
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture

author:Sanjiang release
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture

Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to Paint a Picture of Happiness

The yellow walls of Dewa, the green water and green mountains, and the scattered characteristic houses are particularly eye-catching in the reflection of mirrored rice fields, and the ethereal clouds and mist of the distant mountains are like a fairyland. Recently, the reporter walked into the Red Village tun of Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, and a moving picture of rural revitalization came into view. Villager Lu Yunjian told reporters that this is a "big gift package" brought about by the Guangdong-Guangdong Cooperation Rural Style Improvement Project last year. In recent years, Dongfeng Village has cleverly borrowed the party's policy of benefiting the people "Dongfeng" to solidly promote infrastructure construction and the development of characteristic industries, and the whole village has a new look, and happiness is written on the faces of the people.

【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture

"In the past, the houses in the village basically did not paint the external walls, the exposed brick walls and mud walls were very ugly, last September, the Guangdong-Guangdong cooperation project invested 3 million yuan to renovate the façade of 61 houses in Hongcuntun, and the project was completed in January this year, and the whole village was eye-catching, and I almost couldn't even recognize my own home!" Villager Li Guofeng said that this style transformation, the wall is dominated by light yellow paint, the outline of the building is outlined with wood-colored lines, the roof adopts the common hanging mountain top style in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and adds national elements such as hanging columns and hangings, which are unique in style, beautiful and generous, and have become the most eye-catching landscape in the village.

【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture

The village is beautiful, and the industrial development cannot be delayed. In 2021, Lu Lingjun, a party member of the village, through land circulation, built a 100-mu lotus root planting base in Hongcuntun through the mode of land circulation, with a 100-mu lotus root planting base in Hongcuntun, with good growth, high yield and fast results, with about 3,000 jin of lotus root per mu and an output value of 18,000 yuan per mu. This year, the village adjusted its development ideas, made every effort to develop the rice and fish (snail) comprehensive breeding industry, and strived to build Dongfeng Village into a demonstration base for raw materials for snail powder in Liuzhou.

【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture
【Focus on the 70th anniversary of the county celebration • Happy to see the great changes in the countryside】 Dongfeng Village, Danzhou Town: Borrowing the Policy East Wind to paint a happy picture

"Industrial prosperity is the focus of rural revitalization and the basis for increasing farmers' incomes, agricultural development and rural prosperity." In the next step, our village will concentrate on doing a good job in 'landscape articles', vigorously plant high-efficiency oil tea and high-quality fir trees in the mountains, vigorously develop rice snail breeding and rice and fish farming industry in the water, strive to achieve 'one water dual use, one kind of multi-harvest, one field is more beneficial', concentrate on promoting the integrated development of agriculture and tourism, and make every effort to ensure that farmers increase income, farmland efficiency, and rural beauty. Looking forward to the future, Luo Dunyang, secretary of the general branch of the dongfeng village party and director of the villagers' committee, is full of confidence.

At the end of 2020, the village innovated and implemented the "enclave model" of village collective economic development, and through the integration of funds, the new "Dongfeng Car Wash City Project" was built in the Banjiang community of Danzhou Town, the project adopted an independent operation mode, hired outstanding reserve talents at the village level for management and operation, and obtained collective economic income in the form of income dividends, and the village collective economic income reached 120,000 yuan in 2021.

It is understood that Dongfeng Village is located at the southern end of Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, 12 kilometers away from the government station of Danzhou Town, 209 National Highway runs through the village, and Shimenchong National AAA-level Tourist Scenic Spot is located in the village. The total area of the village is 16.9 square kilometers, with jurisdiction over Dongfeng, Hongcun and Yonghong, with a total of 7 villager groups, 271 households and 986 people, and the forest coverage rate is 93%.

Reporter: Gong Pukang, He Hailin, Xie Xinghang

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