
Dog timidity is not born, but "lack of practice", learn these points, let it become brave

author:Pet sister

There is an idiom called: dog guts, dogs in people's impression are bold, alert, loyal characters, in fact, not all dogs are timid, but lack of practice, learn these points, let it become brave.

Puppies need an adaptation process, everything around it must be slowly familiar, so the dog's social training is necessary, just like humans need to socialize, dogs must take it slowly, and when it is familiar, it will not be so panicky.

1. Play with the same kind

Conditional shovelers can send dogs to "school", taught by special dog trainers, so that the owner can take a lot less detours to get a well-behaved dog, the other is to let the dog play with his companions regularly, when it is older, if it bullies other dogs, you must immediately stop it, let it not develop a combative personality, if it can not beat others, its courage will slowly become less.

Dog timidity is not born, but "lack of practice", learn these points, let it become brave

2. Noise training

Such as doorbells, knocks, car horns, timid dogs are easy to be frightened, so need to do a little noise training, the owner can download these sounds on the Internet, use a relatively small sound to play around the dog, let them gradually adapt, you can also make a little noise, such as suddenly dropping the iron toy on the ground, starting from a distance, slowly approaching the dog, let it learn to cope on its own.

Dog timidity is not born, but "lack of practice", learn these points, let it become brave

3. Change the environment

Don't always let the dog stay at home, you can take the dog out of the countryside, the seaside, the market and other places from time to time, it will slowly accept these strange places, so that it is not afraid to go out, if your dog is trained, you will still be afraid, then you can only try to contact as little as possible to make it feel afraid of things.

In addition, you can try to distract it with snacks and toys, and then pet and verbal comfort to help it eliminate some of its fears, and if you want to pick for the dog, see the blue article

Related Article: How to Choose a Quality Dog Snack? 》

Dog timidity is not born, but "lack of practice", learn these points, let it become brave

Breeding dogs in addition to the need to care about personality issues, but also pay attention to diet, after all, dogs to eat for the day, eat healthy nutrition, the dog's body is the most important, choose a nutritious dog food can save a lot of trouble, if you want to choose for the dog then look at the blue article

Related Article: How to Choose Quality Dog Food? 》

Dog timidity is not born, but "lack of practice", learn these points, let it become brave

Conclusion: Is your dog timid?