
Retro Blood Legend Mobile Game: Single-class super high explosive rate God Suit Advanced Equipment Preservation, Passionate Gold Suit

Medusa legend is attack speed + high explosive + hot blood + passion + cool version, this legendary version is very conscientious and fun for the public, the line directly gives you a full score of attack speed, different from other versions can be described as very passionate, high explosive rate equipment all rely on explosion all rely on explosion Important words three times, the explosion rate is quite OK, in addition to the novice early explosion of the equipment may be more ordinary to play to the late explosion is red.

Retro Blood Legend Mobile Game: Single-class super high explosive rate God Suit Advanced Equipment Preservation, Passionate Gold Suit

The first continent of the Medusa legend as a novice transition, gold players can hang up the treasure on the three advanced maps above the first continent, the forest of fans can be said to be a good place to play the yuan treasure, hang up at all after the attack power reaches 5000+, if the strength is strong and the level is high, then it can also be strongEr The second continent can fight monster explosion rate is higher, basically high-level equipment.

Retro Blood Legend Mobile Game: Single-class super high explosive rate God Suit Advanced Equipment Preservation, Passionate Gold Suit

Medusa Legend is a single-class version, a collection of all the characteristics of the three classes, equipment classification level high-level equipment fashion is very attractive, sponsorship conscience can unlock a lot of privileges, equipment explosion rate is relatively random, on the one hand is linked to the attributes of the character, on the other hand is to see everyone's luck component, but do not worry because the equipment in addition to the explosion can also go to the NPC to fuse advanced, this system gameplay is also very interesting, Let's just say who wouldn't want to have a cool red suit.

Retro Blood Legend Mobile Game: Single-class super high explosive rate God Suit Advanced Equipment Preservation, Passionate Gold Suit

Thank you for reading, like the legend of the little friends can comment below or four stars me, no brothers are not legendary, let us fight together in the legendary world.

Retro Blood Legend Mobile Game: Single-class super high explosive rate God Suit Advanced Equipment Preservation, Passionate Gold Suit

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