
Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

author:Babaifang Health said

As we all know, the continent is vast

The difference between the north and the south is very large

For example, the north relies on heating for winter, and the south relies on vibrato for winter

The north buys vegetables with sacks, and the south buys vegetables to sell

And most importantly

Northerners love noodles, and southerners love rice

Although the controversy is big, it is also good for each other

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

A variety of staple foods are eaten to meet the tastes of different people, but if you want to say which is the least recommended, Dr. Zhang Wenhong has already given the answer - finished staple food.

In 2020, at the National Academic Conference on Clinical Nutrition held in Shanghai, Zhang Wenhong, head of the Shanghai Covid-19 Medical Treatment Expert Group and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, pointed out:

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

In the treatment of COVID-19, a nutritious diet has played a very important role. At the same time, he particularly reminded that the diet and nutrition method dominated by refined carbohydrates (refined carbohydrates) is difficult to support us to live to more than 90 years old today.

What do staple foods refer to?

Staple food refers to the food that provides your main energy, which can provide you with 50% to 65% of your energy source.

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

In the Chinese mostly use rice and wheat as two major types of whole grains as staple foods.


Finished staple food

Whole grains are refined into white rice and white flour, and the foods produced, such as white rice, white noodles, white steamed buns, white bread, etc., also include bread, biscuits, cakes, etc. called refined grains or fine grains;


Starchy potatoes and vegetables

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, lotus roots, tender broad beans, tender peas, etc.


Coarse grains

Brown rice and whole wheat noodles that have not been completely hulled from whole grains are called coarse grains.


Miscellaneous legumes

Red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, broad beans, peas and so on.

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

Why would Dr. Zhang Wenhong say how unhealthy is a delicate staple food? The main reason is this.

Eat more refined staple foods, difficult to live a long life?

In the process of processing, the process of finishing staple foods will not only lose a large number of nutrients needed by the human body, but also destroy substances that can inhibit the absorption of blood sugar and blood lipids, such as vitamin B, dietary fiber, etc. Therefore, after eating the staple food, the rate and amplitude of the postprandial blood sugar rise is relatively fierce.

For us, we are accustomed to using rice and noodles as a staple food source, and the amount of food eaten in a meal is relatively high, so it is easy to consume too many carbohydrates, but it leads to insufficient intake of other nutrients.

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

A number of studies have found that people who eat more refined grains have a relatively higher incidence of metabolic diseases such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes.

If you can't eat more staple foods, why don't you eat them at all?

This extreme idea must not be done.

Long-term non-eating of staple foods will lead to a lack of carbohydrates in the body, the complete metabolism of fat is blocked, and the production of ketone bodies, which in turn leads to rapid weight loss and serious muscle loss.

The body does not consume carbohydrates for a long time, which may also cause ketoacidosis, lack of various nutrients, electrolyte disorders, inhibition of insulin secretion, and increase the risk of diabetes for the body.

Long-term non-consumption of staple foods can also lead to aging, memory loss, poor skin, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and irritability, menstrual disorders and other diseases.

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

This is the most appropriate way to eat staple foods

Control the total amount

Refined staple foods such as rice, noodles, and steamed buns are not uneaten, but they must learn to control and reduce them appropriately;

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommend that adults need to consume 250g to 400g of staple foods per day, taking adults of 60kg to 70kg as an example, each meal of staple food needs 2 to 3 two rice, or 1 to 2 steamed buns.

Staple foods are diverse

Only eating fine grains or only eating coarse grains is not conducive to health, generally coarse grains and fine grains can be divided into half, and coarse grains should account for at least 1/3. For example, when cooking rice, we can add some coarse grains such as millet, buckwheat, brown rice, kidney beans, and mung beans.

Good at cooking

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

Whole grains and grains due to the high content of dietary fiber, poor taste, must be steamed enough time or cook enough time, otherwise it is difficult to swallow hard bangbang, can also be boiled into soft porridge.

Eat less fried staples

Such as fritters, oil cakes, French fries, as well as fried steamed buns, fried noodles and so on. Although these fried foods are delicious, they are also quite high in calories and fat. Moreover, these foods are also deficient in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

Good reminder

Zhang Wenhong reminded: Don't eat more of this kind of food, otherwise it will be difficult to live to this age

No matter which meal is eaten every day, when choosing staple foods, we must pay attention to health, nutrition, etc., do not go to extremes, do not eat staple foods at all, do not eat too much, learn to eat, in order to have a healthy body.

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