
Village Doctor Fairy(33)

author:The autumn water is a long day and a color

Wang Dachun skimmed his lips, "We are doing good deeds, who says that we sell fame and reputation, then I would rather have a few more people in society who sell fame and reputation." ”

Li Ruoxi nodded, "Okay! Anyway, there is no good name now, so let's use it first! Next is the allocation of positions, Dachun you have a lot of money, or you will become the president? ”

Wang Dachun waved his hand, "What is the president, I am idle, I think it is most appropriate for the president to be Appointed by Narada Sister, because her temperament has the style of a beautiful president." ”

Li Ruoxi nodded, "Agreed." ”

Wang Dachun continued, "Sister BingYan is responsible for the safety of the Lan Xiyan Foundation. ”

Li Ruoxi said urgently, "What about me?" What about me? ”

Li Junlan smiled, "Sister Ruoxi, you are responsible for being as beautiful as a flower." ”

Chu Bingyan added, "Dachun, you assigned tasks to others, what do you do yourself?" ”

Wang Dachun grinned, "Hey hey, I'll be responsible for running errands, you beautiful women have a good image, high appearance, and high social status, unlike me, who is just a small farmer." ”

Li Ruoxi rolled his beautiful white eyes, "Cut, I know that you guy wants to be a hand-throwing treasurer, and after a sentence is finished, it is a lazy word." ”

Chu Bingyan nodded, "That is, just be lazy!" ”

Several people discussed until late and rested separately.

The next day, Wang Dachun rode a tricycle to the bank with two sacks of money.

The other money kings Dachun let the girls take it and save it as a private account, after all, the foundation will definitely have a lot of money to spend in the future.

Wang Dachun just stood in line with two sacks, and a woman behind him said impatiently: "Let one let, a waste collector also come to the bank to join in the fun, really!" ”

There is no way, the bank in the small county town does not have a number machine, and can only queue.

Wang Dachun looked back at a middle-aged woman with a hot wave roll, the powder on her face was almost two fingers thick, and her thin lips were coated with bright blood lipstick.

"As you said, those who collect waste can't come to the bank!" Wang Dachun was immediately unhappy, he was most disgusted with this kind of dog-eyed person.

The middle-aged woman looked up and down at Wang Dachun a few times, and said dismissively: "You can make a few dollars by collecting waste products, waste everyone's time here, why can't small deposits go to the ATM machine to do it!" ”

Wang Dachun raised an eyebrow and argued, "What about the waste collection, but I honestly lined up here, eating your family and drinking your family?" ”

At this time, the bank manager Sun Shangshu walked over and saw the middle-aged woman's eyes light up, "Yo, Mrs. Zhang, this time I have come to save money again, your boss is really a daily gold!" ”

The middle-aged woman smiled triumphantly and patted her bag, "But isn't it, the money can't be spent at home for fear of being robbed, or put it in your bank a little more realistically." ”

Sun Shangshu's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he said flatteringly: "That is, the bank is absolutely safe, you are the VIP of our bank, what is the queue, go to the VIP room to handle it." ”

"I don't, I'm going to handle it here, please get this guy out of the waste collection, I think the bank let this kind of person in, it's a bargain!"

Mrs. Zhang looked at Wang Dachun's two huge sacks, which were disgusted and disgusted, these two sacks were dirty, emitted a strange smell, and occupied a small space in the bank.

Sun Shangshu did not have the good sense to rush Wang Dachun directly, but said: "This gentleman, it is good to trouble you to change positions with Mrs. Zhang, let her handle the business first." ”

Wang Dachun's face was unhappy, "By what, obviously I came first, and I was in the front." ”

Sun Shangshu's face darkened, "Mrs. Zhang is a VIP customer of our bank, are you?" ”

When Mrs. Zhang heard the three words of VIP, she couldn't help but proudly raise her short and thick neck.

Wang Dachun shook his head, "I'm not." ”

Mrs. Zhang snorted coldly, "Then you don't let go, you see your two sacks are blocking the road, I am upset when I look at it." ”

Sun Shangshu kicked Wang Dachun's two sacks, "You are full of waste books here, can you put them outside the door first, no one wants you." ”

Wang Dachun showed a playful expression, "That's not okay, the waste book is also seven or eight cents a pound, in case you lose it!" ”

Mrs. Zhang was dissatisfied: "Manager Chen, listen, this countryman is simply incomprehensible, if you don't drive him out today, I will not handle business in your bank in the future!" ”

Sun Shangshu's face changed, and he immediately smiled, "Mrs. Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely drive this countryman out!" ”

Just kidding, Mrs. Zhang is the financial owner of the bank, and no one can offend her!

Sun Shangshu looked at Wang Dachun's face and completely darkened, "Boy, you are not welcome in our bank, please go to other banks to handle business!" ”

Mrs. Zhang said with a look of disgust, "Hurry up! If it weren't for you, the old lady would have done it long ago. ”

Although those melon-eating masses all felt that the two people's approach was somewhat inappropriate, no one said good things for Wang Dachun, did not care about themselves, and hung high, this is modern society.

Wang Dachun's face was also difficult to see, "Hey! You two dog eyes look at people's low things, why let me go, today Xiao Ye will not leave, go and call the president of your bank, I will talk to him well. ”

Sun Shangshu looked at Wang Dachun with disdain, "Just you! I also want to see our president, and I don't pee to take a picture of myself! Hurry up and roll! Otherwise I'll call the security guards to blow you out!" ”

Wang Dachun smiled dismissively and looked at Sun Shangshu with his hands on his chest, "Okay! Then let the security guard out! ”


Sun Shangshu did not expect that Wang Dachun was still a thorn in the head, and waved at the two security guards, "You two, come and throw this troublesome boy out." ”

Wang Dachun laughed, "I'm making trouble? You can really reverse black and white, it's a pity that you don't go to be a traitor agent, I didn't expect that there was a moth like you in the bank, it was really disappointing!

And you, the dead eighth wife, with an upstart face, with two money tails on your body, I guess you don't even know your parents now! ”

Mrs. Zhang's face changed drastically, the powder on her face went straight down, and she pointed at Wang Dachun, "Dead country boy, who are you scolding, believe it or not, I let people kill you!" ”

Wang Dachun smiled, "I really don't believe it!" Who are you scaring! You find someone, I'm waiting for you here. ”

At this time, the two tall and tall security guards came to Wang Dachun and stared at him: "Boy, do you want to get out by yourself or do you want us to do it, I advise you to go on your own, so as not to suffer from the pain of flesh and skin." ”

Wang Dachun sneered, "You really want to drive me away?" I can assure you that if I leave, you will cry and shout for me to come back! ”

Sun Shangshu laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, "Boy, a few dishes in the morning, drink like this, I guess you haven't woken up yet!" ”

A rag-collecter would dare to say something that would beg him to come back, it was crazy!

Sun Shangshu gave the security guard a look after speaking, "Hurry, get him out." ”

A fat security guard nodded, "Boy, since you toast and don't eat the penalty wine, it's no wonder our brother." ”

After the two finished speaking, one left and one right set up Wang Dachun's arm and dragged it out.

However, what the two did not expect was that no matter how hard they tried, they could not drag Wang Dachun in the slightest.

Wang Dachun laughed and teased, "What, you two haven't eaten in the morning, is it because the bank hasn't paid you a salary and can't afford to eat?" ”

"Hmm, this boy is a bit evil, and I still don't believe it!" As a result, the two security guards' faces turned red and did not let Wang Dachun's footsteps move.

Sun Shangshu's old face was a little hanging, "Fuck! You two are really incompetent, you can't even pull personally, what do you want to do? ”

Saying that, he rubbed his hands and also came to pull Wang Dachun.

Wang Dachun's arm shook, the three people fell out at the same time, Sun Shangshu even sat on the sack, he was a fat man of one hundred and eighty pounds, he sat open the mouth of the sack at once, and a stack of big red bills scattered out.

"I'm going!"

Sun Shangshu bounced up from the ground like an electric shock, looking at the banknotes with some disbelief, "This... This, so much money! this...... How much is that! ”

He had already begun to stutter, and although he was already a little numb to dealing with money every day, he was greatly shocked by so much cash.

Wang Dachun looked at Sun Shangshu with a smile, "It's only thirty million, how' it goes, am I qualified to come to your bank?" ”

"Three... Million! ”

Sun Shangshu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Yes! Yes! There must be ah! Sir, please lounge, I will apply for you a special channel. ”

Up to now, Sun Shangshu is like a pug, eager to kneel down and kiss Wang Dachun's white liberation shoes.

He was depressed in his heart, Nima, you are so rich, can you not wear as much as you want rice flowers?

Isn't that a toss-up?

Mrs. Zhang, who had been shouting the fiercest, was already staring at the dog at this time, and she looked at the two sacks full of sacks and was shocked and unable to speak, "Three... Million!!! ”

Shouldn't Nyima's thirty million dollars be hired in a cash truck, just in sacks?

Thinking about the hundred thousand yuan in his bag, he blushed to the root of his neck.

The sack that I was just afraid of avoiding, at this time, it looked so kind, it was simply a treasure bag!

Mrs. Zhang has lived for half a lifetime and finally understands a truth at this moment: whether the sack is valuable or poor is not in itself, but in what it contains.

Wang Dachun looked at Mrs. Zhang with a playful face, "You say I am not qualified to come to the bank to save money?" Don't know how much money you plan to save, is it a few hundred million? Or billions?

I see that the foundation on your face is also a cheap commodity, I believe you are just an upstart who has made a little money, I didn't expect to make you like this! If you're a billionaire, you're going to start eating people! ”

Mrs. Zhang's old face was blushing with shame, and she was eager to find a hole in the ground to drill into, "You... I..."

Sun Shangshu smiled flatteringly at Wang Dachun, "Misunderstanding, sir, all this is a misunderstanding!" ”

"I misunderstood that you were paralyzed, listen, if you don't drive out this woman with a pink face, Lao Tzu won't save money in your house today, I won't believe it, Jin County will be your bank, fuck!"

Wang Dachun looked at Sun Shangshu with disgust, this guy has no professional ethics at all, rich is the grandfather, this kind of person really does not know how to become a manager.

As Wang Dachun expected, Sun Shangshu was really a person who had milk and was a mother, and now he didn't have any temper at all, "Yes, yes, I will kick her out." ”

Speaking, he said to the middle-aged woman: "I'm sorry Mrs. Zhang, or you can cooperate and come back another day!" ”

Wang Dachun is absolutely impossible to offend, and the people who can save tens of millions at a time are definitely top VIPs, and ten Mrs. Zhang are not comparable.

And if this huge deposit is taken, there will be a lot of bonuses, so a Mrs. Zhang will seem a little insignificant.

Mrs. Zhang immediately screamed, "What! Even you want to drive me away? ”

Just now she and Sun Shangshu jointly drove Wang Dachun out, and now the situation is reversed, which is probably called thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, don't deceive the young and poor!

Sun Shangshu smiled bitterly, "Yes, Mrs. Zhang, I also have difficulties, please don't make it difficult for me!" ”

Mrs. Zhang's lungs were about to be blown up, and she pointed at Sun Shangshu, "You humble little person, you really have milk and are mothers!" Now seeing that others have more money than me, I have begun to be a dog, and I am simply a despicable and shameless villain! ”

Being scolded like a dog, Sun Shangshu's face was also difficult to see, "You are right, who let you have no money!" ”

"You you you..."

Mrs. Zhang's face is livid, and she can't say a word, yes, who let herself have no money!

Sun Shangshu gave a look to the security guards, and the two security guards immediately came over and set up Mrs. Zhang and went outside.

The two security guards held their breath in their hearts, just now Wang Dachun did not move, this time we must show a good performance to show their mighty domineering.

As a result, Mrs. Zhang was unlucky, and was thrown out by the two and fell into a. I don't know if the has been eaten, absolutely nibbled on a mouthful of mud.

Sun Shangshu nodded to Wang Dachun, "Dear sir, inside please, your deposit amount has reached the level of Super VIP, we can give you huge discounts and green channels." ”

Wang Dachun tied his pocket with a rope and said, "Deposit? When I said I was going to make a deposit with you, I had changed my mind and went to another bank to deposit money. ”

The bank manager here is simply a personal scum, and he is still a little uneasy about the money stored here!

Sun Shangshu's face changed, and he said somewhat reluctantly: "Sir, didn't you say that I kicked Mrs. Zhang out and deposited money here?" ”

Wang Dachun skimmed his lips, "Hey! I let you throw the woman out, but I didn't say that if you kicked her out, I would definitely save money in your place! ”

Sun Shangshu's face was suddenly like ashes, "You... Are you kidding me? ”

Wang Dachun nodded, "Yes, you only know until now that I play you, congratulations on entering the state of Senile dementia ahead of schedule!" ”

The melon-eating masses laughed one by one, and they were already upset with the bank manager who looked at money.

"You can't go!"

Sun Shangshu suddenly shouted.

"Yow! Don't let me go, I plan to have lunch at noon, and I really have no appetite for eating with people like you. ”

Wang Dachun looked at Sun Shangshu with a look of disgust.

"I said I can't go, you have to keep the money in our bank!" Sun Shangshu's face was suddenly a little sinister.

Wang Dachun stared at Sun Shangshu for a long time, looking at him like a fool, "What, I've only heard of forced buying and selling, and I've never heard of people forcibly saving money!" What's the matter, you still plan to grab money, as long as you are not afraid to eat guns, you can grab it at will, I promise not to stop it! ”

Sun Shangshu's face collapsed at once, he did not expect that Wang Dachun was a hob meat, soft and hard at the same time, "Big brother, please, save money here, I promise to give you the highest interest." ”

Wang Dachun skimmed his lips, "You just give me 100 percent interest and I don't save money with you." ”


Everything that happened in the hall had long been reported to President Zhao Fengnian by Han Wenyuan, deputy manager of the bank.

When Zhao Fengnian ran out, Wang Dachun was about to leave with two sacks, and he rushed over, "This gentleman please stay, I am President Zhao Fengnian, if there is anything offended by your subordinates, please bear more responsibility!" ”

Wang Dachun stopped and pointed at Sun Shangshu: "Governor Zhao, with all due respect, there are such people in the bank here, and I think sooner or later it will close its doors." ”

Saying that, he walked out with two sack heads and did not look back.

The bank manager suddenly broke down in a cold sweat, "Governor, don't listen to his nonsense, the truth is not what you think!" ”

"What are the facts?"

Zhao Fengnian looked at Wang Dachun's back and said with hatred: "Sun Shangshu, your service attitude has always been problematic, but I am usually too soft and tolerant." Now, immediately, immediately go to the finance to settle the salary, yes, you don't want this month's bonus, take the basic salary and get out immediately! ”

The whole hall sounded Zhao Fengnian's angry roar, now the young people are all moonlight clan, bank business is also difficult to do, it is not easy to come to a big customer, let this guy to run away, can he not be angry?

Sun Shangshu looked at Zhao Fengnian's face distorted by anger and knew that he was iron-hearted this time, so he had to go to the resignation report with a bitter face.

He laughed at himself, and today he drove this away and the other, and as a result, he drove himself away.

Zhao Fengnian had a cold face, "Han Wenyuan, from today onwards, you are the manager." ”

Han Wenyuan was overjoyed, "Thank you President, I will certainly not look down on people in the future, and treat every customer as a god!" ”

After waiting for so long, he finally caught this opportunity to turn from vice to regular, and Han Wenyuan was happy in his heart.

Sun Shangshu stumbled at his feet and almost fell to the ground.

Wang Dachun did not care what happened inside the bank, he rode to another bank, and when he passed a small alley, suddenly a van drove up, directly crossed the intersection, and gambled the road dead.


Another van drove from behind, blocking the back road to death, and it was obvious that Wang Dachun's 30 million cash had been targeted by people with hearts.

That's thirty million! Enough to make anyone desperate and fall into a state of madness.

The car door opened, and three people came down from the first van and two people from the second car, each of whom was holding a murder weapon in his hand, and forced Wang Dachun to come over with great momentum.

At the head was a rough-faced bearded man, "Boy, leave the car behind, you can roll!" ”

Wang Dachun looked at it, "Big Brother, what do you want to do, I'm just a rag, are you interested in my tricycle?" ”

A bald man with a fleshy face shook his dagger in anger and shook the dagger in his hand, "Jonima! Let you roll and roll, which so much nonsense, and then do not roll, Lao Tzu will let you white knife into the red knife out! ”

"But you've blocked the road, where am I going?"

Wang Dachun could see that there was a big difference between these people and ordinary little, and the fierce qi on their bodies was not pretend, and they must have lived a life of licking blood with a knife head for many years.

The bald man touched his big bald head, "Fuck! Look at my violent temper, don't want to go, don't go, believe it or not, I let you put a white knife into the red knife out! ”

Wang Dachun shook his head, "I don't believe it, but to kill people is to eat peanuts and rice, do you really dare to kill people?" ”

"Mad! Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for not being polite, I told you earlier that I killed a hundred people, and you still don't believe it! ”

The bald man said as he said that King Dachun had forced him viciously, and said with a vicious face: "Boy, there is a way in heaven that you don't go, and there is no door in hell to break in." To tell you the truth, those of us who have several lives in each hand do not care how many lives you have! ”

"Yikes! Turns out you're all murderers!" Don't come over, believe it or not I'll call the police and arrest you!" Wang Dachun said with a frightened face and retreated.

The bald head laughed, "Haha, now you know that you are afraid? What is the police, we have not killed, there was once a beautiful female policewoman flower, and we raped first and then killed it! ”

"O beast! You have already ruined people's bodies, how can you still kill people! Wang Dachun said indignantly.

The bald head rolled his eyes, "Fuck! Wouldn't we let her go and then come and arrest us? ”

The bearded man said impatiently, "Bald head, don't be particularly abrasive, take this boy away, find a place where no one will solve it." ”

"You guys are still stupid about what to do, you're all stupid!" Hurry up and move the money! ”

Wang Dachun waved his hand, "Wait! A few big brothers originally asked for money, so why don't you let me go, I can give you more money! ”

The bearded man swallowed the spit, "Really! Still have money somewhere else? Where is the money? ”

Wang Dachun shrugged, "Are you stupid? In the bank! ”

The bearded man was furious, "Paralyzed, you're playing laozi!" ”

Wang Dachun laughed loudly, "Good sons, you are finally enlightened, as far as your IQ is concerned, you also want to learn from others to grab money?" It is really a miracle that I have not eaten peanuts until now! ”

The bearded man roared angrily, "I'm Nyima! Find the Dead! Let me kill this little bastard first! ”

The bald head smirked, "Here I come!" Saying that, he shook the dagger in his hand and forced wang Dachun to come over, "The boy is very fat! Dare to tease us murderers, it is really stupid! ”

Wang Dachun smiled lightly, "I see that it is you who are stupid, and even with these scum of yours, you dare to rob Xiao Ye's money?" It just so happens that I have a friend in the bureau who will catch you scum and give them to him, maybe he will be promoted. ”


The bald head could no longer bear Wang Dachun's arrogance, and stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

He was depressed in his heart, he had reported that he was a murderer, he didn't expect this guy to be afraid at all, which was too serious about murderers!

Wang Dachun looked at the dagger as if he was scared silly.

When the dagger was less than half a foot away from him, his body moved, and he reached out with his right hand to accurately grasp the wrist of the bald head holding the knife and squeezed it hard, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of "clicking", and the bald head issued a terrible scream, and the dagger also fell to the ground.


The other people who were preparing to reach out for the money changed their faces and looked over to the two, only to see Wang Dachun grab the wrist of the bald head with one hand, and quickly attack with his left foot, "click" twice, and smash the two feet of the bald head.

This was not the end, Wang Dachun squeezed his other hand again, and this was the end.

Dealing with such a vicious murderer, Wang Dachun would not have the slightest weakness in his hands.

The bearded man's face suddenly changed dramatically, "Not good! Kill that little beast! ”

Suddenly, four people with murder weapons rushed towards Wang Dachun.


Wang Dachun flew up a foot right in the crotch of the bearded man.


The bearded man suddenly let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and his body flew far away, crashing into the van, and then his body slid down, and his body arched into shrimp rice.

The leader of this criminal gang was deposed by Wang Dachun with only one kick.


The faces of the remaining three people changed, and only then did they know the horror of Wang Dachun, this is definitely a practicing family, a master!


One of the skinny men reacted the fastest, and when he ran outside first, unfortunately the road at both ends was blocked by vans, and he didn't have time to escape.

"Want to run now?" Don't think much about it when you kill people. Wang Dachun's feet flickered on the ground, and the bald dagger suddenly flew out, and with a pop, it stuck to the thin man's ass.

The dagger was pierced deeply, leaving only the handle on the outside, and the thin man let out a "whoosh" and let out a wolf-like howl.

The remaining two murderers were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they begged for forgiveness, "Uncle, we don't know Tarzan, so you'll let us go!" ”

"Let you go?"

Wang Dachun looked at the two of them coldly, "I'm afraid that those dead souls will come to me for trouble at night, so you should go with me to the police station and turn yourself in, only in this way can you wash away your sins..."

The two took advantage of Wang Dachun's kung fu to speak, and a dagger and a spring knife stabbed at Wang Dachun in unison.

How could they surrender so easily that they were all fierce and evil?

Wang Dachun accurately grabbed the wrists of the two men holding knives and smiled dismissively, "If I am attacked by you two scum scum, it is better to crash into the chest of the little sister." ”

One of them couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why did you crash into the chest of the little sister, shouldn't it be said that you hit the tofu?" ”

"Are you stupid, bumping into the little sister's chest is not crashing into the tofu?"

After Wang Dachun finished speaking, he broke their hands and feet again, and at this point, the five criminal gangs were all wiped out.


On the other side, Zhang Danian was holding a meeting with the police in the institute, and his face was solemn, "Guys, recently five international A-level wanted criminals have wandered into our Jin County, these five wanted criminals are very vicious and notorious, and they have committed crimes one after another throughout the country, with cruel means and obedient behavior, and it is very likely that they will commit crimes in our Jin County again.

Therefore, the superior leaders attached great importance to it and ordered all our criminal policemen and the police officers in the office to be on standby twenty-four hours a day, and to strengthen patrols. Everyone should pay attention to the fact that when patrolling, do not leave a single, at least two people in a group to ensure safety..."

Next, it's time to play photos of several wanted criminals, personalities, hobbies, etc.

The expression of the police officers is very solemn, it is five A-level wanted criminals, extremely vicious characters, they have been crazy all the way, everyone feels a lot of pressure.

At this moment, Wang Dachun's phone came in, and Zhang Danian looked at it and immediately stood up, "You discuss it first, I'll go out and take a call." ”

"Yo, Zhang Suo, how mysterious, shouldn't that little girl call you?" Deputy Director Song Changdong laughed and teased.

Zhang Danian rolled his eyes, "Don't make trouble! Hurry up and discuss the facts of the case. ”

Saying that, he walked out and answered the phone, "Mr. Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time, how come you have time to call me today?" Are you okay? ”

Wang Dachun rolled his eyes,, it's okay who calls you this bad old man! ”

Zhang Danian smiled bitterly, "Yes, Mr. Wang is surrounded by beautiful women like clouds, beautiful people like jade, shouldn't he call this old man." ”

"So what... Not poor with you, today I caught a few murderers, I don't know if you are interested? ”

"What!" Zhang Danian's hand shook, the mobile phone almost fell to the ground, he was busy and finally grabbed the mobile phone, "Mr. Wang, what did you just say?" ”

Wang Dachun's voice raised a little, "I said that when I just went out to collect waste, I inadvertently caught a few murderers!" ”

Zhang Danian's body trembled with excitement, "Mr. Wang, please tell me about the appearance characteristics of those murderers." ”

Wang Dachun looked at several people before he said, "A man with a triangular eye and a beard, a bald head with a face full of flesh, a young man who is thin and not pulled a few, and a fat man with a full face and a bald head with crooked eyes." ”

"Good! That's great! These guys, they're Class A wanted, how did you get caught? ”

Zhang Danian's excited words were incoherent, just now the entire city's top level was under martial law, to strictly guard against these wanted criminals, did not expect to let Wang Dachun catch in the blink of an eye.

A tall man is a tall man!

Zhang Danian admired Wang Dachun's five bodies to the ground, if he became a policeman, no one else would have a way to live.

Wang Dachun picked his nostrils, "How did you catch it?" I was riding a tricycle on the street collecting scraps, and as a result, these guys ran over and robbed them, and I caught them by the way! ”

Zhang Danian fainted instantly, collecting waste? Wang Dachun which one is singing again, the tall man is the high man, this must be experiencing life.

With Wang Dachun's skill, making money is not difficult at all, how can it be possible to collect waste, is this not funny?

"Mr. Wang, you must not let those wanted criminals run away, I will bring someone over immediately!"

"Oh, can't run!" Wang Dachun smiled, these guys' hands and feet were broken, don't say run, climb can't do it.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Danian ran to the conference room like a gust of wind.

Song Changdong laughed and teased: "Let's see, the elder is excited, I will say that it is the little girl's call, the director is going to start the second spring again!" ”