
When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

Introduction: When is the most appropriate way to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

Babies are born to need to eat milk, but it is impossible to eat milk all the time, when the baby grows to a certain stage, it is necessary to eat food other than milk, to this stage of adult meal excess, we need to add complementary foods to the baby, these foods are conducive to the baby to swallow, chew and digest, will not cause harm to the baby, I believe most parents understand. But when is it best to add complementary foods to your baby?

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

For this problem, some people can't wait to add complementary foods when the baby is three or four months old, and some people delay adding complementary foods to the baby, and directly feed adult meals after one year old.

These early and late feeding methods are too extreme, not conducive to the growth of the baby, and even harm the health of the baby, if you have not done so, then do not follow suit! Adding complementary foods to the baby at the right time is more helpful for the baby's growth, such as the ability to chew to be exercised, the ability to eat independently, the spleen and stomach are not harmed, and nutrition can keep up.

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

To say that the specific time to add complementary foods to the baby, nutritionists proposed that the baby can add complementary foods when it is about six months old, that is to say, the baby can try to feed complementary foods when it is six months old.

But this statement is not absolute, some babies obviously after six months, but can not eat a bite, each bite to spit out, so add complementary food to the baby, do not only look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals, if it appears is the time, on the contrary, it is not time, do not be too anxious, slightly postpone it is not bad.

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

The first signal is that the baby's tongue reflex has not disappeared

Every baby will have a straight tongue reflex, that is, after putting food into the baby's mouth, he will immediately use the tongue to push out, how to feed can not be fed into it, this situation is the tongue reflex, some parents do not understand the words, think that the baby is not obedient, fed the complementary food to vomit out, in fact, it is not so, to understand that the baby has not yet to eat the time of supplementary food, no matter how fierce he is useless, or try again after a while.

You can use the baby spoon to do experiments, when the spoon is put into the mouth, the baby will put the spoon into the mouth, when this phenomenon is found, you can try to feed complementary food, on the contrary, the baby will quickly push the spoon out, then do not rush to feed the supplementary food.

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

The second signal is that the baby is excited to see food other than milk

If you want the baby to eat complementary food, you must first be interested, if every time the baby sees food other than milk are indifferent, only interested in milk, this time forced to add complementary food is not a good opportunity, the baby will definitely refuse to accept, parents will feel very difficult, often so, will also make the baby resistant to complementary food, even when you can add complementary food is not good to add.

Therefore, when you see that your baby is very excited about foods other than milk, it means that the best time has come, you can try it, and if you add it at this time, your baby will be happy to accept it.

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

The third signal is that the baby's feeding has increased dramatically

As the baby grows up, the amount of milk will also increase, but it is still relatively regular, after feeding the baby will be very satisfied, or very happy or asleep, can be found that the baby still cries after feeding, after judging the baby is because it is not full and crying, this situation often occurs, but also found that the baby eats a sharp increase in milk, indicating that the milk has not been enough to eat, you can try to add complementary foods.

If it is time to add complementary foods, parents remember to add rice noodles with high iron content first, do not make their own rice noodles or feed porridge, feeding the wrong complementary food, will delay the development of the baby, because the baby grows to six months later, especially need to supplement iron elements, if the iron element is insufficient, the development will be delayed, and the iron element in homemade rice noodles or porridge is minimal, not to meet the baby's growth needs, so it is recommended that the baby eat rice noodles with high iron content for the first bite of complementary food.

When is it best to add complementary foods to your baby? Don't just look at the age of the month, but also look at these 3 signals

First flush a little thinner, the baby adapts and accepts better, and then flushes a little thicker. After seven months, you can add ingredients such as iron-containing meat puree, gradually add to the baby, and slowly let him accept more food to achieve the purpose of comprehensive nutrition.

In addition, add complementary foods to the baby, can not eat adult meals, because the adult meal tastes too heavy, too hard, not suitable for the baby to eat, so do not add adult meals too early, it is best to wait until after the age of three, and then let the baby and adults eat together.

Do you understand the addition of complementary foods to your baby?

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