
There are new regulations on the management of new energy vehicles, and the five departments jointly issued a regulatory system for automobile safety sandboxes

There are new regulations on the management of new energy vehicles, and the five departments jointly issued a regulatory system for automobile safety sandboxes

Tramway News: On April 1, the Five Departments of the State Administration of Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Emergency Response and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the Notice on the Trial Implementation of the Automotive Safety Sandbox Supervision System to jointly launch the pilot work of automotive safety sandbox supervision.

Sandbox supervision is to delineate a scope, adopt inclusive and prudent regulatory measures for the new technologies, new functions and new models used in the "box", and prevent problems from spreading outside the "box", which belongs to the implementation of fault tolerance and correction mechanism within the controllable range. This will undoubtedly have a great role in promoting the current development of new energy vehicle technology.

In the traditional automobile supervision, after a large number of users find problems with the vehicle, the car companies investigate the defects of the relevant problems, and finally implement the recall plan to solve the problem.

But under the sandbox supervision mechanism, enterprises can boldly apply the latest technology with confidence, and because of the existence of the sandbox mechanism, even if problems arise in testing, they can be controlled within a small range. And the competent authorities will also follow up the whole process in the test, which can help enterprises avoid legal risks in the test. This is equivalent to changing the passive supervision of the past into active supervision.

Sandbox supervision, as a useful supplement to the traditional supervision method, is a flexible regulatory system for technological innovation, which actually provides a test platform and test cycle for enterprises, and encourages enterprises to voluntarily carry out further testing when they do not fully grasp the product risks on the basis of not violating the principled access standards and the bottom line of supervision.

This can fill the regulatory gap caused by the lagging standards to a certain extent, which is conducive to the regulatory authorities to incorporate the quality and safety problems caused by cutting-edge technologies into the scope of supervision earlier, and better ensure the bottom line of product safety. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the real-time and flexibility of supervision and response to risks, prevent the inhibition of scientific and technological innovation by over-strict supervision, and better balance technological innovation and security risks.

Annex: Notification in the original language

Notice on the Trial Implementation of the Automotive Safety Sandbox Regulatory System

At present, the electrification, intelligence, networking and sharing of the automobile industry are accelerating the integration and development, and the traditional safety issues are superimposed with new safety issues, and the automobile safety situation is complex and changeable. In order to better protect the personal property of consumers and social public safety, improve the safety supervision methods of new technologies, new formats and new models of automobiles, according to the Regulations on the Administration of Recall of Defective Automobile Products, it is proposed to pilot the sandbox supervision system in the field of automobile safety, and is hereby notified as follows:

First, the purpose of the meaning

Automotive safety sandbox regulation is a mechanism for in-depth safety testing of cutting-edge technologies in vehicle applications in the aftermarket phase, with the main purpose of guiding companies to identify problems, improve designs, and reduce risks. As a useful supplement to the traditional supervision method, the automotive safety sandbox supervision changes from passive supervision to active supervision, which is conducive to including the quality and safety problems caused by cutting-edge technologies into the scope of supervision earlier, improving emergency response capabilities, preventing and resolving major risks, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and at the same time helping to encourage technological innovation of enterprises and advocate the best safety design practices.

2. Scope objects

Automotive safety sandbox supervision adheres to the bottom line of product safety, adopts the catalog list system, and carries out trial implementation in some models and some regions to ensure that the system is moderate, safe and controllable. The object of sandbox supervision is the use of cutting-edge technologies such as environmental perception, intelligent decision-making, and collaborative control in vehicles, or the realization of new functions and new models such as autonomous driving at all levels and remote upgrades. The vehicles involved must pass the market access conditions such as the "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products", obtain a compulsory certification certificate, and the commercial motor vehicles shall comply with the relevant standards for operational safety.

Apply for access to the cutting-edge technology or new features of sandbox regulation, and it is difficult to foresee its potential risks with existing scientific understanding. Enterprises applying for sandbox supervision, including related vehicles, parts, Internet technology, data services, network operations, software and system supply, etc., need to actively perform the main responsibility of quality and safety, and work with the regulatory authorities to study and assess unknown risks, and have the necessary testing and emergency disposal resources.

Third, the work process

Enterprises applying for cutting-edge technologies or new features and new models to enter the sandbox supervision need to go through five stages: application, evaluation, testing, reporting, and withdrawal.

(1) Application: The enterprise voluntarily submits a written application to the State Administration for Market Regulation to enter the sandbox supervision, the content of the application includes the basic overview of the test vehicle, the scope of application, the technical parameters, the innovative description, the self-assessment of quality and safety risks, the explanation of the necessity of entering the sandbox supervision, etc.

(2) Assessment: For enterprise applications, the State Administration for Market Regulation organizes an initial assessment. After the evaluation is passed, for the application of cutting-edge technology or new features and new models, the enterprise needs to formulate an in-depth vehicle test plan within 2 months, including test cycle, test items, key monitoring indicators, consumer safety assurance plan, quality and safety risk prevention and control and emergency disposal measures, test implementation supervision and test exit strategy.

(3) Testing: The enterprise carries out testing in accordance with the vehicle depth test plan, saves the test records, and the test cycle generally does not exceed 24 months. In the case of sufficient reasons, enterprises can apply to modify the test parameters and adjust the test cycle according to the actual test situation. The State Administration of Market Supervision organizes the evaluation of vehicle in-depth test programs, tracks the test situation, puts forward product design and manufacturing improvement suggestions, and timely guides and helps enterprises find quality and safety problems. If the supervision finds that the in-depth test of the vehicle cannot meet the expected requirements, immediately notify the enterprise to terminate the test; increase the quality inspection and law enforcement of the relevant industries that may involve the quality problems of the auto parts industry; for those that may involve product standards, improve the standardized information feedback mechanism, and promote the revision of the standard; for those that may involve common quality and safety issues, strengthen technical research and judgment, and issue quality and safety risk warnings in a timely manner.

(4) Report: In the middle and final stages of the test, the enterprise submits to the State Administration for Market Regulation an assessment report on the effectiveness of vehicle quality and safety risk prevention measures, as well as necessary test records and newly discovered safety risk improvement measures. During the test period, after the enterprise learns of the collision, fire, remote control, assisted driving failure and other accidents in the Chinese market with the same type and batch of vehicles tested, it shall carry out investigation and analysis in accordance with the regulations on the administration of the recall of defective automobile products and other provisions, and report the results of the investigation to the State Administration for Market Supervision within 48 hours.

(5) Exit: The enterprise completes the vehicle depth test, reaches the expected goal, and automatically withdraws from the sandbox supervision. During the sandbox supervision period, if an enterprise submits an application for withdrawal, it is required to submit a statement of the situation.

Fourth, inclusive and prudential supervision

The State Administration for Market Regulation has built a cloud platform for automotive quality and safety supervision services, and adopted diversified management such as enterprise self-discipline, information disclosure, public supervision, administrative guidance, and quality services for cutting-edge technologies or new functions and new models that enter the sandbox supervision, clarifying the main responsibilities of enterprise safety and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. During the sandbox supervision period, if an enterprise violates the current laws and regulations, it is not exempted from relevant liabilities.

5. Organizational safeguards

The State Administration for Market Regulation, together with the departments of industry and informatization, transportation, emergency response, customs and other departments, strengthens the sharing of information such as vehicle in-depth testing and evaluation, accident and investigation reports; sets up expert committees to formulate sandbox supervision implementation guidelines and supporting measures; organizes a number of technical institutions with capabilities and qualifications that meet the requirements to undertake technical assessment and quality service work related to sandbox supervision to ensure the smooth implementation of the sandbox supervision system.

There are new regulations on the management of new energy vehicles, and the five departments jointly issued a regulatory system for automobile safety sandboxes
There are new regulations on the management of new energy vehicles, and the five departments jointly issued a regulatory system for automobile safety sandboxes
There are new regulations on the management of new energy vehicles, and the five departments jointly issued a regulatory system for automobile safety sandboxes

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