
The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

The jersey number is undoubtedly a business card of a star, and a star chooses a number as his shirt back number, which naturally has a certain meaning. For example, Curry chose the No. 30 because his father once wore the No. 30 to the NBA, Thompson chose the No. 11 because his draft pick was 11th, Jordan chose no. 23 because his brother's jersey back number was 45, and Jordan was half as strong as his brother, so he chose the number 23. And there are a lot of strange numbers in the NBA, so why do these stars choose numbers?

Doncic's choice of 77 is not Chinese

The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

In general, there are very few numbers with large numbers in the NBA, and it is even rarer to wear stars with more than 50 numbers. And Doncic, who entered the league in 18 years, chose the No. 77 jersey, making many people speculate that Doncic understands Chinese, knows that his name is transliterated like seven seven, so he chose no. 77? The answer is not, the reason doncic chose the number 77, but simply because the number 7 shirt was chosen when he entered the lone ranger, and when He was at Real Madrid, Doncic always wore the number 7 because his idol Spanolis's number was number 7, and because there was no number 7 to wear, Doncic chose the number 77.

Kirilenko followed his friend's advice to choose the no. 47 shirt

The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

As mentioned above, there are very few players in the NBA who choose a large number of jersey numbers, but there is a person who chooses a number that is very successful, he is the Russian star Kirilenko, Kirilenko's initials are AK, therefore, his friend suggested that he choose the number 47, named "AK47", the NBA is a business league, if your nickname is easy to be remembered, then you will be more famous, so Kirilenko listened to the advice of his friends, and if the name AK47 entered the league, It is deeply remembered by the fans.

Rodman's choice of the No. 69 jersey was banned

The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

Rodman was undoubtedly the most bohemian star in the NBA in the '90s, and the league broke his heart for him. For example, when he joined the Mavericks before, Rodman chose the No. 69 jersey, and this number is known to everyone, so the league urgently banned him from wearing it and sealed this number. An enraged Rodman chose the No. 70 jersey in protest.

Artest opted for the no. 96 jersey

The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

And the book continues above, because the league banned the No. 69 jersey, so one of Rodman's descendants, the equally rebellious Artest, was upset, thinking that why limit my freedom to choose numbers, since you don't let me choose number 69, then I will choose number 96! As a result, Artest, who was in the Rockets period, wore the No. 96 jersey to play, on the one hand, he gave Rodman a bad breath, and on the other hand, he also protested silently against the league.

Jordan used to wear the nameless number 12 jersey

The story behind the jersey number: Jordan was stolen and changed to number 12, and Rodman's choice of the strange number was rejected

As we all know, Jordan mainly wears two numbers in the NBA, one is the well-known number 23, and the other is the 45 number after his comeback, but Jordan also wears a number jersey in the NBA, that is, the number 12. It was a Valentine's Day game day, the Bulls locker room was stolen, the thief stole all of Jordan's jerseys, and he had no choice but to appear in a No. 12 jersey that had not yet been printed. However, Jordan still scored 49 points in that game, which became a good story. (ikuet)

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