
The Chongqing Municipal Organs Commended the Outstanding Party Lesson of "Party Lessons Begin to Lecture"

author:Upstream News
The Chongqing Municipal Organs Commended the Outstanding Party Lesson of "Party Lessons Begin to Lecture"

"A hundred years of great deeds, a hundred years of history, a hundred years is just the glory of the wind ..."

"On the new journey, as long as we do one more practical thing, we will warm up the hearts of the people and gather more strength..."

"What is a communist, to go in and become a man among the masses, to come out and become a man in front of the masses" ... A vivid party lesson led the majority of party members to relive their original intention and mission, and set off a wave of enthusiasm in the municipal organs directly under the municipal government to take the lead in listening carefully.

On October 15th, the commendation and on-site display activities of the outstanding party class of the municipal organs directly under the municipal government were held at the Wudu Hotel, at which the relevant situation of the city's party class was reported, and a number of outstanding party lessons of "party class began to be lectured" were commended.

Ran Huazhang, deputy secretary of the working committee of the organs directly under the municipal party committee, who presides over the daily work, pointed out: "The party class is now open" is an effective carrier for strictly implementing the "three meetings and one lesson" system, strengthening and improving the regular education of party members, constantly enriching the content of party classes, and improving the quality of party lessons, and is even more an important carrier for grasping the study and education of party history.

He hoped that party organizations at all levels of the municipal organs directly under the municipal government should take the opportunity of "starting to give lectures on the party class", focus on basing themselves on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, achieving high-quality development, continuing to promote the construction of the "three basics" of party building work and the construction of green organs in the organs, constantly exploring and innovating the forms and carriers of party lessons, integrating party lessons and party lessons into daily life, doing it regularly, summing up good experience, refining good practices, and launching more excellent party lessons.

The Chongqing Municipal Organs Commended the Outstanding Party Lesson of "Party Lessons Begin to Lecture"

At the scene of the event, Yang Yi, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, Liu Shaogu, deputy director of the Comprehensive Office of the Political Department of the Municipal Procuratorate, and Hu Sushu, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, gave party lessons on the spot. Among them, Yang Yi vividly told the story of his poverty alleviation in the village for more than 3 years, and used his personal experience to call on all party members to "go in and become the people among the masses; come out and become the people in front of the masses!" ”

Liu Shaogu shared his deeds and gains in the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", pointing out that "doing a good job in doing practical things and guarding the people's hearts" is the fundamental point of being a party member, and the real and emotional lecture won a round of applause at the scene. Hu Sushu reviewed the difficult course of the party and the state in building the "Chengdu-Chongqing Railway" with the title of "Iron and Steel Avenue Reflecting the Mission of the Initial Heart", told about the great progress from the "Green-skinned Train" to the "Rejuvenation", encouraged party members of the organs to "not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission", and contributed to the construction of the "Chengdu-Chongqing Area Twin Cities Economic Circle".

Since the launch of the activity, the party organizations of the municipal organs have attached great importance to and responded positively, and organized a total of 10,288 party lectures, including 195 party class lectures by party group (party committee) secretaries and 10,093 party classes by party organizations of organs, enterprises and institutions, covering 206866 party members. After three stages of unit recommendation, party building work cooperation group selection, and work committee review, 3 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 8 third prizes, and 8 winners were selected.

Upstream journalist Li Shu