
The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover

author:Director Qu Lixin

Remember former Barca manager Villanova? He died of parotid cancer in 2014 at the age of 45. His untimely death has left many fans with infinite regret, and it has also aroused public awareness of parotid gland cancer. Parotid carcinoma is a malignant tumor that occurs in the epidermal glands, of which mucinous, malignant mixed, and cancerous tumors are more common. Dai Ju (pseudonym), a peasant woman who lives in Jiangmen, was also unfortunately recruited, but fortunately she found out in time for early treatment, and finally got rid of the danger and ushered in a new life.

The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover

Dai Ju, 40, is a peasant woman who is diligent and busy in the fields from morning to night. When she washed her face in the morning, she found that a small lump of flesh had grown behind her right earlobe, and she touched this small hard lump that was not painful or itchy, and thought she had a pimple. A month later, she noticed that the "pimple" was rapidly growing, and at the same time she always felt the itching sensation of small ants crawling on her face, so she went to the town hospital to see a doctor.

The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover

The local hospital diagnosed Dai Ju's condition as facial paralysis, and after a period of treatment, she found that the hard lump behind her ear grew larger and larger, and the itching sensation on her face became more and more intense, so she decided to transfer to the hospital for treatment. Her family inquired about the hospital, and finally searched the Internet for Professor Qu Lixin of Jinshazhou of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so they went to the hospital.

After admission, the pathology confirmed that Dai Ju was a patient with parotid carcinoma, and the tumor was about 8 centimeters in size. Professor Qu Lixin combined the medical history, symptoms and physical examination results to perform ultrasound imaging for Dai Ju, and found that there were lumps in her soft palate and lateral wall of the pharynx, the deep lobes or deep lobes of the parotid glands were invaded, the tumor had invaded the mandibular nerve, and the lateral bifurcation, lower lip and lower teeth were paralyzed, and these symptoms could not be guaranteed to be removed by surgery. After Professor Qu Lixin's meticulous examination and patient exchange, under his suggestion, Dai Ju underwent a cryoablation treatment with argon-helium knife.

Professor Qu Lixin accurately localized the tumor under CT guidance and inserted an argon helium knife probe for cryoablation. The operation went smoothly, and Dai Ju said that the whole operation was comfortable after the operation. "I didn't feel it the whole time, I just slept, and when I woke up, the tumor shrank," Chen Ju told her family in a clear voice. She touched her face again, and the itching sensation on her face disappeared.

The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover

One month after the operation, Dai Ju went to re-examination and underwent PET-CT scan, which showed that the parotid gland carcinoma was significantly reduced after treatment, and most of the tumor tissue activity disappeared. This shows that argon helium knife has a good effect on parotid carcinoma and has a greater effect on inactivating tumor tissue.

The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover
The unfortunate farmer woman suffered from parotid carcinoma cryoablation to help recover

Dai Ju was re-examined a year and a half after the argon helium knife surgery, and was told that the parotid gland cancer cells had been eliminated, she cried with joy and repeatedly thanked Professor Qu Lixin: "We did not understand the treatment method at all, it was Professor Qu who made us full of confidence in this treatment method, he was grateful for my help, especially after the preoperative operation, I asked the same question repeatedly, Professor Qu patiently answered every time, dispelling my doubts."

Professor Qu Lixin said that minimally invasive and efficient ablation treatment is a good choice. With the popularization of cold ablation treatment and the development of ablation technology, it is hoped that more patients will benefit in the future. As a doctor, you must not only have excellent professional skills, but also have love for patients, so that patients can get the most appropriate treatment in a timely manner.