
He painted 1261 stars and little people, each of which is a tear-jerking memorial

Maybe you've heard this legend:

After death, people will become stars in the sky, silently guarding the people on the earth; and whenever the people on the earth miss the people who have passed away, as long as they look up at the sky, they can be seen, and they are twinkling in the night sky.

On Kuaishou, there is a post-90s illustrator named Luo Yuan, who has turned this warm legend into reality.

He wanted to draw these people who had become stars, one by one.

"Hello, can you draw a girl in her 30s with short, smiling, silly-looking hair, wearing a blue sunscreen suit and white cropped pants, and white flat shoes?" Mom has been dead for more than a year, and I miss her a lot. ”

"Can you draw a grandfather with a kitten on his body and a star?" Grandpa died of a cerebral infarction, and before he died, he asked me for a kitten, he said he was too lonely, but he died before the kitten grew up, thank you. ”

"Can you draw a little man in a police uniform, my dad has been gone for almost a year, and he was a policeman before he died."

"Hello, can you draw a boy holding a star and singing?" He especially liked to sing and stayed with me for more than a year, but left in a car accident. ”

"Can you draw a little baby holding a star, my little cute go to the sky to be a star for 3 years?"


He painted 1261 stars and little people, each of which is a tear-jerking memorial

In March last year, he had a whim and launched a campaign on Kuaishou called #Paint 1000 Stars Little People#, hoping to collect the real stories of netizens to create character illustrations of the "Star Series".

The most of these stories are those who miss their departed relatives. Luo Yuan created according to everyone's descriptions, and the stars he painted had different shapes, sometimes held in the hands of the elderly, sometimes happily ridden by children, and sometimes became soft pillows for babies.

But one thing is the same, that is, these stars will eventually be colored by highlighters, shining green in the darkness of the night

On May 22, 2021, the day that Grandpa Yuan Longping died, Luo Yuan painted an old man standing in the farmland, holding white rice in his left hand and a star in his right hand, bidding farewell to this great old man who went to heaven.

Luo Yuan's series of illustrations of the Stars and Villains are not only to remember the deceased and send mourning, but also to bring the courage to continue to live for ordinary people who are trying to live.

Children with autism, also known as "children from the stars", live in their own world like distant stars, lonely, quiet, and in little contact with people. The mother of an autistic child left a message to Luo Yuan: "My son is autistic, draw a picture with stars in his eyes and a paintbrush in his hand." ”

The star boy drawn by Luo Yuan not only has stars in his eyes, but also jumps and jumps - I wish all the "children from the stars" can be lively and cheerful.

There is a girl with leukemia, and her star villain is herself, "Can you draw a chemotherapy villain wearing a sick suit with a bald head?" I'm in my fifth month of chemotherapy for leukemia. ”

There are many unfortunate and sick star villains, and Luo Yuan specially held a "collective bright star" ceremony for them. Maybe the light emitted by each star is very weak, but together, we will be able to overcome the disease.

Life is always full of regrets, there are many ideals that cannot be realized, and some people hope that Luo Yuan can help draw a parallel world and realize the ideal of another self.

Through his brush, someone became the dream dancing girl:

"Can you help me draw a little girl in a ballet dress?" Dancing is my wish from childhood to adulthood, but my legs can't dance, so I can never shine on the stage, and that star carries my unknown wish. ”

Someone no longer has to experience violence in schools:

"Can you draw a long-haired girl with oblique bangs who is trying to grow up after experiencing violence in school?" She also wants to hold this star tightly, and she also wants to be a girl who is favored by Heaven. ”

Even the thinest child can become a great football player:

"Can you draw a skinny little boy holding a football?" My son is very thin, he grew up malnourished, he loves football and is always being bullied. ”

Military uncles stationed on the frontier can also see each other every day:

"My uncle is a soldier, stationed on the frontier, and he has not been able to contact him for several months, can you draw a soldier with a star in his hand and look up at the sky?"

Luo Yuan's #Paint 1000 Stars Villains project runs through the entire year of 2021. This year was not a good year, but his star villain gave many people comfort and hope.

Today, he has 630,000 followers on Kuaishou, and the comments section has become a source of inspiration and a large wishing scene:

He painted 1261 stars and little people, each of which is a tear-jerking memorial
He painted 1261 stars and little people, each of which is a tear-jerking memorial

In February 2022, Luo Yuan finally finished drawing 1,000 villains, he made a summary video, received 1.35 million likes, and quickly became popular on the Internet.

In the video, he said: "Thank you for leaving a message this year, this is a painting drawn by 1,000 people together. ”

A steady stream of messages and private messages were still pouring in, and after thinking about it for a week, Luo Yuan decided to continue the "Star Villain" series.

As of March 14, 2022, there are already 1,261 "Star Villains". The 1261st star is an old man sleeping in a wheelchair holding a star. The old man went to heaven on January 1, an ordinary old man and the most precious grandmother in someone's heart.

Every moment the little star is a sustenance, a thought, a relative who thinks about the twilight, they will turn into stars to illuminate the road of our lives, let us be full of strength, teach us to cherish the present, leave no regrets.

They told us loudly at the other end of the road: "The scenery on the road is very good, don't rush to finish it."

Do you have a man who lives on the stars in your heart?