
The father named his newborn son "Kong Fan", the nurse carelessly wrote more strokes, and the child's mother said busily: Do not change

A person's name is quite important to a person, which is the most basic thing for a person to know you. When the child is just born, the child's parents will bring the child's birth certificate to give the child a name, which is also very important.

The father named his newborn son "Kong Fan", the nurse carelessly wrote more strokes, and the child's mother said busily: Do not change

I believe that everyone can find that many stars will change their names slightly after becoming stars, the main reason is because the name is not attractive enough, there is no special and memorable feeling. After changing the name, especially the male star, there will be the same aura as the name on the body, unique and attractive, so that people can't pay attention.

The father named his newborn son "Kong Fan", the nurse carelessly wrote more strokes, and the child's mother said busily: Do not change

With the progress of the times, for the rise of new cultures, parents' requirements for names are also endless. Some parents hope that their children's names can be like the ancients, poetic and full of charm. And some parents feel that the name must not collide with others, otherwise it is like bumping into clothes, how embarrassing. But seriously, when parents name their children, they don't think about the speed at which they can write. How many children have finished writing, he has just finished writing his name, and Xiao Ai has collapsed for them.

The father named his newborn son "Kong Fan", the nurse carelessly wrote more strokes, and the child's mother said busily: Do not change

No, there is a couple on the Internet who have just had a child, and the father's surname is Kong, and he wants to give his child a name. But the husband and wife thought about it for a long time, they didn't think of a better name, there was no way, the father finally gave the child a "fan" word, Kong Fan. The name is unremarkable, and my mother always feels that it almost tastes, so she has always disliked this name. But I didn't expect that the turning point was actually done by a nurse sister, only because the little sister added an extra stroke.

The father named his newborn son "Kong Fan", the nurse carelessly wrote more strokes, and the child's mother said busily: Do not change

When the nurse sister records the child's name, she accidentally wrote the word into a wind word, don't say, the mother really likes this word, and even asked the nurse sister not to change it. Ordinary words are too ordinary to listen to, not as good as wind words, gentlemen like the wind, and elegant to the extreme. And such a coincidence is almost like fate. What do you think of your name? Welcome to leave a message Oh ~

Well, that's the end of today's content

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