
Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Scramble for the ferry, scramble for the ferry, startle a beach of gulls and herons.

Inexplicably, I feel that Alandron's life is alluded to Li Qingzhao's poems, whether it is the achievements of the European film industry or his own feelings.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

In fact, his emotional line and career line are intertwined.

He has shocked countless women with his mesmerizing screen image. The actor, the model, the singer, which one is the best of the gulls, and I don't know if it is because of his fame or profit?

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

There is only one exception, Romischneid.

If you have to say who hitched a ride on whom, it was also Alain who bargained. In 1958, when the two first worked together, Romey had become the rose of all of Europe with the film series "Princess Sissi".

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Alain, on the other hand, has just been in the film and television circle, saying that he is a rising movie star.

But the rising star also had to rely on picking up Romey and personally delivering a large bouquet of roses to win the next day's media headlines to rub the heat.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

At that time, Romey was not interested in this handsome guy who was too serious and too vulgar.

And Alain also made up his mind about the simple and dignified Romei: this is a little girl who does not understand the world.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

It turns out that Romei really doesn't know the world, and she looks at the wrong person.

Too much of a serious book is not a serious one, but a prodigal son of a disciple. Romey was fascinated by this wandering brother who changed out of his suit and put on his regular clothes, was often late, and was late for only one smile and killed all the young and old.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Was Romei mistaken by Alain for life, or rather by her own stupidity and naivety?

Her mother, who had long been mixed into a king kong body in the entertainment industry, warned her that such a handsome man would not belong to her alone. But so what, the advice could not withstand the words "my doll" that Alain left in the hotel letter to Rome when he left.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Romey was dumped by him for 20 years and died in 1982 at the age of 43.

At her funeral, Alain still called her "my doll" in her eulogy, except that he had been expecting to be with her more than 20 years ago, but more than 20 years later he was dead.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

The 20-year-old Romey was dragged by the phrase "my doll" and flew to Paris the day after Alain left, despite several films waiting for her in Cologne.

All she had to do was a short five years of love.

What is engagement, and then marriage to another woman proves that marriage does not guarantee Alain's loyalty to feelings.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Even in this short 5 years, Alain let the French supermodel Nicole in and made a child.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Nicole appeared in Alain's emotional world, as if only to punch Romey in the face more favorably.

Alain and Nicole were only on a whim, so they resolutely refused to admit the children born later, and directly sentenced them to illegitimate children.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

But the next Natalie was treated differently.

She was also pregnant, and in 1962 Nicole popped up, and in 1963 she appeared on stage, with a straight stomach everywhere.

Alain's riot provoked even more indignation, and he left a note for Romei, telling her that he had gone with Natalie.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

If you want to leave a note when you want to fall in love with someone, you also leave a note when you dump someone else.

Is Alain's word so beautiful, do you have to show it in solemn feelings?

Alain's only marriage in his life was with Natalie, but it was also the most obvious joke of his life.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Those who are green to others will eventually be green.

Natalie's affair with Alain's bodyguards was a sensation throughout Europe in 1969. This loser woman, green husband at the same time almost sent her husband to prison.

Just because Alain had said that he was going to kill the bodyguard, and the bodyguard was killed in due course.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Alain had always said that women made him.

This is also true, without the pursuit of women, his prosperous appearance is not too sorry for the years. But after thousands of sails, the last thing he could hold was three dogs.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Although two more women, Mileye and Rosalie, later accompanied him through thirty years, neither of them accompanied him to the end.

Mireye died in 2017 after breaking up with him.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Although Lolita is still alive, the two broke up as early as 2002.

His Natalie, after becoming an ex-wife in 1969, survived until her death in 2021.

There is also Darida, who was in love with him for a short time, who has been dead for more than thirty years.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

For the rest of Alain's life, he was left to attend the funerals of his various women and old friends.

The women, in addition to leaving him with all sorts of memories and misses, two left him with three children in total. Natalie's son, Anthony, and a son and daughter of Lolita. Yes, not including Nicole's illegitimate children.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

But he couldn't find happiness in the children.

Anthony, 57, has grandchildren.

His 32-year-old son and 28-year-old daughter could not stay with him in a manor house in the deep Swiss woods.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Yes, Alain, who was plagued by various ailments in old age, settled in Switzerland. Because he wants to be euthanized in the future.

In his large estate, there was a room for the children, but the children hardly came. The garden, the pool, the great lake all seemed to have nothing to do with him, he was only active in the room and the cemetery.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

In the cemetery lay fifty dogs that had accompanied him, and there was a church waiting to bury himself. Now, he's just passing the time with three sheepdogs.

All he had fun with was feeding his buddies every day, and then looking at the 6 dogs on his night shift. The nap was too lonely and could only be accompanied by those three dogs.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

This lonely man was no longer accustomed to dealing with people, and as he said himself, he had been tired of fame all his life, unable to go shopping freely, unable to go to restaurants or watch performances.

The last woman who accompanied him, Rosalie, the mother of his young son and daughter, had come with the children twice, most recently when her dog died and they sent them back for burial.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

He had thought that the manor was for the family to live in, but in the end it was he himself who grew old here alone.

He didn't dare to look at the video tape that filled the room, because the only people inside were still alive. He, on the other hand, now needs crutches to move around.

Fascinated by countless women in his life, Romey mistakenly for him for life, and Alandron only had 3 dogs as companions in his later years

Alain's lifelong pursuit of success, success that is worshipped by women. But, in the end, the end of the woman, the end of the world, gave him only three dogs.

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