
Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

author:Heian Jiangbei

Ignite the fire of civilization and cast the soul of youth

Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

Recently, the Youth League Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau organized a youth reading sharing meeting with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress, Always Following the Party and Forging Ahead on a New Journey", and held a heated discussion on the "Five Construction and Upgrading Years" work goals proposed by the Municipal Bureau in 2022. Huang Qi, deputy secretary of the Third Joint League Branch of the sub-bureau, participated in the sharing and won the title of "Excellent Reading Sharer".

Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

Let's take a look at the wonderful event scene

Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

At the meeting, the organization studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration).

Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

Huang Qi said: "Tinder: Looking for the Road to China's Rejuvenation", which takes "Looking for the Road to China's Rejuvenation" as the entry point, deciphers the key choices made by the party at the moment of life and death from small details, and also answers why the red tinder can successfully burn the plains in the dark night. Today, more than at any time in history, we are closer to the grand goal of the Great Revival and more confident than at any time in history to achieve it. As young policemen in the new era, let us hold the torch, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, be a good relay, and run together to the bright future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Youth Theoretical Learning ▏ Huang Qi: Be a relay of good times

The joint regiment branches of the sub-bureau and the vast number of young people's police auxiliary police will also continue to adhere to political guidance, strengthen theoretical armament, draw wisdom and strength from the century-old party history, forge ahead in a new journey, build a new era of meritorious service, and greet the victory of the party's twenty-year congress with excellent results!

Source: Guanyin Bridge Brigade
