
3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

Ancient poetry is a treasure of traditional culture and is deeply loved by the people. However, there are many poems in history, and I believe that it is impossible for everyone to memorize all the poems.

Therefore, my goal is to write articles for ordinary netizens so that everyone can appreciate the beauty of poetry.

I am a real swimming cat, a poetry expert, remember to use your fingers to pay attention to me!

Today, I share with you 3 poetic ancient poems, passed down through the ages, the charm is not reduced, it is really a masterpiece!

The first song, "Wild Chrysanthemum": did not use the riot people as rice, and the situation was as heavy as the custom. The political relationship has a ghost in the wild, and ken reduces the fragrance for no one. It was late to meet mid-mountain bi, so I was busy and folded a branch of yellow. Hua Ying sneered at the Dong hedge clan and looked for tao weng to spoil the light.

The author of this poem is the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli. Yang Wanli is one of the four major Zhongxing poets of the Southern Song Dynasty, and his poems are mostly popular in language and charming.

At the same time, Yang Wanli is good at observing life, good at refining the beauty that ordinary people in ordinary life can't see, and discovering poetry from it, which makes people feel a lot at first sight.

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

Just like this "Wild Chrysanthemum", it is written about chrysanthemums written by many literati and inkers, but in Yang Wanli's pen, it still has new ideas. Because what Yang Wanli wrote about is not the kind of chrysanthemum that grows in the courtyard, but the wild chrysanthemum with arbitrary vitality.

What is more interesting is that poets in the past often compared chrysanthemums with other flowers.

For example, Yuan Shu said: "It is not the flower that prefers chrysanthemums, this flower is more flowerless", believing that chrysanthemums are the crown of flowers. For another example, Huang Chao said: "Stay until the autumn comes on September 8, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom", praising the wonderful uniqueness of chrysanthemums.

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

However, Yang Wanli's poem compares wild chrysanthemums with ordinary chrysanthemums, and on the basis of the previous generation of poets writing chrysanthemums, further elevates the spirit of "wild chrysanthemums" and gives readers unparalleled aesthetic enjoyment.

Gluten means dry food. Political is a common kanji, which means positive.

The first two sentences of the poem directly reveal the "help" nature of ordinary chrysanthemums, believing that those chrysanthemums are somewhat vulgar, becoming the "dry food for writing poems" in the eyes of the lyricist inkers, and becoming the "common things" that the common people watch on the Chongyang Festival.

This mentality of Yang Wanli, just like some netizens now, only likes some unknown little stars and likes some unknown novels.

Once these stars and these novels are familiar with the public, they feel that the previous feelings have been lost, and they feel that the charm of these stars and novels has disappeared.

That is to say, the reason why Yang Wanli appreciates the wild chrysanthemums is to appreciate the "wonderful" that belongs to a small number of people, and to appreciate the "cold beauty" of "the lonely people who come and go alone, and the shadows of the lonely and lonely".

The third and fourth sentences are the poetic explanations given by Yang Wanli. "There is a ghost in the wilderness", because it is snubbed, unknown, not lively, but has a taste, but more and more to show the splendor of life.

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

The fifth and sixth sentences are written about Yang Wanli's love for wild chrysanthemums, even if he is in a hurry, he must be immersed in the charm of wild chrysanthemums.

The last two sentences, which also compare wild chrysanthemums with ordinary domestic chrysanthemums, respond to the first two sentences.

Domestic chrysanthemums pursue the glory of being favored by literati such as Tao Yuanming, while wild chrysanthemums, although no one appreciates them, are not desperate.

On the contrary, it scoffs at those chrysanthemums that are favored, believing that those chrysanthemums have lost their charm and lost their spirit of freedom and nobility.

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

Many poets like to borrow things to chant, like this "Wild Chrysanthemum", which seems to be written about wild chrysanthemums, but in fact it is still written by people.

Obviously, Yang Wanli himself can't get the "favor", no one looks at it, and it is inevitable that there will be some resentment.

But Yang Wanli did not lose confidence because of this. On the contrary, "willing to reduce the wonderful fragrance for no one" reflects Yang Wanli's mentality of still living a wonderful life, and creates a beautiful image of his self-congratulation, self-improvement, and inner purity.

The second poem, "Two Absolute Verses in Search of Poems, One": Chu liquor trapped people drunk for three days, and the garden flowers were red through the rain. No one painted Chen Jushi, and the pavilion corner was full of poetry.

The 3rd song, "Two Absolute Verses in Search of Poems, The Second": Love to put the mountain scoop Mo Xiaonong, when sad to lead to sleep has a miracle. Wake up and push the household to look for poetry, the trees are in the middle of the bright moon.

The author of these two poems is the Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi. Chen Youyi was one of the "one ancestor and three sects" of the Jiangxi school of poetry, and his poetics Du Fu was particularly good at the Seven Laws.

And Chen Youyi's seven words and sentences are important, elegant, fresh and gratifying. For example, these two poems, the fun of writing Chen Youyi's "search for poetry", makes people laugh and admire the poet's ingenuity.

In fact, when ancient people wrote poetry, they really had to spend their hearts and minds. Du Fu said: "For human nature to be secluded, the words are not surprising and endless." Jia Dao said: "Two sentences for three years, a groan and a double tear." ”

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

For Chen Youyi, finding inspiration for poetry does not seem to be too difficult, but rather a very interesting and leisurely thing.

Obviously, Chen Youyi is very fond of drinking, and like Li Bai, he finds fun in wine. The so-called "sleepy people are drunk for three days" and the so-called "love to put the mountain scoop" are inseparable from the moisture of wine. (Mountain scoop refers to a natural rough wine vessel.) )

After Chen Youyi drank wine, he went to nature to find inspiration. Obviously, the wine has stimulated his talents, and nature has given him strong feedback, so it has the effect of "one shot and one shot", so that poetry inspiration can be obtained in "full sleeve wind" and "arborvitae bright moon".

3 poetic ancient poems, passed down for thousands of years, the charm is not reduced, and it is really a masterpiece

The whole poem writes an image of a poet with free behavior and elegant taste, looking for poetry during the day and poetry at night, and the poetry and wine are popular, which is enviable.

What other good poems do you know? Have you ever written poems yourself? Welcome to leave a message. It is not easy for me to write articles about traditional culture every day, and I hope that everyone will appreciate and collect and share my articles.

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