
The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

author:Tenacious Mango Q

Zhang Meilan was born into an urban family in Xiangtan. When he was 20 years old, he married Long Heping, a farmer in a town in Zhuzhou County. In the first few years of marriage, the husband and wife were harmonious, and the little life was also flourishing. As her husband went out to work, Zhang Meilan took her sister-in-law's husband, Wang Kai.

Wang Kai is a car driver, and it is common to leave early and return late. His wife, Long Hao, has always been accustomed to it.

His wife, Long Hao, is a kindergarten teacher and a local flower when she was young, married to her 20-year-old husband Wang Kai at the age of 22.

Perhaps it is the concept of "female junior, holding a golden brick", Long Hao especially spoils his husband. When they go out, the two always hold hands, head to head, envious of others.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

Soon after their marriage, their love crystallization was born. Long Hao added ding and added mouth to the three generations of single-handed Wang family and became the number one hero. Wang Kai even smiled and closed his mouth, and the family of three originally "lived happily ever after" like the storyline. But the results are unexpected. Here we want to talk about Long Hao's sister-in-law Zhang Meilan.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > one: Is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts</h1>

Zhang Meilan's family is in Xiangtan City, although she is a city girl, her family situation is average. At the age of 19, the family's father returned from a late shift and was seriously injured by an unlicensed van and unconscious. It happened that a temporary worker who had just entered the factory passed by and rescued him and took him to the hospital. At that time, it was not like there were electronic eyes everywhere now, and the driver who caused the accident was not caught for a while and a half. Temporary workers used their money to help them pay for medical expenses.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

Zhang Meilan rushed to the hospital after learning that her father had been in a car accident. My father's temporary workers had already taken care of everything. This temporary worker was Wang Heping, Zhang Meilan's husband.

Due to her father's reasons, Zhang Meilan and Wang Heping met and knew each other. Wang Heping also brought old hens from home from time to time, and native eggs nourished the body of his later father-in-law.

Although Wang Heping is said to be a rural servant. The family's wealth is several times more than Zhang Meilan's family. In this way, Wang Ping's money is also out, and the force is also out.

As the days passed, Zhang Meilan did not know whether to admire or appreciate, and took the initiative to move closer to Wang Heping. At the age of 20, Zhang Meilan married Wang Heping and became a sensation in the local news.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > two: the husband goes out to work, the wife is not willing to be lonely, and hitchs a ride on the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband</h1>

After marriage, Wang Pingping's farm work inside and out was shoulder to shoulder. As the head of the family, he could not spend his days guarding a few acres of thin fields all day. In the spare time of farming, they will go out to work to earn money to support their families.

After her husband went out, Zhang Meilan asked for help in the face of the heavy work of digging soil and carrying water at home. There were also men from the same village who came to help.

At the same time, the sister-in-law's husband Wang Kai is out in the sports car, and from time to time he also brings some fresh fruit to honor his mother-in-law. As soon as I came, I helped my uncle and sister-in-law to do this and that, and the two of them talked and laughed. The mother-in-law looked at it and boasted that she had found a good son-in-law.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

I don't know when Wang Kai and Zhang Meilan, the two people who should not be together, hitched a ride. As a wife, Long Hao has always been in the dark. For her, the sports car's husband came home at 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and 2 a.m. all because of his profession.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > three: paper can not cover the fire after all, the mother and nephew blood test, the truth is revealed</h1>

More than ten years passed quickly, and Zhang Meilan successively added a person and a daughter to the Long family. Whenever the New Year festival, the sister-in-law will also take the family of three back to her mother's house to reunite, and the family will be happy.

Once, during a meal, I talked about the child's appearance. Long Hao inadvertently found that a pair of nephews and nieces of his mother's family did not look like his brother Long Heping, nor like his sister-in-law Zhang Meilan, and no one could say what he was. The good child next to him said: My brother looks like me, and my brother looks like me.

The dragon looks good, it is really like that, but everyone thinks that the cousin is not strange. Strange was the loudly response of the sister-in-law, who had been silent: who said it, who said it, didn't look like it at all. A face has long since swollen to the color of pig's liver.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

I should also wear this thing. Long Hao's mother lost too much blood in the hospital and asked her family to donate blood. Long Ping had a cold, so he let his son Long Moumou donate blood for his grandmother, but the result was that his son was type A blood. I and my wife are both B blood, how can I give birth to a child with type A blood? The always honest Dragon Peace set his sights on his wife...

His wife, Zhang Meilan, saw that things could not be hidden, and she told all about the interactions with her sister-in-law's husband Wang Kai in the past few years.

Poor Dragon Heping wore a green hat for more than 10 years, raised a child for others for more than 10 years, and then looked at the face of the younger daughter who resembled her brother-in-law, and all the truth came out. Finally, Zhang Meilan also said that the mother-in-law also knew about this matter, the adults were staying, and the mother-in-law knew about this matter why she did not say it earlier?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > four: the confused mother-in-law, which contributed to the breakdown of two families</h1>

After the mother-in-law was discharged from the hospital, the family asked about the family scandal, and the mother-in-law said: On the one hand, the son, on the other side is the daughter, I can't bear to hurt any of them, I can only hide it, how long to hide it.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

Confused, really confused, to know that the paper can not cover the fire of the old man after all, the so-called "good intentions" will only make things develop to an irreparable situation, and who is the most hurtful in the end?

As the saying goes, "rabbits don't eat nest grass", the mother's sister-in-law Zhang Meilan, brother-in-law Wang Kai, where should your face go? Let the dragon be at peace, why is the dragon a good brother and sister? When the three children grow up, how should they get along?

Besides, there are people outside the husband for more than ten years, as a woman has not been suspicious? Still really unwilling to believe and delude yourself.

The sister-in-law intervened in the marriage and destroyed two families - many years of nephews into stepsisters, where do the bitter brothers and sisters go from one: is it grateful for a woman in the city to marry a peasant? Or love? After a few years of marriage, I saw different thoughts and two: the husband went out to work, the wife was not willing to be lonely, and took the "well-informed" sister-in-law husband three: paper could not cover the fire after all, the mother's nephew blood test, the truth came out four: the confused mother-in-law, contributed to the rupture of the two families

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