lazy (not) Zhi Meijun has opened a small book, thinking about how to make their home more beautiful.

Brushing and brushing, some interesting content attracted Zhi Meijun -

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Zhi Meijun pulled up some Japanese garden meitus, knowing that everyone was tired from work, hugged over and we enjoyed it together!

It's a deep, light green

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

It's green

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Or green

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

I don't know so much green, everyone's eyes have been a little relaxed (don't relax and don't hit me, top the pot lid to run -

I have to say that the courtyard is really a good hand for spiritual purification, after busy work, go to the green nature to breathe, you can also harvest a moment of tranquility.

After all, who hasn't thought of being a hermit in the field, "sending love to the mountains and wilderness, free and uninhibited"?

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Hey hey, zhi meijun today want to recommend to you the book related to the Japanese garden, happy New Year's Eve, come to accept the zhimeijun's recommendation book "critical hit"!

368 classic courtyards

1000+ live photography

24-page large-scale pull-out drawing

A set of expositions that thoroughly explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The "town house" is a heavy collection

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Lin Lihuiguang, ed

December 2021

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press - There are books to the United States

Here are a lot of beautiful pictures of purifying the mind, so pull down ╭ ( ̄ ) ̄) ψ

"Everything You Know" About Japanese Gardens

The courtyard is a symbol of escaping the hustle and bustle of the world.

The Chinese-style courtyard is based on the meaning, "moving bamboo as a window", "rose buttress", "durian flower shooting door", "wisteria pan corner"... All are plant planting procedures passed down from the ancients, a small party of heaven and earth, peaks and loops, willows and dark flowers, and unlimited meaning in limited space.

The Japanese garden tends to add artificiality to nature, quiet and tranquil, condensed and elegant, and the plants show their natural nature.

In fact, even if you don't have your own garden, learning some gardening knowledge and appreciating some beautiful pictures, you will feel that you will purify the hearts of social animals (yes, it is Zhimeijun I)

You can see it in this set of books

The aesthetic philosophy of Japanese gardening art

A collection of 368 classic courtyards

To Dragon Mountain Villa From the pavilion overlooking The Garden Road

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

View of the stream from Juyuan Pavilion to Dragon Mountain Villa

A historic garden with oriental rhythms X a new courtyard with modern elements

Matsu no Tea House 丨 Pairs of Dragon Mountain Villa 丨 Arashiyama Yoshizhao 丨 Nishisaka Residence 丨 Kitagawa Residence 丨 KatsuraGi Palace 丨 Senaki Pavilion 丨 Qinglian Temple 丨 KinkakuJi Xi jia Tei 丨 Youle Yuan Ru An 丨 Xi Weng Yuan Shu Guan Seat

Tumon Ken Memorial Hall 丨Charonnay Headquarters丨 National NohDo Hotel 丨 Tanizaki Residence Hotel 丨 Kyoto Fujita Hotel 丨 Daisei Mutual Bank


You can see moss-covered paths, mountain rocks soaked by streams:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Hosokawa Bettei Northern Stream

You can also see a pond in the corner of the courtyard, surrounded by flowers and trees, full of flowers and trees:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Kai Mansion View of the middle of the courtyard from Zashiki (a guest room).

4 categories of different styles of courtyard types

Tea Garden Ping Ting Number SendIng Garden Entrance Courtyard

Explain in detail the elements of the court and the principles of the court

Show the natural feelings of the Japanese wind

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The Japanese garden is full of mysteries, and the inconspicuous stones under the feet are also exquisite.

Before reading this set of books, Zhi Meijun never knew that there were so many types of service stones (ornamental stones laid on the side of the road leading to the tea garden) in the open-air courtyard:

The servant stones around the open-air gate (middle gate) - guest stone, pavilion main stone, household fold stone, stepping stone

The service stones in the resting place - the main guest stone, the second guest stone, the three guest stone, the four guest stone, the last guest stone (in the case of five guests, the other number of people are collectively referred to as the lianke stone), and the smell bell stone

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Service Stones (Ornamental Stones) and Flying Stones (Stepping Stones) at RestIng Places

The service stones at the Snow Hidden (toilet) - stepping stones, front stones (stones that are stepped on when returning from the toilet), back stones (stones that are stepped on when returning from the inside out), candle stones, and table stones

The servant stones of the courtyard road - stepping stones, objects and stones

The entrance and exit of the tea room and the stone around it - stepping stone (stepping stone), falling stone, riding stone, hanging knife stone

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The stone at the entrance and exit of the tea room

Stone squatting (a type of handwashing bowl) side of the service stone - front stone, soup bucket stone, hand candle stone

There are also servant stones on the side of the handwashing bowl under the eaves, flint stones by stone lanterns, and water suction stones by the well railings

If we turn our attention to the tea room, we will feel a different philosophy of life and humanistic feelings.

The size of the tea room has even been compressed to the size of four and a half stacks (1 stack of about 1.65 square meters) that can only "sit on the knee", so that the narrow side of the space is full of dialectical and mutilated aesthetics.

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Kakuda Residence Flying stone view at the entrance and exit of the tea room

If the boiling kettle is round, the vessel holding the water needs to have edges and angles;

If the tea bowl is black glaze, the tea pot must not be black lacquered;

The composition of the room beam frame must never be symmetrical and perfect, but to pursue freedom and nature, not to follow the law formula;

The old, dim and bright "lonely" room must be kept clean and dust-free;

Closed interiors need to be "transparent" and not "open"...

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Hakone Museum of Art Yamazuki-an Tea Room Exterior

Where the subtle place sees the great beauty, where the silence hears the thunder,

When you are upset, the quiet courtyard is a place where people can think about the eight wildernesses for thousands of years.

Large "Symbolic Garden" of the Fresh Healing Department

There are two ways to best show the power of the courtyard: one is a grand narrative, like the rules and symmetry of a French garden, magnificent and open;

The other is extremely subtle, but it can mean a lot, and the Japanese garden is full of such fun.

Like the various Zen quiz games, when we want to get close to nature, the Japanese garden answers questions but makes people feel enlightened.

How do you know the natural answers conveyed by the courtyard?

Of course, it is a visually presented high-definition beautiful picture!

The book brings together 1000+ high-definition live-action photographs

Immerse yourself in the beauty of a Japanese garden

Needless to say, the real-life layout of the courtyard is also clearly visible, and the fine texture of the stone is also clearly visible:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Saueruchi House Tsubame-an RestIng place of the service stone (ornamental stone)

The thatched layers on the roof of the tea room are stacked and stacked, which is quite natural:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Unstained an tea room

The texture details on the four sides of the stone lantern are vivid, as if you can look back at the past through the smoke and dust of history:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Hexagonal lantern of Yoshida Residence

Crouching over the covered moss, you can faintly smell the grass and trees between the leaves:

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The Cousin Qianjia also squatted in the four square bergamot water bowl

The book not only has high-definition live color pictures

It also contains a page of rare and precious design drawings

Floor plan 丨cross drawing 丨 layout drawing 丨 detail drawing

The reality map is combined with the actual measurement map

It has both connoisseur value and reference value

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art
"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

On these design drawings, you can see specific things such as water bowls, lanterns, jars, well bars, towers, stone bridges and other specific things being built and placed, and you can also learn about the material of paving gravel, the plants planted everywhere, and the various cabinets used indoors...

Maybe with this book, you can also create your own Japanese garden!

It is worth mentioning that some of the large drawings in the book cannot be presented on separate pages, so a rare large-scale drawing is used.

(That's it, it's very ~~~long)

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The six volumes contain 24 pages of high-definition pull pages

Spot color printing presents the details of the courtyard design

All the details can't escape your eyes

Greenery, ponds, lanterns, squatting...

The large pull page design breaks through the limitations of book openings

The complete design drawings are clearly displayed in a large format

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Pacing, laughing, tea tasting, arguing... Some places have been invaded by war, but they are still alive and well, watching over the roots of culture in the inheritance.

This "Garden of Symbols" has many magical corners to explore, do you want to try them?

A gift for lovers of Japanese culture and gardens

Whether it is the entrance passage courtyard, the garden of numbers that can be visited, or the small flat garden suitable for sitting, it is full of symbolic meanings, but it has a form that is adapted to local conditions and does not have an informality, each genre has its own gardening rules, and the gardeners of the same genre will also design according to their own preferences.

The Japanese garden full of cultural objects has never lacked allusions and stories, such as this little lantern -

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

Korean lanterns at the Kitamura mansion

In front of the entrance of the private house of the tea master Kitamura Kenjiro, there are Korean lanterns designed by Yoshida Fifty-Eight. Korean stone lanterns are generally hexagonal and very beautiful. But on the other hand, there are also stone lanterns with a strong sense of weight like this, which are widely loved by elegant people.

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

The lantern in front of the entrance is measured

Placing such a high-end product in front of the entrance is a hint to the guests that the tea ceremony in the house is equally noble. After entering the main entrance, lanterns are placed along the bamboo fence on the left, randomly appearing between small bamboo and cinnabar roots, like a pile of small mushrooms, which not only play an embellishment effect, but also infect the hearts of celebrities.

It stretches from all over the famous court, connecting ancient and modern times

Recreate the garden landscape that has been passed down from Japan to the present day

Ideas that are difficult to grasp are expressed graphically

Pictures and texts are abundant, elegant and customary

Feel the original taste and style aesthetics

Whether architectural design professionals or art lovers

It's easy to learn and appreciate

At the end of the year, it is also very rewarding!

"Japanese Garden Integration": A set of "town house" books that explain the essence of Japanese gardening art

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