
America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

author:Big bang comment

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I'm sorry, Gentlemen, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude first:

Thanks to your love and attention, the recent humble work "The Poor" only has money and arms left in the United States today's eating picture" has been obtained, and we have rarely read the headline number since we registered the headline number.

We are sincerely afraid, and in the future, we will continue to study with an open mind and carefully code words, so as to live up to the attention and love of the public.

I would like to bow down and thank you, and I will not repeat it.

As a peaceful state founded only 235 years ago, but only about 20 years later, the United States seems to have been born with a war country that is accustomed to "licking blood on the tip of the knife"; and it is "born in Sri Lanka, grew up in Si", and is very good at making war money; however, looking back at the history of the two world wars, you can see that from a "fledgling" to later can easily earn "full pots", as a "war country", the United States has a relatively clear growth vein and development process:

 World War I:

The two major killers of World War I: machine guns and gas bombs

The United States became a "fragrant food" for both sides in World War I to compete for co-optation.

i) e62ba4fe9e0 netizens described the Performance of the United States in World War I as follows:

"In World War I," the United States "whether it is neutral or participates in the war, when it enters the war, and in what form it enters the war depends on whether it can maintain its 'line of interests.'" namely:

(1) "Taking advantage of the war situation in wartime to obtain excess profits in a neutral position and to take advantage of the opportunity to expand into the world";

(2) "To be able to recover war loans after the war and thus to acquire control of international affairs as an arbitrator."

(3) "The direct reason for the United States to enter the war was that the line of interest of maintaining neutrality was broken, so it could only participate in the war to obtain benefits that neutral countries could no longer have."

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

American troops rushing to the battlefields of Europe

World War I, the equipment of American soldiers in the early stages of the war

ii) ALEX Junhe netizen "The American Army in World War I: Defeated Germany, But the Equipment and Combat Effectiveness Relied on Britain and France" commented:

"Before World War I, the United States was still a 'heavily indebted' debtor country", "in the early stages of World War I", "the United States mainly 'did business'"; "But after World War I, it turned into debt to the United States by more than 20 countries, and the United Kingdom alone owed $4.4 billion, so the United States became the largest beneficiary of World War I."

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

A World War I American soldier wearing a gas mask

Although the US army in World War I finally achieved the result of defeating the German army, it was already 1917 when the US army entered the war, at this time, the Anglo-French-dominated Allied forces had gained the initiative to fight against Germany; in The US army in World War I, in fact, did not "turn things around" like in World War II, but more like "the last straw that crushed the camel".

"In world war I, the United States made a lot of war money, replacing Britain as the world's number one economic power after the war, and the rapid development of the economy and the rapid improvement of its international status led to great changes in American society."

In World War I, the role of the United States underwent "four changes":

(1) A "neutral country" that is initially contested by two sides, bets on both sides, and a large amount of arms;

(2) to become a "member of the Allies" who fought alongside Britain and France;

(3) Metamorphosis into "advocates of peace";

(4) Finally become the "biggest beneficiary".

From these four changes in roles and the outcome and impact of World War I, we may have to admire the United States:

First, the pragmatic and opportunist (national policy) grasp of pure fire has reversed the decline of the economy in one fell swoop;

Second, their strong spirit and ability to learn, in the end, "blue out of blue is better than blue" and became "the last straw to crush the (Allied) camel".

 World War II:

i) There may be many different criteria for judging which country contributed the most to the victory in the Second World War; but I think that man is always the most important and crucial factor in determining the victory or defeat of the war, so that the number of casualties in the war between China, the Soviet Union and the United States, which is the three most important allies, as an extremely important indicator, may reflect their respective contributions in one aspect:

(1) China: the total number of casualties exceeded 35 million; the casualties of the Kuomintang and Communist forces were 3.9 million, and the number of civilian casualties exceeded 32 million.

(2) According to statistics, "In World War II, the death toll in the Soviet Union was as high as 27 million!" Casualties totaled 60 million! This made the Soviet-German war the deadliest war in the world of the 20th century."

(3) According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the death toll in combat in the United States during World War II was 291,557.

ii) Perhaps, more fairly and objectively, as the "key gentleman" of the Second World War, the most important contribution of the United States to the final victory over the German, Italian, and Japanese fascist Axis is not its casualty figures, but its important role in the massive material assistance of the Soviet Union and its military actions at key points in the two theaters of Europe and Asia:

(1) How effective was the U.S. $10.9 billion in aid to the Soviet Union in World War II? (2021-03-02 11:49) Says:

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

During World War II, a large number of War Materials from the United States were continuously transported to the Soviet Union, which became a strong support for the victory of the Great Patriotic War

"During the Soviet-German War, various strategic materials provided by the United States continued to enter the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease Act, laying a solid material foundation for the Soviet Union to win the Soviet-German war."

Strategic supplies, including tanks, planes, trucks, grain, and railroad equipment, were continuously sent to the Soviet Union. From 1941 to 1945, the United States shipped strategic supplies to the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease Act, including 18,200 aircraft, more than 7,000 tanks, and hundreds of thousands of American-made trucks, the data showed. The Soviet Union had a vast territory and developed railway transportation, and the transportation of soldiers and materials was heavily dependent on railway transportation. The Soviet-German war destroyed the railway system, but fortunately, with the railway equipment provided by the United States, the Soviet railway system quickly returned to normal. ”

"After the outbreak of war, the Soviet Union needed to invest valuable human and material resources on the battlefield, rather than manufacturing weapons and equipment in the rear. With the aircraft, tanks, and trucks provided by the United States, the Soviet Union saved a lot of manpower and material resources, which could be directly used for combat with the German army. ”

"In four years, U.S. military assistance helped the Soviet Union save about 1.648 million laborers, equivalent to 330 divisions in the later stages of the war. For the Soviet Union, which had already mobilized the whole country, it was a huge help. ”

"With the assistance of the United States, the Soviet Union survived the most difficult years in 1942 and 1943, ushering in the dawn of victory in the Soviet-German war."

(2) The famous military writer Korolev, "How Much Did the United States Aid to the Soviet Union in World War II?" It is 13 times the aid to China, without the United States to aid the Soviet Union would be defeated (2021-08-15 12:57) as follows:

"At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet industry suffered great losses in the German blitzkrieg, and the Soviet Union lost almost all of its industrial powerhouses in the west. In five months, the Soviet Union lost 63% of coal, 58% of steel production capacity and 41% of railway lines, as many as 31,850 industrial and mining enterprises were destroyed, and 60% of the aluminum and 80% of the copper manganese production areas were occupied by the Germans. By the end of 1941 the total industrial output of the USSR had fallen to 48 per cent of the pre-war period. The production of some important industrial raw materials such as pig iron, steel, steel and other production fell sharply. The loss of these industrial bases, and the resulting decline in the production of industrial raw materials, set the stage for the difficult situation of the Soviet army in 1942. ”

Statistics show that the United States provided more than $10.9 billion in supplies to the Soviet Union. According to statistics, the Leased Materials obtained by the Soviet Union at that time were equivalent to today's $150 billion. During World War II, U.S. aid to China was only $845 million, accounting for only 7.7 percent of aid to the Soviet Union. In 1943 alone, U.S. in-kind aid accounted for 21.4 percent of the Soviet Union's total industrial value. ”

"The material supply of the United States had a decisive influence on the development of the SOVIET Union throughout the course of the war. Khrushchev wrote in his memoirs: "Without the extensive armament assistance of the United States, the Soviet army could not have organized any major war, without which it is difficult to imagine the mobilization of a large number of troops in the vast land of Russia'. ”

"Marshal Zhukov of the Soviet Union affirmed the role of U.S. aid in an interview in 1963, saying: 'Now some people say that the Allies didn't really help us ... But, listen, we can't deny that the Americans are shipping huge quantities of supplies to the Soviet Union, without which we would not have been able to equip our army and continue this war. As for the role played by the Lend-Lease Act in the victory in World War II, I think it should be decisive'. ”

iii) European Battlefield:

(1) Tang Guojia TGda, "What Was the United States Doing During World War II?" " pointed out:

"The United States was an isolationist country before World War II, and by 1929 the Great Depression had broken out. Roosevelt's New Deal turned the tide of the tide, and the building was about to fall. He introduced the Lend-Lease Act, which means that any country whose president believes that its national defense is important to the defense of the United States can provide assistance to the United States. That's where the U.S. World Police came from."

Similarly, based on the Lend-Lease Act, in World War II, "first the United States provided military resources to Britain; second, it provoked Germany, and then sold arms between countries, making a fortune."

(2) Ian Keshaw put it this way in his book Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World Between 1940 and 1941:

"Roosevelt always knew that sooner or later the United States would enter World War II, but it was only a matter of time."

On June 22, 1941, Germany did not attack Britain, as one might suspect, but chose to invade the Soviet Union; "it gave new hope and new uncertainty to the Western Allies, mainly Britain and the United States." ”

"President Roosevelt's administration needs to consider a variety of different strategic options."

"But there is still a lot of uncertainty about the war." "First of all, the most important point is whether the Soviet Union can withstand Hitler's attack"? "The U.S. War Department gave President Roosevelt the advice that Hitler's army could conquer the Soviet Union in 1 to 3 months."

"For the United States, the pros and cons analysis is not so clear." "One option for the United States is to wait and see what direction the Soviet-German war will go."

(3) The Battle of Stalingrad from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 (also known as the Battle for the Defense of Stalingrad) was a turning point in World War II, and the Battle of Kursk, in which the German army completely lost the initiative in World War II, took place from July 5, 1943 to August 27, 1943.

According to the plan of the Tehran Conference of the Heads of State of Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union at the end of November 1943 to "open up the second battlefield in Europe", the final Normandy landing of the Us army began on June 6, 1944, less than a year after the Soviets captured the German capital Berlin on April 30, 1945.

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

U.S. troops landed in Normandy, opening up a second european battlefield

Normandy landed, and the American army attacked the European continent

- This historical fact fully reveals the pragmatic and opportunist nature of the United States in fighting in the European theater of World War II; but at the same time, we must also recognize the irreplaceable role played by American material assistance in the victory of the Soviet Red Army:

"'Cheers to American industrial production, this war would have been lost without American production', was said by Stalin himself in a toast during a cocktail reception at the Tehran Conference in late 1943. In any case, U.S. aid to the Soviet Union was extremely valuable. For the Soviet Union, these U.S. aides were neither icing on the cake nor a charcoal in the snow, but a life-saving straw. ”

iv) Asian and Pacific Theater:

With the "Japanese Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor" as the dividing point, the ATTITUDE OF the US Government toward Japan has undergone a fundamental change.

(1) If "without the United States, Japan's war of aggression against China would have collapsed long ago":

"During the entire Period of Japan's War of Aggression against China, almost all of its strategic resources came from the United States; before 1941, 85 percent of the oil japan launched the war came from the United States, and 92 percent of its steel came from the United States."

"Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, at the meeting of states parties to the Washington Treaty in Brussels to discuss the pattern of the Far East, the Chinese delegation explicitly told the representatives of the United States, Britain, France, and others attending the meeting that all the strategic materials such as iron sand, lead, tin, and manganese that Japan's invasion of China depended on the import of Britain and the United States."

On July 1, 1938, the U.S. Department of State issued a "moral embargo" notifying U.S. aircraft companies that the U.S. government would not agree to sell aircraft and aircraft parts to countries that were engaged in indiscriminate bombing. However, after the "moral embargo" was issued, it was completely implemented, and U.S. exports to Japan did not decrease in the slightest, but increased sharply. In that year alone, the value of aircraft sold by the United States to Japan was $17.454 million, more than seven times that of 1937."

"In the five years since the moral embargo was issued, U.S. exports to Japan have continued to grow. In 1939, nearly $200 million of U.S. materiel was exported to Japan for direct military use, accounting for about 86 percent of all U.S. exports to Japan that year. Among them, the amount of scrap steel exports from the United States to Japan that year was 9 times more than in 1938. In 1940, the United States exported $190 million in military materiel to Japan, accounting for about 84 percent of all U.S. exports to Japan."

From 1937 to 1940, the total amount of U.S. supplies to Japan totaled $986.7 million, of which military materiel accounted for $703.9 million. As early as 1938, the United States provided Japan with a low-interest loan of $125 million, allowing Japan to buy strategic materials such as machine tools, steel, and oil from the United States."

Feng Yuxiang once said: "It is the Americans who have been selling steel and gasoline to Japan and drugs to China in order to heal the wounds caused by their bombs."

Had it not been for U.S. aid and exports to Japan, Japan would have collapsed long ago.

Feng Yuxiang has already said that the United States "first sells weapons to Japan, and then sells medicine to China."

(2) In 1937, the famous writer and educator Tao Xingzhi gave a speech when he was leaving the United States: "I returned to China to participate in the War of Resistance. If one day I am killed by a Japanese bomb, please do not forget that fifty-four percent of my body was killed by you Americans"

(3) In May 1938, at a meeting of 5,000 people in Los Angeles, U.S. Congressman Skto said, "Remember, for every 1 million people killed in China, 544,000 people were killed by the United States."

(4) In the early morning of December 7, 1941, the "Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor" as a turning point; on December 8, 1941, the United States and Britain declared war on Japan. The Pacific War broke out.

From this, although we can see the selfish and speculative face of the US military participating in the Asian Pacific theater against Japan, we can also undeniable that the following actions of the US military played an important role in destroying the Japanese militarist will to war:

(5) Bombing of Tokyo: American bombers attacked the Japanese capital of Tokyo on April 18, 1942, as a response to the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor. The move "to show the American people that the attack on Pearl Harbor was by no means the end of the United States and that the U.S. military had the ability to defeat the Japanese army"; and greatly shocked Japan.

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

U.S. forces bomb the Japanese mainland

(6) Bloody Battle of Okinawa: The "Battle of the Broken Door" of the US Army:

On March 20, 1945, the Okinawa Archipelago, known as Japan's "national gate," stated in a new directive that Okinawa was "the focal point for a decisive battle to defend the Japanese mainland."

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

In the Pacific Theater, the U.S. army fought hacksaw ridge

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

World War II Historical Photos: U.S. Forces Capture Okinawa

On July 2, 1945, the U.S. Military officially declared the end of the Battle of Okinawa. At this point, the Bloody Battle of Okinawa ended with the victory of the American Army. By this time, the Japanese mainland was under full allied attack.

(7) Mine blockade:

In early 1945, the U.S. military decided to use the B-29 to launch offensive mine-laying operations in the waters around Japan, pulling the noose around the Neck of the Japanese tighter and tighter...

"The purpose of operation minelaying was threefold: to prevent the transportation of raw materials and grain into the Japanese mainland; to prevent the transportation of Japanese troops and military supplies overseas; and to disrupt shipping along the Japanese coast. The U.S. military gave the operation an appropriate code name for 'Hunger'...".

An old Japanese naval officer engaged in mine clearance operations admitted to the U.S. military after the war that if the mine blockade operation was implemented early, the war would end early.

(8) Dropping the atomic bomb:

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

American bombers dropped atomic bombs

America in World War I: World War I "Green Hairy Boy", World War II "Mr. Key"

The atomic bombed japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, together with the number of missing people, exceeded 300,000 casualties

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, killing and injuring more than 200,000 people. The ATOMIC BOMB attack by the United States shook the Japanese government and opposition, showing a certain deterrent effect. On August 15, Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued the Edict of the End of the War in the form of a radio broadcast, announcing unconditional surrender.

I thought Korolev was quite pertinent in what he said:

Judging from the outcome of this war, the anti-fascist Allies, representing justice, finally defeated the fascist countries representing darkness. Whoever contributed more to this war, the final victory was indispensable to the joint efforts of the Allies and belonged to the just anti-fascist people. ”

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