
Lost miserably! Only 1 member of the national table tennis women's team advanced to the round of 16, and the sparring players eliminated the Olympic runner-up and made a great contribution

Lost miserably! Only 1 member of the national table tennis women's team advanced to the round of 16, and the sparring players eliminated the Olympic runner-up and made a great contribution

Table tennis WTT Doha Star Competition is in full swing, Beijing time on March 28, the national table tennis women's team fell into a desperate situation! 11 people participate in singles matches, and only 1 person has not been eliminated, and 8 of them are foreign players who have lost.

Thankfully, Zhang Rui, a sparring player who imitated Ito's playing style, has resisted the pressure in the second round and reversed the Olympic runner-up and European champion Solja 3-1: In the first two competitions, Zhang Rui did not lose to foreign association players, and twice eliminated Japan's strong opponent Zhang Ben Miwa, so this time she can become the "lone hero" of the Chinese team? The suspense is still there!

Lost miserably! Only 1 member of the national table tennis women's team advanced to the round of 16, and the sparring players eliminated the Olympic runner-up and made a great contribution

I have to say that the national table tennis women's team in this Doha star competition is indeed unexpected, originally abandoned the women's doubles, mixed doubles two projects, the result of specializing in women's singles is still a big rout, the qualification of 4 people by the foreign association players 3-0 sweep, the first round of the first round of the game and 3 people out of the foreign war, only Zhang Rui and Ziffy advanced to the second round.

However, in the next game, Ziffy also suffered a 0-3 fiasco defeat, was eliminated by the average Level monaco Chinese player Yang Xiaoxin, the result of the whole team's hopes are pinned on Zhang Rui alone, and her opponent is the German star, who won the silver medal of the Olympic women's team, which is undoubtedly a huge test for Zhang Rui, who usually plays sparring tasks in the team.

Lost miserably! Only 1 member of the national table tennis women's team advanced to the round of 16, and the sparring players eliminated the Olympic runner-up and made a great contribution

After the game began, Solja took the lead and suppressed Zhang Rui's raw rubber fast attack with a high-quality arc ball, and then came out on top 11-8. However, then Zhang Rui also won a big victory with color, taking advantage of the shortcomings of the opponent's relatively slow movement and slow connection speed, and won a city 11-3.

In the third set, Zhang Rui drew a gourd like a gourd, playing the cumbersome Solja attackingly, and then won it easily 11-3. However, in the fourth set, Sol jia came up to take a 4-1 lead, and then continued to gain an advantageous position, it seems that the decisive game battle seems to be inevitable, but Zhang Rui did not give the other side the opportunity to choose.

Lost miserably! Only 1 member of the national table tennis women's team advanced to the round of 16, and the sparring players eliminated the Olympic runner-up and made a great contribution

In the case of 5-8 behind, Zhang Rui used the characteristics of granular raw glue to create unconventional rotational changes to force Solja to make mistakes, and then chased the score a little bit, and finally successfully reversed 14-12, thus ending the whole game, eliminating the opponent 3-1 with a big score, becoming the only athlete in the national table tennis to advance to the women's singles round of sixteen.

Zhang Rui's next opponent will be Li Haoqing, a famous player in Hong Kong, China, although the level of the other side is not particularly high, but considering that there are already so many upset battles in front of him, he still has to be careful and vigilant. So can Zhang Rui stand to the end and win the championship? Let's cheer her on!

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