
The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

The license plate is the certificate of the car on the road, and the first thing to buy a car is to put the car on the list. For the number on the license plate, everyone has their own pursuit, and some people like the strange combination of numbers, and feel that such a license plate is more personalized. Some people like "666" and "888" and other serial number plates because of the high market value of these license plates.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

However, the license plate lottery three points rely on strength, seven points rely on luck, and most of the license plates that can be shaken to the number of license plates rely on the good luck of the owner. A female car owner in Henan had particularly good luck, when she went to the car management office to choose a number for her new car, she selected a "666" license plate, but the last license plate did not reach the hands of the female owner, which made her very frustrated.

When ms. Zhang was selecting the number, Ms. Zhang saw at a glance that there was a number of "666" on page 1. Ms. Zhang knows that the number of license plates issued is particularly high now, and it is also impossible to encounter a 3-number license plate, so she did not look at the number on page 2, directly selected the number and clicked the confirmation key to submit.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

Seeing that the system showed that the submission was successful, Ms. Zhang's hanging heart was also put down. She felt that she had already paid the money anyway, and the system had shown that the submission was successful, and the license plate must be in her own pocket. Ms. Zhang drove home and waited to install the license plate.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

Three days later, she drove to the vehicle management office to install the license plate, but the number plate number held by the staff made Ms. Zhang very surprised, this license plate was not the "666" license plate she selected. Ms. Zhang quickly stopped the staff and reminded the other party that the license plate was wrong. The staff took a look at the license plate and told Ms. Zhang, yes, this license plate is yours.

This next lady Began to wonder, what she chose was obviously a 3-number license plate, why was it replaced by a miscellaneous license plate now? She came to the service hall to check with the staff and found that the backstage of the system also displayed this license plate. Ms. Zhang felt that the staff must have changed her license plate, so she made a big fuss at the vehicle management office and asked them to change the license plate back.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

But the staff said that Ms. Zhang was blind, and it was this license plate that she chose. Because she was in a hurry to submit it at that time, she did not take a video or photo as evidence, and there was no way to prove that she had selected the 666 license plate, and Ms. Zhang was about to cry. The staff told her that the license plate had already appeared in her name, and even if it was not installed, there was no way to change the license plate. Although very reluctant, Ms. Zhang had no choice but to install the license plate in the hands of the staff to the car.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

This kind of thing has happened once before, and Ms. Hu of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, selected a serial license plate with a tail number of 555 through online number selection. At that time, Ms. Hu felt that she was very lucky, and immediately selected this license plate to submit, and paid a license plate production fee of 130 yuan.

The woman selected the 666 license plate, and after handing over the money, the number changed, and the vehicle management office: you are blind

In order to share her good luck, Ms. Hu also took a special screenshot to save the photo of choosing the license plate, but on the 2nd day, when she opened the software query, she found that the license plate number became "824", called the vehicle management office to inquire, and the vehicle management office told her that the system was delayed, resulting in unsuccessful submission.

This explanation also caused a lot of heated discussion at the time, many netizens expressed their disbelief in this explanation, why does the system delay only appear when the owner chooses the serial license plate, and there is no such phenomenon when choosing the ordinary license plate?

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