
What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

In the view of Chinese medicine, the liver mainly hides blood, the main drainage, as well as the main soul, the division of reproduction and other functions, as one of the five internal organs, has an extremely important role in the human body.

However, many people in life will have the problem of liver qi depression, and liver qi depression, liver can not play its proper function, will bring great impact to health. So, what exactly is the "liver qi depression" that Chinese medicine calls?

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

What is Hepatic Qi Depression?

Hepatic qi depression is hepatic qi depression, agglomeration, and can not play its proper function. Chinese medicine believes that the main drainage of the liver can regulate the human body qi machine, and the play of this role depends on the role of liver qi, many people have long-term emotional difficulties, excessive fear, anxiety, etc., can lead to liver drainage dysfunction, can not regulate the human body qi machine, thereby causing liver qi depression.

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

What are the manifestations of hepatic depression?

1. Bitter mouth and dry throat

People with depressed liver qi always feel that their mouths are bitter after waking up in the morning, and this symptom is more obvious for women, in addition, the mouth and throat are very dry, and some patients will feel that the throat is blocked, cannot swallow, and cannot spit out.

2. Decreased appetite

Liver qi depression can also affect the spleen and stomach, resulting in spleen and stomach weakness, resulting in decreased appetite, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms, in addition to stomach gas upside down, always feel that there is gas in the stomach to the top, easy to burp, acid reflux, severe can appear nausea, vomiting symptoms, some women will also appear dizzy symptoms.

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

3, hot and cold

People with depressed liver qi are prone to feel hot and cold, in addition, emotions are also prone to fluctuations, always irritable for no reason, and easy to lose their temper because of small things.

Hepatic qi depression can dredge the following acupuncture points:

1, too punch hole

Tai Chong acupoint is a point of the liver meridian, located in the first and second metatarsal depression in the instep of the foot, patients with depressed liver qi can massage the acupuncture point, or cupping the acupuncture point first, and then moxibustion, which can achieve the effect of activating blood stasis, rationalizing qi and relieving the liver, so that the liver qi becomes comfortable.

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

2. Acupuncture points

The acupuncture point is located in the middle of the two nipples, and massage, cupping, and moxibustion on this part can play a role in activating blood circulation, in addition to the role of broad chest qi, cough and asthma relief, which can alleviate chest tightness, vomiting, cough and other symptoms.

3. Period gate point

Phase gate acupuncture point is also a liver meridian acupuncture point, located under the nipple, moxibustion on this part, can thin the liver and spleen, rational qi and activate blood, can effectively improve the chest swelling and pain caused by liver qi depression and other symptoms.

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

In addition to the above acupuncture points, the liver qi depression can also be adjusted in the following ways:

1. Rub the ribs and push the liver meridian

Clench your hands in fists, bend your elbows, clamp the ribs with the elbow joints on both sides, and rub the ribs repeatedly until the skin is hot, which can play a role in relieving liver depression. In addition, you can also use your fingers to push hard along the instep of the liver meridian until there is a significant soreness, which can also play a role in dissipating qi and relieving liver depression.

2. Dietary therapy

People with depressed liver qi can usually drink some rose tea, jasmine tea, etc., and can also eat some radish and celery, which can help improve the situation of liver qi depression, such as goiter caused by liver qi depression, and can also eat some seaweed, kelp, etc., to help eliminate stasis and loosen knots.

What is "liver qi depression"? How do I condition it? Chinese Medicine: These methods can relieve the liver and qi!

Liver qi depression can lead to poor operation of the gas machine, over time, will affect the health of the body, severe and even induce breast hyperplasia, goiter and so on.

Therefore, if there is a liver qi depression, we must adjust it in time, improve it through massage, moxibustion too punch points, acupuncture points, etc., and usually pay attention to maintaining a good attitude, do not drill the horn tip in case of trouble, do not worry about it, and maintain liver health.

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