
The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

author:Eurasian kaleidoscope

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been severely damaged! During special military operations carried out by the Russian army, Ukraine lost almost 2,000 Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles! It can be said that most of the heavy weapons of the Ukrainian army have been destroyed!

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

At a regular press conference of the Russian Ministry of Defense this morning, The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, told the media,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

"During the entire period of the special military operation, a total of 125 fixed-wing aircraft of the Ukrainian army were destroyed,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

Shoot down 91 helicopters of the Ukrainian army, shoot down 392 drones of the Ukrainian army,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

destroyed 226 surface-to-air missile launch systems of the Ukrainian army,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

destroyed 1936 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles of the Ukrainian army,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

Destroyed 211 rocket launchers of the Ukrainian army, destroyed 833 artillery pieces of various types of the Ukrainian army, and destroyed 1810 special operations vehicles of the Ukrainian army. ”

Konashenkov also added that last night the Russian Air and Space Force carried out air strikes on 14 military targets in Ukraine! These include: two command posts,

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

Two beech M1 surface-to-air missile launch systems, an artillery position, a touch rocket and ammunition depot, three oil depots, and six tank gathering points.

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

"Before dawn on The 4th of April, the command post of the 24th Independent Mechanical Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city of Lich de Desk was completely destroyed by the air strikes of the Russian Air Force! The ammunition depot next to the command post was also destroyed. Major Konashenkov continued.

The Ukrainian armed forces were severely damaged by the Russian army

In addition, last night under the air strikes of the Russian Air Force, three Ukrainian helicopters in an airfield on the outskirts of Nikolaev were also destroyed.

During the same time, Russian air defenses shot down six Ukrainian drones in the air. Finally, Major General Konashenkov added.

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