
Twenty-four solar terms health - Qingming health

author:Kettle Weng 77226865

Qingming is the fifth of the twenty-four solar terms, when the qi is clear and bright, and all things are revealed, so it is called Qingming. Qingming is divided into three seasons: "The first wait for the first tung Shihua; the second waiting for the vole to turn into a wreck; the third waiting for the rainbow to see", which means that in this season, the white tung tree blossoms, and then the yin-loving voles disappear, and the quail-loving birds can be seen in the field, indicating that the yang enters the yin and retreats, and then the rainbow can be seen after the rain.

During the Qing And Ming Dynasties, the weather gradually warmed up, and it was written in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, Su Qing, Yin and Yang Should Be Like the Great Treatise: "The cold is turbid, and the hot gas is clear." From Lichun to Qingming 60 days of time, after experiencing rain, stinging, and the spring equinox, the earth gradually warms up, the amount of rain increases, and the qing qi rises, which has a great impact on the growth and development of plants at this time, and the same is true for the human body. Referring to the "Yellow Emperor Neijing Suqin And Ancient Innocence Theory" below, we will talk about the key points of health maintenance during the Qingming Dynasty.

Twenty-four solar terms health - Qingming health

First, diet and health

Qingming Festival diet to eat more "soft liver" food, Qingming Festival clear day, clear qi rise, turbid qi decline, at this time the human body liver qi is the most prosperous, so you should eat more "soft liver" food. At this time, health care focuses on thinning the liver and nourishing the blood and soft tendons, which should be cleared and supplemented, and pay attention to a warm and light diet, so it is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits.

1. Eat four sweets

Qingming season rain, but also increased the oppressive atmosphere, at this time the liver qi is not smooth, it is easier to restrain the spleen and stomach, especially those who are born with insufficient spleen and stomach, may wish to eat more sweet food to nourish the spleen and stomach, which is conducive to the rise of yang qi and the drainage of liver qi.

The most recommended are the four sweet foods of yam, sweet potato, jujube and glutinous rice.

Yam: Yam taste sweet flat, with spleen, lung tonic, kidney, sperm and other effects, lung deficiency cough, spleen deficiency diarrhea, kidney deficiency sperm, belt down and frequent urination and other diseases have a certain therapeutic effect, I see some shopping malls in Beijing have a sugar gourd made of yam, which is simply a good product for spring health.

Sweet potato: sweet potato taste sweet flat, spleen, kidney meridian, with a healthy spleen, cough, wide intestinal laxative effect, for spleen deficiency and edema, sore swelling poison, dry intestinal constipation and so on have a good therapeutic effect. Sweet potatoes can eliminate free radicals in the human body, free radicals are induced a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, aging, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, arteriosclerosis, etc., after stepping on the green to eat a baked sweet potato is simply delicious.

Jujube: Jujube taste sweet and warm, return to the heart, spleen, stomach meridians. It has the effect of tonifying qi, nourishing blood and calming the spirit, and has a therapeutic effect on spleen deficiency, lack of food, fatigue and weakness, and women's dirty mania, especially suitable for women, and can be used to cook porridge or make tea.

Glutinous rice: The south is called glutinous rice, and the north is called river rice. Glutinous rice is a warm supplement strong food, with tonic qi, healthy spleen and stomach, astringent and antiperspirant effect, can treat thirst and polyuria, self-sweating, soothe emotions, improve depression, improve sleep quality, spleen and stomach disorders caused by loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating diarrhea also has a certain alleviating effect, but also enhance the body's immunity.

2. Eat four dishes

In addition to the four kinds of sweet foods, the Qingming Season is also very suitable for eating four kinds of seasonal vegetables, namely leeks, bitter chrysanthemums, spinach, and cabbage.

Leeks: As the saying goes, "spring onions in the first month, leeks in February", leeks have the best quality in spring, the most beautiful taste, and the highest nutritional value. Leeks warm tonic kidneys, conducive to the rise of Yang Qi, delay aging, can improve the body's immunity, rich in dietary fiber, can moisten the intestines laxative, help excrete toxins from the body. Men should eat more leeks, as the saying goes, "women do not leave the lotus, men do not leave the leek", Du Fu wrote the famous sentence "Cut the spring leek on a rainy night, and the yellow sorghum between the new cooking rooms".

Bitter Chrysanthemum: Qingming festival misses relatives, the atmosphere is depressed, easy to fire, liver fire, many people before and after the Qingming began to appear dizziness, red eyes, mouth sores, toothache, acne and other symptoms, which are caused by fire. The bitter chrysanthemum can clear the heat and dispel the fire, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and blind, and has a good alleviation effect on the above symptoms.

Spinach: Spinach can nourish the liver and flat liver, tonify blood and nourish yin, tonify qi and adjust, quench thirst and moisten the intestines, and have a good adjuvant therapeutic effect on hypertension, diabetes, headache and insomnia, anemia, constipation, indigestion, bruises, blood in the blood, constipation, etc. Note: Spinach is best blanched in boiling water first.

Cabbage: It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling, calming the liver and spleen, cooling the blood and stopping bleeding. Indications for the treatment of damp and hot dysentery, urine edema, gonorrhea, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, menorrhagia, red swelling and pain of the eyes, etc. It is also known as "licorice in the dish". It is rich in protein, sugar, crude fiber, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin C, etc., with a high amount of calcium, 420 mg of calcium per 100 grams of cabbage, and contains a small amount of fat and niacin, which has the effect of promoting digestion, lowering blood pressure, anticoagulant and so on.

3. Customs and diets

During the Qing And Ming Dynasties, there was a custom of eating green dough in the south and eggs in the north. Green dough is made of wormwood mashed and squeezed out of juice, made with glutinous rice flour, and is a common food used in Jiangnan to worship ancestors. In the north, there is the custom of eating eggs on the Qingming Festival, especially in Shandong, boiling eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs during the Qingming Festival means that the Qingming Festival eats eggs and is healthy all year round. The Lubei region also retains the custom of "cockfighting" during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, on which children are topped with boiled eggs, and whoeverse eggs are not broken will win and receive certain prizes.

Twenty-four solar terms health - Qingming health

4. Dietary contraindications

In addition to the above-mentioned four sweets and four dishes and customs diet, we also need to pay attention to some dietary taboos: pay attention not to overeating, do not eat mutton, dog meat, quail, sea fish, shrimp, crab and other acidic foods; eat less salty food such as pickles, pickles, dried salted bamboo shoots, salted meat; avoid eating marine fish, sea shrimp, beef and mutton, muscles and other "hair objects" to prevent the recurrence of old diseases; obese people should also limit calorie intake and eat less sweets.

Second, living and health

Spring to go to bed early and get up early, young people who like to stay up late should adjust their work and rest time, and must get up when they are young (7:00 to 9:00 in the morning), because when the sun is full of yang and stomach, it is necessary to get up early to move, breathe fresh air, stretch the body, and promote the rise of yang qi in the body. If you are lazy for a long time, the yang qi is depressed and does not occur, the depression is long-lasting, and the heart, lungs and brain are disturbed, which can cause people with dizziness and headache, dry mouth, dry throat, upset, unclear vision and other symptoms. Young people who love meat are more depressed, and they are also prone to acne, facial dullness, and myopia. At the same time, it is recommended to take a good luncheon, that is, take a nap at noon from 11:00 to 13:00, and ensure that you fall asleep before 23:00-01:00 at night, which is conducive to the rise of liver qi to prevent spring sleepiness.

Before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the temperature is still changeable, hot and cold, especially patients with spleen deficiency and dampness and cold weight, they should still pay attention to keeping warm when going out, continue to "spring cover", and the focus of covering is the neck, waist, abdomen and calves. Neck by wind chill is easy to cause neck and shoulder discomfort, cold, dizziness headache and many other discomforts, do not wear a low-necked shoulderless top prematurely; waist and abdomen by wind chill is easy to cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, waist sore legs, lower limb pain, numbness and other discomfort, so do not wear the exposed waist and leak umbilical clothing too early; calf cold is easy to cause arthritis, abdominal pain diarrhea, gynecological diseases, etc., Chinese medicine is known as "cold more feet born", so do not wear shorts, socks and thin skirts too early.

Qingming season should also prevent cold and wet invasion of the body, the Qingming season rain increases, coupled with the spring cold has not disappeared, it is easy to lead to excessive cold and humidity in the human body, especially for people with spleen deficiency, because the spleen is transported, the spleen is weak, the water is wet and transported, there will be poor appetite, body turbidity, weight gain, white and thick tongue, sticky stool and other manifestations. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to eat food that warms the stomach and spleen to dispel dampness, and can also use decoction water such as tangerine peel and white art to replace tea, which has a good spleen dehumidification effect.

Third, exercise health

During the Qingming Dynasty, spring is full of joy, going out to walk on the green, is conducive to relieving liver qi, promoting the rise of yang qi, fresh air from the forest field, full of negative oxygen ions, often breathing, can make people's hearts and lungs benefit, great energy, have the effect of eliminating fatigue, preventing spring sleepiness and so on. However, it should be noted that: 1, the elderly morning exercise should not be too early, should start after the sun rises, and the activity should be moderate. 2, Qingming is easy to accompany the rainy weather, go out to walk or visit the grave, pay attention to carrying rain gear, increase clothing, prevent cold and rain, prevent cold. 3, sunny days out and easy to sweat, but also in time to change clothes, keep warm and dry, to prevent moisture intrusion, but also pay attention to snake prevention and insect prevention.

Fourth, emotional health

Qingming season is warm and cold, the weather is suddenly cold and hot, cloudy and uncertain, coupled with the Qingming Festival sweep is easy to make people depressed, sad and depressed, immunity decline, at this time cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver disease, skin allergies patients increased significantly, but also became depression, anxiety and other mental diseases of the high incidence of period. Therefore, everyone should keep a comfortable mood, open-minded, harmonious body and mind, do not be troubled by bad emotions, you can use wormwood to fry water to soak your feet, you can play a role in evacuating wind and cold, dry and wet to stop itching, calm and calm, relax the muscles and activate the blood.

The following teaches everyone to rub your hands, rubbing your hands is a very good blood and liver protection method.

Methods: 1, two hands straight, palms opposite, up and down rubbing, rubbing until the palm of the hand is hot, beauty lovers can rub their hands and then use the palm of both hands to cover the face; 2, the double tiger mouth is relatively grasped, the big fish is opposite, the big fish is rubbed, the big fish is rubbed, and the palm root is hot; 3, the palm is on the back of the hand, the fingers are extended, the left hand is wrapped in the right hand or the right hand is rubbed on the left hand, and the back of the hand is rubbed until the back of the hand is warm. Each movement can be rubbed up to a hundred times.

The hand rubbing regimen can be done once a day in the morning and once at noon, which is a good way to maintain liver protection and raise yang qi in spring.

Function: 1, as the saying goes, "ten fingers connected to the heart", the meridians on the hands are rich, there are three yin and three yang meridians, often rubbing can dredge the meridians, improve circulation, and protect the internal organs. There are also many key acupuncture points on the hand that are stimulated, such as stimulating the Laogong acupoint, which can purify the heart and stomach, calm the nerves and help sleep, and can also eliminate facial sores and play a role in beauty; stimulate the Hegu acupoint, which can refresh the mind, relieve fatigue, activate blood and relieve pain; stimulate the Shaofu acupuncture point, which can purify the heart and fire, calm the mind and help sleep, and activate the blood and eliminate spots. 2, rubbing hands can be nootropic, to prevent Alzheimer's disease; 3, rubbing hands can promote blood circulation throughout the body, promote metabolism, and then play a role in delaying aging.

Twenty-four solar terms health - Qingming health

Release notes: The holiday time of the 2022 Qingming Festival is from 2022.4.3 to 2022.4.5, so this article is released two days in advance, I wish you happiness and health!