
When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

author:Tani Hihei

Now the Russo-Ukrainian war has been fought for more than a month, the war is in a stalemate, but after all, Ukraine's population and resources are obviously inferior to Russia, so Ukraine has begun to slowly fail to support, in this case, if there is no strong alliance organization support, then Ukraine's defeat is only a matter of time. But Ukraine knows that NATO is a "red line", if you dare to propose to join NATO, then it will inevitably be devastated by Russia, not to mention that on the cusp of this storm, NATO does not dare to accept Ukraine, so Ukraine has targeted another European organization: the European Union.

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(NATO, the EU, two sides of the same coin, and Ukraine's efforts to join the EU are doomed to failure.)

"European Union" is referred to as "European Union", abbreviated as EU in English, the predecessor of the European Union is the "Community of European States", now has 27 member states, is a unified economic and political organization of Europe. Strictly speaking, the birth of the European Union is actually very short, on December 11, 1991, the Maastricht Summit of the European Community adopted the Treaty on European Union (also known as the Treaty of Maastricht) establishing the "European Economic and Monetary Union" and the "European Political Union", and on November 1, 1993, the Treaty entered into force and the EU was formally established.

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(Originally, the EU tried to form a unified "European legion" to get rid of its dependence on the United States, but it turned out that Europe could not get rid of the United States at all.)

In the nearly 30 years since its founding, the EU has relied heavily on U.S. support in both economic and military matters. Even today, Europe's security problems depend heavily on U.S. guarantees, especially the presence of NATO, which provides military shelter for European countries, and the EU and NATO, in a sense, are consistent. Therefore, without joining NATO and without the approval of the "boss" of the United States, it is basically impossible for any country to join the European Union, and Ukraine is no exception.

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(Although the performance of the Ukrainian army in the war is quite remarkable, after all, the size is much smaller than Russia, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses)

In fact, there is a very funny joke about Ukraine's accession to the European Union:

When Chernomyrkin was Russia's ambassador to Ukraine, he was asked: When can Ukraine join the European Union?

Chernomyrkin replied: "Immediately after Turkey." ”

The visitor asked, "When will Turkey join the European Union?" ”

Chernomyrkin said: "Turkey will never join the EU. ”

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev quoted on social media about Chernomyrdin's joke about Ukraine's accession to the European Union.)

In fact, Turkey is a typical case, before the establishment of the European Union wanted to join the European Community, in 1999 Turkey officially became a candidate member of the European Union, and now more than 20 years have passed, from the European Community period has been more than 30 years, Turkey is still only a "candidate for membership". You know, Turkey is a real NATO member, but even so, for various visible and invisible reasons, Turkey has never been able to join the EU, and Ukraine, which is not even a NATO member, wants to join the EU, which is really a political joke.

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(The industrial industries of Ukraine and Russia are very complementary, which can also be seen from the weapons used by both sides, and if they insist on breaking away from the Russian industrial chain, they will undoubtedly seek their own death))

In fact, when the Soviet Union just collapsed, because Ukraine and Russia had strong complementarity in industrial industry, the relations between the two countries were relatively close, especially the industrial system that both countries needed, if they could cooperate with each other, they would certainly be able to live a stable life. But after Ukraine was infiltrated by Western propaganda, its thinking gradually changed, and it began to have friction with Russia, which eventually led to today's two-state war. But Ukraine has never thought that it is only used by the West, and the West is now using Ukraine to deplete Russia's national strength, and to exchange Ukraine's national bankruptcy for Russia's decline in strength, and eventually the West can "compete with each other and profit from the fishermen."

When will Ukraine join the EU? After Turkey! When did that soil join? Never

(This is probably zelinsky's truest monologue in his heart.)

Unfortunately, Ukraine has not yet recognized the reality of its own deception and exploitation (of course, it may also recognize it, but deliberately pretends not to recognize it), and still desperately wants to squeeze into the European Union to seek asylum, and this effort can only be futile, and the West will not fight Russia head-on for Ukraine. "Joining the Union" is just a decoy to induce Ukraine to fight with Russia, even if Ukraine shed its last drop of blood for this, there is no possibility of joining the Union.

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