
"Purine big households" were pulled out, eat less to avoid gout, and eat more of these 2 water and 3 things

author:The Road to Health channel

High uric acid used to be the "patent" of the rich, and their dietary conditions were better and they exercised less, so they were tortured by high uric acid.

Nowadays, it is very common, and everyone is likely to have elevated uric acid, not just "nobles". We need to treat it correctly, otherwise it will cause gout, regret to too late, these 4 types of food as little as possible to avoid inducing gout, starting from diet.

Uric acid is high, these 3 types of food as much as possible to eat less, to avoid inducing gout, starting from diet

"Purine big households" were pulled out, eat less to avoid gout, and eat more of these 2 water and 3 things

1, the first taboo, is meat food, animal offal and fat meat

It is undeniable that the liver of animals is indeed delicious, but often eating animal liver is prone to elevated uric acid. When uric acid rises, stop eating animal offal. Animal offal is a high-purine food, they contain a lot of purines, but also a lot of cholesterol, for people with high uric acid and high blood lipids, they are contraindicated. The same goes for fatty meat.

2, the second taboo, is soups, broths and thick broth

Many people, after being hospitalized after being sick, always make some broth to nourish their bodies. These meats such as chicken, duck and fish, which are made in soup, are not high-purine foods themselves, but they are cooked in the wrong way because the meat is simmered for a long time. The soup produced by these foods will contain a large amount of purine substances. For patients with high uric acid or gout, such broth cannot be drunk. Usually, if you like to drink broth, you have to put up with it.

"Purine big households" were pulled out, eat less to avoid gout, and eat more of these 2 water and 3 things

3, the third taboo, is seafood food, dried scallops, clams, oysters, dried fish

Health-loving people know that high-purine foods include seafood. Seafood is a "big household" that contains purines. If long-term consumption will lead to an increase in uric acid metabolized by purines in the body, to a certain extent, it is aggravating high uric acid or gout. Therefore, once diagnosed with high uric acid, it is necessary to control the intake of purines to help reduce the burden on the body.

"Purine big households" were pulled out, eat less to avoid gout, and eat more of these 2 water and 3 things

The fourth taboo is dessert drinks and wine.

Beverages, especially those with a high sugar content, promote endogenous uric acid and also increase the risk of gout. So it must not be drunk. Then there is wine, after drinking, the function of the kidneys to excrete uric acid will be affected, and wine will also excessively promote the decomposition of purines, thereby promoting the accumulation of uric acid in the body, causing hyperuricemia.

Do not be afraid of high uric acid, drink 2 more water, often eat 3 things, gout or will not "entangle you"

Drink more "two waters"


Corn whiskers

Everyone knows that eating corn often is very good for the body. But better than corn are the corn whiskers that we often abandon. If you soak water with corn whiskers, it is very good for our body, can help us reduce swelling and diuresis, and increase the amount of urination.

In this way our uric acid will slowly return to balance and prevent gout. We can put the corn whiskers in a pot and drink the corn whiskers water after boiling, which is very good for our bodies.


Tangerine peel

Although oranges are visible at the time, the tangerine peel is indeed very small. The nutritional value of orange peel is also very rich, if the orange peel is dried after it is called tangerine peel, because the orange peel requires a special production process, so this is a Chinese herbal medicine. However, the success rate of homemade tangerine peel is generally very low.


It is used daily to drink tangerine peel soaking water, which can clear heat and diuresis, soothe the liver and rationalize the qi, and also help control the moisture in the body. If you can insist on using tangerine peel to soak water and drink in life, you can excrete excess uric acid in the body to reduce the appearance of gout.

Eat three more things


If the uric acid in the body is too high, you can eat more chicory in daily life, because chicory has a very good effect on lowering uric acid. Eating chicory regularly can balance the hormones of our body, and chicory contains very few purines, which can reduce uric acid and make our body better detoxify.

We can use chicory to mix with salad or other foods to eat together, so that our uric acid will slowly decrease and prevent gout.


Summer is also the season when a large number of grapes are on the market, and eating more grapes in daily life is also very helpful for reducing uric acid.

In fact, grapes belong to alkaline fruits, which can help neutralize uric acid in the body, which is very helpful for balancing the pH of the body, and can excrete excess uric acid in the body and prevent the onset of gout.



Many people understand that bananas have a laxative effect, for constipation patients often eat bananas is very good, but if the body uric acid is high, in daily life to eat more bananas, for reducing uric acid also has a very good help, it can help excrete toxins and garbage in the body, enhance the body's resistance and immunity, to ensure the health of the body.

To avoid gout, we should start from the diet, eat less high-purine foods, and avoid gout "wrapped around you".