
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

author:100,000 degrees of pickup

The benefits of watching horror movies

01. Satisfy the curiosity and curiosity

02. Enhance nerves, gain weight and taste

03. Increase the chance of physical contact with your sister

The most important point is that there is a thrill in watching horror movies.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

What is a movie? Film is a dream-making machine invented by humans, the purpose is to let the audience travel freely in the imaginable and unimaginable space of consciousness, you can wander the past and the future, you can experience pain and pleasure, since it is a dream, there will be nightmares, horror movies are our nightmare experience.

According to the classification of human emotions, 100,000 will generally divide movies into three categories, comedy (laughing at the dead), tragedy (crying dead), and horror (scary dead).

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

100,000 teachers, what kind of AV is it?

Speaking of the female classmate of AV, 100,000 must solemnly explain that the AV movie genre does not actually exist, like Yuya Mikami, Yui Hakatano, Uehara Aya, Yoshizawa Akira, Ryo Hashimoto, Winter Moon Maple, Ryo Morikawa, Mizuho Uehara, Suzu Fukagawa, Erika Momotani, Kitano Lookout, all of which are your fantasies.

By the way, after class, find a teacher, and the teacher will tell you about these profound topics of life.

Watching horror movies is one that allows you to experience two extreme emotions, pain and pleasure at the same time. Freud believed that there is an instinct for attack and death deep within human beings, with the urge to destroy everything and gain true peace, such as the urge to jump when we stand on a high place. This means that human beings have a special mentality of pursuing fear, which is commonly referred to as death, playing roller coasters, playing extreme sports, climbing high on the edge of buildings, screaming in the throat, and the brain is climaxing in pleasure.

Human nature is inherently good, that is all deceptive nonsense, that is human beings looking for a sense of existence in morality, human nature is inherently evil, usually we are constrained by law and morality, suppressing the "evil" in our own nature, when watching horror movies, enjoying the pleasure of crime, but also found the catharsis channel of "evil".

As for saying that horror movies will lure audiences into committing crimes, this is as ridiculous as preaching that the open sex industry will breed rapists. Conversely, the more high-security and high-welfare countries, the more popular horror films are, such as Northern Europe and Singapore, where horror films have unimaginably high box office.

In 2016, the global film market shrank, and there were many fewer good-looking movies than in previous years, especially domestic films, those directors who sat on the altar scrambled to lose Maicheng, there were crying fathers, there were also scolding women, film critics, film critic websites have been shot, a chaotic scene, not lively.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The boss of LeEco added a topicality to "The Great Wall"

Unexpectedly, there are many horror movies in 2016.

Let's take a look at some of the best horror movies of 2016 with 100,000.

Zombie theme

Representative works "Fatal Phone", "Please Call Me a Hero", "Busan Trip"

From 1968 George W. Bush A. Romero began creating zombies in Night of the Living Dead, a creature that took on an important mission to exterminate humanity. "Deadly Phone", "Please Call Me a Hero" and "Busan Trip" are three of the more representative zombie films in 2016.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Although "Deadly Phone" is written by thriller master Stephen King, but the texture is rough, the plot is flowing, the Douban score is only 4.6 points, and the American bad film is a piece, and the only thing to remember after watching it is that the virus is transmitted by mobile phones.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Please Call Me a Hero and Busan Trip are from The Celestial Dynasty's neighbors Japan and South Korea, respectively, and both films are based on successful manga. The plot is compact and sincere, and it is two rare boutique zombie films.

Related article: The Japanese corpse tide is too ferocious, and the zombies in Busan are like the mentally handicapped

In particular, "Busan Trip", frantically brushing the screen in China, has caused a phenomenon-level hot topic, and the water army is in a tidal wave.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Major film platforms have given "Busan Trip" high praise, and "Busan Trip" has received fame and fortune.

Supernatural events

Representative works "Conjuring 2", "Crying", "Cruel Room Can't Live"

Although Wen Ziren's "Conjuring 2" has not made much progress compared with the previous work, or even inferior, the operation of the mirror is smooth, the degree of completion is high, and the fright effect is excellent, and Wen Dao handed over a satisfactory answer sheet for fans. In the same genre, "The Conjuring 2" is an outstanding work.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The classic horror image of Nun Marilyn Manson

South Korean director Luo Hongyi has sharpened his sword for four years and achieved a classic horror film in 2016, "Cry", which is a hodgepodge of suspense, thriller, crime, religion, folklore and other elements. Although "Crying" did not reach the height and reputation of "Busan Trip", it was also fascinated by the unconventional structure and the puzzle-riddled plot, and Harlem's analysis of Douban abounded.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"The Cruel Room You Can't Live in" is a very exquisite and exquisite horror film, which may be the most elaborate ghost film that has been seen by 100,000 people, and the data and character scenes spanning decades in the film are even more costless restorations.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The film itself is more like a scientific research film, entangled, stripped away, and gradually approaching the horror of the truth. The shortcomings are too refined, causing the audience's attention to shift, but diluting the sense of fear. This is not as good as its rough fanwai "Ghost Talks about a Hundred Scenes", and it is recommended to watch the two parts together in pursuit of the frightening effect.

Evil ghost theme

Representative: "My Ghost Master", "Before Waking Up from a Dream", "Middle Evil", "Witch"

Thai ghost films are becoming less and less professional, scary ghosts are less and more ghosts are in love and teasing. "My Ghost Master" is a Scary, Romantic and Funny Thai Ghost Film, highlights: the heroine's appearance is quite high.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Patients with dense phobia should watch this film with caution

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The temperament of "Before Waking Up" is a bit like the Spanish horror film "Mama" released in 2015, the concept is very fairy tale, the plot is complete, there is no side leakage, the biggest highlight is Xiao Zhengtai, and the whole heart will be melted when he speaks.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Witch" has many advantages, the cold atmosphere, clean shots, exquisite composition, and the curious witch culture perspective make the whole film full of a strong sense of mystery and art, and the horror also subtly invades the audience's heart, rather than forcibly using sound effects and plasma to frighten.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

A non-professional director who has never made a movie, the cost of 70,000 soft girls, and 18 days of shooting have made a horror movie called "Middle Evil" that has been called the most frightening horror movie in 10 years.

In fact, 100,000 people think that "Middle Evil" is far less awesome than what the followers say, but in China's forbidden land of horror films, there are young directors like Ma Kai who have pursuits and ideas, which is really a blessing for film fans, and Chinese film fans also know how to love and encourage these directors.

One hundred thousand thought of Hao Jie and "Singles", thought of Xin Yukun and "Labyrinth of Hearts", their films are also very rough, but the heart they love movies, we can all feel. This is the hope for the future of Chinese cinema.

Crime themes

"The Nameless Female Corpse", "Hold Your Breath", "Human Removal Project 3"

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

One night near 2017, 100,000 watched "The Nameless Female Corpse", a surprising work in which the heroine lay on the dissection table and did not move from beginning to end, but contributed the most important scene, scaring you.

It must be mentioned that this female corpse should be the most beautiful female corpse seen in 100,000.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The actress who plays the female corpse, Ophelia, was named the 65th most beautiful face in the world in 2010. In 2011, she was ranked 76th among the 100 most beautiful women in the world.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Hold Your Breath" and "Silent Night" are two horror films with swords on the edge.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Hold Your Breath" tells that three bear children went to a blind man's house to steal money, and the blind man who did not expect it was a "bear blind man", and the three bear children became weak and forced to be hunted. The film was nominated for Best Sci-Fi/Horror At the 22nd American Critics' Choice Film Awards.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Silent Night" tells the story of a deaf and mute female writer who is beautiful and rich and then a little literary and artistic, despite the objections of her friends, living alone in a big house in the suburbs, only to be targeted by perverted murderers and stage a bloody hunting game.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

In terms of ratings, "Hold Your Breath" is much more beautiful than "Silent Night".

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

The worldview of "Human Eradication Project" is becoming more and more complete, and "Human Eradication Project 3" is not only a low-quality plasma tablet, but also has a profound expression of politics, religion, and education. The victims of this night of the Great Purge were not the P people, but the future President of the United States, no, the Female President. The pattern has been upgraded, but the picture is still rough.

"Human Elimination Project" is expected to become a generation of classics, and 100,000 are looking forward to the release of "Human Elimination Project 4".

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Speaking of the director of Deadly Neighbors, it's remarkable, Marcus Dunstan is the screenwriter of the Beast Meal series, the Chainsaw Horror series, and he has also written and directed the classic "Night Devil" two in the hearts of many fans. The male protagonist of "Deadly Neighbor" is also the male protagonist of "Night Devil". Still bad guys to bad guys, chambers of secrets and assassinations, although the quality is not as good as "Night Devil", the look and feel is super cool, like Marcus Dunstan Don't miss this one.

Other subject matter

Representative works: "Horror Holiday", "Desperate Live", "Shark Beach"

"Desperate Live" and "Friend Request" are fashionable horror genres aimed at small fresh meats who like internet social networking.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

In 2016, online live broadcasting was a big hit, and Internet celebrities crawled on major social platforms like maggots after the rain, and at the same time, online violence has become a topic of global concern. Desperate Live attempts to delve into these topics.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Holiday of Terror" and "26 Ways to Die 2.5" are both collections of horror short stories.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

Each short story in Holiday of Horror is named after an everyday festival.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

26 Ways to Die 2.5: The M File is named after an English word that begins with 26 letters M.

It is impossible to guarantee the quality of each fragment in this short story collection, and the disinterpretation of the story is also a fatal flaw that affects the audience's feelings. Fortunately, there will always be a few masterpieces that will make people shine.

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time

"Shark Beach" and "Deep Sea Escape" are both series that watch sharks abuse long-legged beauties.

The color of "Shark Beach" is also quite good, and the Douban score is not low.

100,000 have written a text for Amway over this film.

The welfare film list, a total of 36 horror films, is a hundred thousand a carefully calculated, missed is a pity:

2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time
2016 horror movie inventory, select 36 horror movies to watch at a time