
The distant

author:Schönil 6118

Qingming, it is the season of flying tears again, and I can no longer hear the cry of the...

"Yatou" is a title given to little girls by northerners, especially on our side, and it really has no special meaning.

However, in my mind, "Yatou" is the soil; it is the inferiority; it is the sadness; it is discrimination; we grew up in the courtyard of the row house: Gao Yatou, Li Yatou, Zhang Yatou... There are too many girls to go...

Not only because she feels the soil because she has a lot, but also because of my mother's education, I feel that she is particularly miserable:

I remember, when I was young, as soon as I ate, my mother began to educate me (not to eat or educate) [sneaking laughter] [sneaking laughter] [sneaking laughter], my brother she didn't care, my sister didn't care, just call me [angry] [angry] [angry].

Now, I think about it, maybe I was eating and playing, or eating very slowly. My mother said: If you grow up and marry into your in-laws' family, don't let others fight to blame, how to live?

My mother said: This girl married to the in-laws' family, to eat in front of the back, everyone eats, you can eat at the table, you can not only take care of yourself when eating, you must add rice to the in-laws at any time, wait for people to pick up the dishes, you are not full and can no longer eat, quickly clean up the dishes, brush the pot and wash the dishes.

I asked: So, what if you don't have enough to eat?

My mom said: Hungry! ...... Steal!

I was surprised, steal? How to steal?

My mom poked me in the head and said, "How did I give birth to such a fool as you!" Steal, and let me teach you, I can't refer to you in this life [anger] [anger] [anger], why don't you follow me? There is no wit at all [to make a grimace] [to make a grimace] [to make a grimace].

My mother went on to say: For example, you make brine noodles, make brine first, put the brine into a basin, put it aside, then cook the noodles, the noodles are cooked, ride on no one, pick up a pillar of noodles and put it in the bowl, dig up a spoonful of brine, chopsticks in a circle in the bowl, a bowl of noodles into the stomach.

I looked confused: So, isn't it hot? Don't chew?

My mother looked at me impatiently, and the look in her eyes was full of hostility, hatred! She really wanted to put me back on the stove [laughs] [laughs] [laughs].

I really don't want to be born in their family, when we were young, we had to work, work as much as we could, call you when we work, count you down when eating, am I not a "bitch"?! You think I'm willing to be a? I dream of being a "little kid" body.

Therefore, when I was young, when an adult called me, I would not agree, but I would stare at him fiercely, hate him, hate him!

Now that I think about it, what an unpleasant little girl I was when I was young, don't look at my mother teaching me all day long. However, the rebellious character is brought about by the bones, and she cannot teach me to [touch the head] [touch the head] [touch the head].

However, strangely enough, those adults just don't have a long memory, they love to tease me intentionally or unintentionally, calling me.

It seems that I still have the flesh of a lover on my face [nose picking] [covering my face] [picking my nose] [covering my face] [picking my nose] [covering my face]

Later, I grew up, graduated from high school, I had culture in my twenties, and I was also crowded into the middle of cultural people. [Sneak laugh] [Sneak laugh] [Sneaky laughs]. There are also people who call me "yatou", I think they are very uncultured, incomprehensible, in the intellectual group (we were raised in the family dean of a university, it is the intellectual group, yes!). And there's such a dirt name. Someone complained to my mother: saying that I was tall, saying that I was looking at the sky with my eyes [making a grimace] [making a grimace] [making a grimace]

I'm still doing what I'm doing under my mother's sight...

I'm in my thirties and some people call me. This is like a dragon wrapped around his waist, and he has to wrap me up to death. I am so helpless, the more I don't want to hear anything, the more it accompanies you,

Fortunately, the "yatou" had a good life, and was born in the era of Mao Zedong [praise] [praise] [praise], Mao Zedong Thought swept away all male superiority and female inferiority [China praise] [China praise] [China praise], and gave us half of the sky [Zuo Yang] [shake hands] [Shake hands] [shake hands]. Society is no longer what my mom imagined [high-fives] [high-fives] [high-fives] [high-fives].

The mother-in-law is not as imagined, bitter and mean, and the family rules are strict. In-laws, there are no rules. The mother-in-law was just an ordinary woman, a child who lost her mother at an early age, had no tutoring, and lived to seventeen or eighteen years old and married a single-line only child who was five years younger than her - a small man. When she was in the countryside of Hebei, there were grandparents, grandmothers, in-laws, uncles, aunts; the following was quiet and quiet, on the four or five female babies she gave birth to herself [sneaking laughter] [sneaking laughter] [sneaking laughter], only lived two, did not give birth to sons, from hope to become angry. Hurt her grandfather sighed all day [angry] [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [anger] [tears] [tears], can not blame the grandfather, only fifty years old, just be the grandfather [like] [like] [like], younger than now we are grandfathers, grandma are young, we want to re-grandson [laugh cry] [laugh cry] [laugh cry] [laugh cry]. Fortunately, grandpa was open-minded and let her chase her husband to immigrate to Beijing in the 1950s and did the North Drift. She met a good Chinese medicine doctor in Beijing and took a few pairs of medicines before she gave birth to a son, and later, she had two sons and gave birth to a daughter.

She looks beautiful, her big eyes are full of aura, her figure is not tall, thin and light, her temperament is peaceful, but she is a Shougang heavy industry worker for life, earning hard money on the front line.

She was pregnant and wanted to eat pears, and when she saw that pears were much more expensive than turnips, she swallowed her saliva and bought turnips...

Doing heavy work in the factory, I never dared to eat rice in four pairs. Because, three or two rice three cents, four two rice five cents, three two and four two the actual gap is not very large, just to save the two cents ...

I could smell bitterness in her...

When I met her, "Yatou" was more casual than in her own home, less than the norms and restrictions that my mother was worried about; when I met her, she called me: "Nizi". "Nizi" is their area, called the girl. And "Yatou" to change the soup without changing the medicine, but in my ears, I hear a lot of [yay] [yay] [yay], "Nizi" soft tone, "Yatou" tone stubborn.

In my thirties, some people call me, although I don't resist, but I don't understand, I have a name. Why do you call me? Does sound better than my name? mores! The customs of the citizens!

We are a special generation, my parents' leadership is also my leader, and my parents' colleagues are also my colleagues. I was employed at my parents' unit.

Therefore, when I was in my forties, there was also my direct leader, calling me "Yatou", calling me the scientific name in the unit, and calling it "Yatou" when I came home.

Got used to it, he got used to calling all the girls, and I could understand him a little bit.

I'm in my fifties, and my leader, he's at the door of his own building, far away, calling me "bitch"! "Bitch, where is your mother?"

I smiled and replied to him, and at this time I was a little proud:? There must be a little girl, and there is still a girl.

I'm in my fifties, so if I'm really a.

Suddenly, one day, the person who shouted, while pumping the bicycle, suddenly fell down...

No one calls me anymore...

Every time I walked through the empty door, I always felt that there would be a shout of, but I couldn't see anyone...

If, there is really another cry there, I will immediately happily agree: Alas! Hello Uncle Zhang!

Only when I lost it did I know its preciousness, I couldn't live a lifetime with "YaTou", and finally, I knew how kind she was. "Yatou" is a nickname; "Yatou" is the love after looking down; "Yatou" is the capital of the caller, not everyone can call it.

A little friend, coming down from the trampoline, I helped him find shoes, took his grandmother to teach the child to say: Thank you aunt!

The child looked at me, without a squeak, and said to his grandmother for a moment: That's not auntie, that's grandma.

Oops, auntie can't afford to be [tears] [tears] [tears]

In the vast sea of people, Grandma's cry won, and it was impossible to hear it again:...

[Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears]

Everything has become the past, and there is no going back [tears] [tears] [tears], only when I think of you in this clear time...

I would like to pay tribute to those leaders who have loved me, helped me, and promoted me.

Pay tribute to those who liked me and tolerated me.

"Yatou" bang thanksla [tears] [tears] [tears]

Completed on March 31, 2022

Revised on April 5, 2022

The distant