
Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

Hello, hello everyone, I'm Hanabi. Perhaps the most talked-about news in the world recently is the war between Russia and Ukraine. I talked a lot about Russian banknotes, but Ukrainian banknotes have only talked a little bit, so in this issue we will talk about Ukrainian banknotes.

Monetary unit: hryvnia

Since independence from the Soviet Union, Ukraine has begun to have its own currency. Its unit of currency is called the hryvnia. The hryvnia was Ukraine's monetary unit before it became a member of the Soviet Union, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine underwent a currency reform in 1996 to redefine the currency unit as the hryvnia.

The current exchange rate is 100 hryvnia, which is about 21.6 yuan. At present, the highest denomination in Ukraine is 1000 hryvnia, which is 216 yuan.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

Ukrainian banknote version

Since the independence of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has issued four versions of banknotes, namely the 1992 series, the 1994–2001 series, the 2003–2018 series and the 2014-2020 series. All hryvnia banknotes printed and officially put into circulation in 2003 and thereafter are currently valid in Ukraine.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

1992 Series

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

1994–2001 Series

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

Series 2003–2018

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

2014-2020 Series

Introduction to banknotes in circulation in Ukraine

Banknotes in circulation in Ukraine come in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 hryvnia. Among them, the low denomination 1, 2, 5, 10 is the old version of the 2003 version, and the rest of the high denominations are the latest version.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

In terms of banknote design style, since the 1992 edition, the front of the banknote is a portrait of a historical figure of Ukraine, and the back is a famous building of Ukraine. Let's take a brief look at the 10 denominations of 1 to 1000 hryvnia.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

1 Hryvnia was fronted by Grand Duke Vladimir of the Principality of Kiev (979-1015), a Guros politician and military activist. He was the most effective Rus' monarch before the Mongol invasion, and had a great influence on the territory, religion, culture, and legal system of the Rus' state. He declared Christianity the state religion of Rus'.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

1 On the back of the hryvnia is the historic ukrainian city of Vladimir (Kiev Oblast), built during the reign of St. Vladimir and the center of the ancient city of Gurowskiev.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

2 On the front of the hryvnia is the wise Yaroslav 32.1, who was the Prince of Ancient Rus, the Grand Duke of Kiev. During his reign, he presided over the codification of the Rus' Code, advocating marriage with the royal families of European countries, and his reign was the most powerful period of Kievan Rus' reign.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

2 On the back of the hryvnia is the Hagia Sophia. Built during the reign of The Wise Grand Duke Yaroslav, The Hagia Sophia is one of the top ten attractions of Kiev and is an outstanding representative of Ukrainian Baroque architecture. In 1990, it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

5 Hryvnia front is Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595?) –1657), he was the first chief of the Cossack Emirate and the father of the Ukrainian nation. A city with an area named after him. In the center of Kiev stands his monument.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

5 On the back of the hryvnia is the Ealing Church in the village of Subodiv. In 1653 Bohdan Khmelnytsky ordered the construction of the Elin Church in the village of Subodiv in Cherkasy Oblast, where he was buried after Khmelnytsky's death in 1657.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

10 On the front of the hryvnia is Ivan Mazepa (1639-1709), a Ukrainian chieftain of the time of Peter the Great (1687-1709). In modern times, Ukraine is regarded as the second hero after Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

10 On the back of the hryvnia is the Kiev Bichel Cave Monastery. One of the famous monuments of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, the monastery has had a great influence on religion, education and scholarship in Ukraine from the Middle Ages to modern times. In 1990, it was listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the front of the 20 hryvnia is Ivan Franco (1856–1916), a Ukrainian writer, poet, translator, and doctor of philosophy. Known as an "encyclopedic figure". He is fluent in 14 languages and has left more than 5,000 works in more than 10 fields such as literature, poetry, drama, philosophy, history, language, etc., and is currently the only Ukrainian to be selected for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the back of 20 hryvnia is the Lviv Opera and Ballet Theatre, built in 1900 in a classical architectural style that uses Renaissance and Baroque architectural styles, and the interior and exterior decoration of the theater is known for its opulence and exquisiteness.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the front of the 50 hryvnia is Mikhailo Khrushevsky (1866-1934), a Ukrainian historian, social activist, and politician. He was the first President of the People's Republic of Ukraine from 1917 to 1918.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the back of the 50 hryvnia is the 1917-1918 Ukrainian Central Council (Rada), now the Teachers' Activity Building in Kiev City, next to which stands a statue of Khrushevsky.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the front of the 100 hryvnia is Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861), a Ukrainian poet, artist and humanitarian. His literary works are regarded as the founders of modern Ukrainian literature and even modern Ukrainian.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the back of 100 hryvnia is the State Taras Shevchenko University in the capital Kiev, named after the frontal figure Taras Shevchenko, founded in 1833.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the front of the 200 hryvnia is Lesya Ukrainian Inca (1871-1913), the only woman printed on Ukrainian currency. He was a talented poet, playwright, lyric and prose writer, literary critic, translator and folklorist, as well as a social activist. The most famous boulevard in the city of Kiev is named after her.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the back of the 200 hryvnia is the tower gate of Lutsk Castle. Founded in 1350, Lutsk Castle in Lutsk Oblast is currently the largest, oldest and best-preserved castle in Ukraine.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the front of the 500 hryvnia is Grigory Skovaroda (1722-1794), a Ukrainian philosopher, educator, and poet. His philosophical theories and philosophical views had a profound impact on modern Ukrainian literature and philosophy.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

The 500 hryvnia on the reverse is the Kyiv Mahleyan Academy, founded in 1659, is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine, and many celebrities in Ukrainian history graduated from this, such as: 500 positive philosopher Gregory Skovaroda and 20 positive writer Ivan Franco.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

1000 Hryvnia Front is Vladimir Vilnasky (1863–1945), Soviet mineralogist who is considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and radiogeology. Former President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

On the back is the building of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev.

A brief summary

From small denominations to large denominations, a survey of the Ukrainian hryvnia reveals the context of Ukrainian historical development.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

The banknotes of the 1 and 2 hryvnia represent the once powerful and historical glory of medieval Ukraine.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

The 5th and 10th hryvnia banknotes represent the struggle of Ukraine for national independence and the freedom of its people in the 17th and 18th centuries, and the Cossacks were a people full of enthusiasm and freedom.

Ukrainian banknotes: hryvnia, have you ever seen it?

20-1000 hryvnia shows that modern Ukraine is a country that respects culture and art, pays attention to education and ideas, and prints writers, poets, scientists, artists and so on on the national currency.

Ok, this issue will talk so much, a brief understanding of the Ukrainian hryvnia banknotes, after the real money will be talked about in detail. Ok, we'll see you next time.

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