
Oil prices have risen for 6 consecutive years and hidden price increases? Fuel car owner: I can't afford to drive a car, what to do?

On March 31, the price of zero point oil was raised by 110 yuan / ton, which was converted into a liter of eight cents to about a dime, the average price of No. 92 gasoline has reached 8.73 yuan / liter, and No. 95 gasoline has come to 9.31 yuan / liter.

Oil prices have risen for 6 consecutive years and hidden price increases? Fuel car owner: I can't afford to drive a car, what to do?

It's really up and up, and whenever you think that international oil prices are so low, the next time it's time to go down, he can go up again. Many fuel car owners almost didn't jump to their feet and curse people. Don't hurry to look down, in addition to this bright rise, what Ah Guijun wants to say here is another wave of "dark rise".

Oil prices have risen for 6 consecutive years and hidden price increases? Fuel car owner: I can't afford to drive a car, what to do?

How did this dark rise come about? According to the latest written version given by the National Energy Administration, China VIB gasoline will be fully supplied nationwide by New Year's Day in 2023 at the latest.

Explain it to a small partner who does not know.

Oil prices have risen for 6 consecutive years and hidden price increases? Fuel car owner: I can't afford to drive a car, what to do?

The difference between China VI A and China VI B is the emission standard, the emission standard of China VI B is more stringent than that of China VI A, and the current method of emission reduction is to mix alcohol in gasoline, which is often said to be ethanol gasoline, in order to meet the standard. China VI A can meet the emission standards of about 10%, but now that China VI B is coming, what should I do? More exchanges. It is expected that The country 6B may have to be exchanged to about 15%, what is the end? Gasoline will be more intolerant than now, before a tank of oil can run six or seven hundred kilometers, after the country 6B can only run more than five hundred, which is what A Guijun said the oil price has risen darkly.

Guiyan Hall

Oil prices have risen and gone, even changing the law. Even if the oil price rises, the new energy vehicle companies will also rise because of the chip problem, and the friends who have not yet bought the car are pinching the money to see and see, and do not know when to start well. And the owners of the fuel vehicles who have bought the fuel car are complaining because of the rising and rising oil prices, and now the owners are really difficult. What do you think of that? Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments section.

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