
Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

CCTV news: Recently, a special pair of new crown pneumonia patients in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, were cured and discharged from the hospital, they are two grandchildren. Due to the different onset of illness and symptoms, the grandchildren were sent to different hospitals for treatment. During the treatment process, the medical staff is very caring, trying to coordinate that they can be successfully "reunited" in the ward and be cured and discharged together.

Paramedics: Good, baby, don't cry, don't cry, be well-behaved, sleep.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

The little girl that the medical staff is carefully reassuring is Xiaoyu (pseudonym), who is not yet 2 years old this year. On March 17, Xiaoyu was sent to the Xianghu Branch of the Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University for treatment due to the diagnosis of new crown, and her father, mother, grandfather and grandmother were also sent to different designated hospitals for isolation and treatment due to their different conditions.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

Huang Tao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: In fact, Xiaoyu was more resistant when she first arrived at the ward, because she had just arrived in an unfamiliar environment, and then saw that our medical staff were dressed tightly, which was a very unfamiliar environment for a child under 2 years old.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

In order to solve the little girl's living needs, the hospital helped to purchase milk powder, toys, clothes, and also arranged professional pediatric special care, and the "temporary mother" composed of multiple medical staff took care of Xiaoyu in 24-hour shifts. Knowing that Xiaoyu usually has a good relationship with grandpa, with the improvement of the two people's condition, after confirming that their grandparents are infected with the same strain and will not cross infection, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University actively coordinates with the hospital where Grandpa is located, so that Grandpa is admitted to Xiaoyu's ward, and the pair of grandparents who have been separated for many days are finally "reunited".

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children
Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

Xiao Yu's grandfather Mr. Tang: At that time, the mood was very happy, and my family was very happy, and it was happy to be together. Thank you very much to the hospital for assisting us in this regard.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

March 29 is Xiaoyu's 2nd birthday, and when the grandparents were discharged from the hospital, the medical staff carefully prepared flowers and cakes to give Xiaoyu a birthday in advance.

Jilin City 5-year-old patient cured and discharged: Uncle I want to give you a dance

At noon on March 21, the first batch of 50 patients with new crown pneumonia were cured and discharged from the Second Cabin Hospital in Jilin City, and one of the young patients was reluctant to leave and danced a dance to her uncle, the doctor who had been taking care of her.

On March 11, Xiao Yanbing, a 5-year-old, went with his mother to the Second Cabin Hospital in Jilin City for treatment. At first, the little girl was afraid of the unfamiliar environment and often cried. Sun Zhen, the head of the medical team of the Fang Cabin Hospital, noticed Xiao Yanbing during the rounds, and he paid special attention to taking care of her.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

Sun Zhen, deputy director of the Second Digestive Ward of Jilin People's Hospital: Because she is the youngest in our cabin and the same age as my girl, I pay special attention to her, and I often go to coax her and tease her.

Every day, Sun Zhen and his colleagues patiently teach the children to wash their hands, and also put together their own snacks to share with Xiao Yanbing and other children, and also brought checkers and skipping rope to the children to relieve their boredom.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

Li Panpan, Xiao Bingbing's mother: Every day I think of my uncle, when my uncle came in the cabin, I brought her toys and snacks, she especially liked it, let me go to my uncle, I said Uncle Sun Zhen will come in a moment.

Although he couldn't see what Sun Zhen looked like, Xiao Yanbing could always find his favorite uncle in the crowd through sound.

Sun Zhen, deputy director of the Second Digestive Ward of Jilin People's Hospital: Because I was wearing protective clothing and masks, she couldn't see clearly, so she told me, Uncle, I want to see what you look like. I said, after your uncle and aunt beat the virus away, I will let you see what your uncle looks like.

Thank you, you are the "big white" heroes who guard the children

On March 21, Xiao Yanbing and his mother were cured and discharged from the hospital. Although it is very happy to be able to go home, but to be separated from Uncle Sun Zhen, Xiao Yanbing is still a little sad. As she parted, she found a familiar figure in the crowd and wanted to dance to her uncle.

Sun Zhen, deputy director of the Second Digestive Ward of Jilin People's Hospital: I was more touched when she jumped, and I couldn't help but cry. The feelings of these more than ten days of getting along are still not willing to give up from the heart. When the epidemic is over, I will definitely go to her and see her.

Source: CCTV

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