
iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th

author:Fruit powder black technology

On April 6, Apple announced that it will hold the WWDC 2022 Global Developer Conference on June 6-10 (Beijing time: June 7-11). At that time, Apple will release iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS 13 beta system.

iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th

Models supported by iOS16

iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th

Looking forward to what new features Apple's iOS 16 will bring at the WWDC 2022 Developer Conference, let's look forward to it together.

At 1:00 a.m. on April 6, Apple pushed the first beta version of iOS 15.5, and updated the iPadOS 15.5, macOS 12.4, and watchOS 8.6 beta versions. What are the main new features of iOS 15.5 beta1?

iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th
  • Model: iPhone 13 mini
  • Update package: 5.33GB
  • Update Journal: Bug fixes and security updates for iPhone
  • Version number: 19F5047e
  • Update: April 6, 2022

Apple Pay Cash

iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th

In the Wallet app, Apple Pay Cash, new "Request" and "Send" buttons have been added to make it easier to manage cash directly from the wallet.

Universal control

iOS 16 is coming, see you on June 7th

According to Apple's macOS release notes, the universal controls in the new iPadOS 15.5 and macOS Monterey 12.4 updates are not compatible with models running macOS 12.3 or iPadOS 15.4, so Apple recommends that users with universal controls upgrade to the latest beta.

Summary: iOS 15.5beta 1 mainly has some new adjustments and some repairs, iOS 15 will not add new features, and the follow-up is mainly based on repairs and optimizations. The iOS15.4.1 camera turn on and flash is still unresolved. If there is nothing wrong with your version, it is not recommended that you upgrade the beta version. Like to taste the early and do not care, you can upgrade the beta version.