
In April, let's go in a trailer motorhome

【Pin Orange Tourism】On April 1, the new version of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" added a quasi-driving type "light tractor trailer" (referred to as "trailer caravan"), where anyone holding a C1 and C2 driver's license for a small and micro passenger car can drive a small car train as long as it meets the age requirements after applying for a C6 driver's license and driving training. This also means that family cars can be brought on the road with a road trailer.

This new regulation has once again promoted caravan consumption. According to media reports, the New Deal has led to fire driving school RV driving training, and many driving schools have begun to actively layout this business.

Of course, the new regulations have the most direct impact on caravan tourism and manufacturing.

Fill the gap in the motorhome market

Motorhome tours are part of a road trip.

On the mainland, motorhomes can be divided into two main categories: caravans (self-propelled) and caravan trailers. Among them, the caravan trailer is divided into the caravan mid-axle trailer and the sojourn semi-trailer. Self-propelled C-type caravan is currently the largest number and most popular type of caravan in the domestic caravan market, and caravan trailers are not very common.

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"The introduction of this new regulation fills the gap." Liu Hanqi, secretary general of the Self-driving Tour and Camping Caravan Branch of the China Tourist Vehicle and Boat Association, said.

According to reports, during the epidemic period, caravan tourism to "closed-loop consumption, self-service" advantages, the development speed does not decrease but increases, the data show that in the past two years, the sales volume of caravans has increased at a rate of 40%-50%, and light trailer caravans are more with low prices, spacious and comfortable interior area, which is welcomed by consumers. However, before that, the lack of corresponding driving norms on the road of trailers formed a certain risk of accidents.

The new C6 driver's license regulations make up for the lack of regulations. In view of the fact that there are more retirees over the age of 60 for motorhome riders, the "Regulations" deliberately add that small car drivers aged 60 to 70 years old can also obtain a C6 driver's license after passing the test of "memory, judgment and reaction". Making trailers safer on the road has played an escort role in promoting the healthy development of caravan tourism.

"From the current reaction of caravan manufacturers and caravan enthusiasts, the new regulations of the C6 driver's license have had a positive impact on the development of the caravan market, and at present, driving schools around the country are on the C6 driver's license training examination project, and have purchased light trailer caravans for training, although the number is limited, but it is enough to show that the market demand for C6 driver's licenses is strong. The demand for C6 driver's license also indirectly illustrates the huge potential of the market demand for RVs, and for RV manufacturers, the demand-side potential is of course a market opportunity on the supply side. Liu Hanqi said.

Rongye caravan launched a C6 coach car for driving schools across the country in accordance with national standards

It can be customized according to the needs of the driving school

Huang Dongxin, sales manager of Shandong Rongye Caravan Manufacturing Service Co., Ltd., believes that the introduction of the C6 driver's license has made the trailer on the road from no law to have a law to follow, and people who love tow and hang caravans no longer have concerns, and no longer have to choose more expensive self-propelled caravans as a travel tool.

Li Leigang, general manager of Dorsett (Changzhou) Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. and member of the Trailer Sub-Technical Committee of the National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee, told Pin Orange Tourism that they have recently accepted C6 driving test car orders from bailaitai driving schools. He said: "C6 driving test car we are divided into two categories, one is our existing small caravan that meets the requirements of C6 regulations, and the other is a special coach car and test car for the van mid-axle trailer type specially customized for driving schools and test centers, which is currently a relatively large increase in China with the implementation of the new policy." ”

Dorsett C6 driving test car, state-owned standards, safe and reliable

He expects that with the promulgation and landing of the C6 policy, from the perspective of the driving training industry, the current driving test in various provinces is only a sporadic pilot at the beginning, but with the increase in demand for students, the driving schools and driving tests in various cities will be rolled out to increase the C6 business; and from the perspective of the students, the travelers who already have trailerS will immediately apply for the C6 driving license, so that the C6 driver's license has shown a centralized registration situation at the beginning of the landing, and the country's first C6 driver's license has been issued from Chengdu. Among tourism enthusiasts, I believe that more people will pay attention to trailer caravan products, even if they can't say and go due to the current epidemic obstacles, but there are certainly many people who think of adding a C6 driver's license first. Therefore, the market increment of driving test cars and caravan trailers will slowly break out with the help of the C6 new deal.

Pin Orange tourism found that the requirements of the C6 driver's license, in addition to the age restrictions, at the same time there are not many test cities, that is, many cities only have training places, and there is no test place, which may also inhibit the enthusiasm of some people to obtain a C6 driver's license.

Intensify competition in the caravan manufacturing industry

Although the outbreak of the consumer market is still to be seen, for caravan manufacturers, this market will usher in new opportunities.

"Everyone thinks that RVs are the last piece of cake in the modified car industry or special vehicle field. The more fierce the competition, the more it will stimulate the high-quality development of the caravan industry. Li Leigang said.

In foreign countries, motorhomes are generally divided into 9 types, namely: self-propelled A-type motorhome, self-propelled B-type motorhome, self-propelled C-type RV, trailer-trailer A-type RV, trailer-trailer B-type RV, trailer-trailer D-type RV, mobile villa-type RV, and business RV. However, the domestic classification is clearer and the comparison table is as follows.

Although the classification is different, the competition in the caravan manufacturing industry has always been fierce.

According to the data, there are currently more than 7,000 caravan-related enterprises in the mainland, and from 2017 to 2021, the average growth rate of new enterprise registration in 5 years is as high as 28.1%. Up to now, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued a total of 1240 caravan announcement products in the relevant announcement library, 138 enterprises that can produce caravan trailers, 474 caravan trailer announcement products, 183 enterprises that can produce caravans, and 766 caravan announcement products, of which there are 66 enterprises that have both caravans and caravan trailers.

"Because there have been more new caravan companies in recent years, but they can produce caravan trailers, and they must have the qualifications to manufacture trailers." Li Leigang believes that self-propelled and trailer-mounted RVs have their own emphases in terms of technology, self-propelled RVs should consider how to do everything in a small space, and can be used without restraint, while trailer-mounted RVs have higher technical requirements from the structural composition, and the core of vehicle technology includes the chassis, while also paying attention to the safety of trailer driving and its own lightweight (C6-driven trains require that its front car plus trailer must not exceed the total mass of 4.5 tons).

The introduction of the C6 driver's license policy will undoubtedly promote the development of trailer-mounted motorhomes, and the competition in the manufacturing industry will also be more intense.

Huang Dongxin believes that the introduction of the relevant policies of the C6 driver's license will be a great improvement for standardizing the manufacturing standards of the trailer caravan industry, improving product quality, and optimizing the product structure, so as to standardize the chaos in the industry and standardize the production qualifications of related manufacturers, all of which have been guaranteed from the legal level. It is expected that in the future, we will compete in terms of price, quality improvement, design, lightweight, customization and other aspects.

The first step in the "Long March"

According to Li Leigang, foreign trailer-mounted RVs occupy an absolute advantage in the market, such as the world's largest sales volume in the United States every year to add more than 500,000 RV vehicles, self-propelled RVs only increased by 50,000 or 60,000, and most of the others are trailer-trailer RVs, which is mainly because the trailer type is more convenient to use, the price is cheaper, the use of space is more generous than the self-propelled, and the safety is stronger. Li Leigang laughed and said: "Everyone may think that the trailer is unsafe, but the data shows that the accident rate of dragging and hanging is lower than that of self-propelled caravans, which may stem from the implication that people will be more cautious about the more they think it is unsafe." ”

Dorsett Tow-trailer caravan in Australia

Although he expects that the future of China's RV market may be the same as that of the United States, that is, the market share of trailer-mounted RV market will be higher, he also believes that whether it can develop healthily depends on whether regulations and standards are becoming more and more perfect, including whether road facilities are complete and suitable, and the technological progress of products.

Li Leigang said: "Now from the construction of national roads and facilities, we must build or improve some roads that are convenient for trailer-mounted RVs. For example, a high-quality scenic spot is very suitable for caravan self-driving, but the road from the highway to the scenic spot cannot meet the requirements of trailer caravan driving, which is definitely not OK. ”

In addition, he mentioned the issue of insurance. At present, the trailer generally follows the front car, the front car has insurance, the rear car can not be insured alone, the insurance business specifically for towing the caravan is still blank, and the domestic insurance of the passenger car train has not been fully opened.

"Therefore, the introduction of the C6 driver's license policy is actually just the beginning, the first step is taken, and more supporting policies are needed to follow up." Li Leigang stressed.

For caravan campsites, the requirements for trailer-mounted RVs are not too high, and water supply and power supply are the same as self-propelled caravans, as long as there is more parking space for cars (front cars).

In this regard, Liu Hanqi believes that the key to the problem is not the distinction between camp construction and caravans, but the shortage of caravan camps.

He said: "The gradual rise of tourism, the demand for RV camps, caravanserais and other stops, camping and other facilities is also increasing rapidly, but the development of our camps, caravanserais for caravan parking, supply, camping facilities is relatively lagging behind. There are also many caravans parked on the side of the road, city squares and other venues, and even in forest parks, nature reserves and other stops, camps, etc., in these places, camping, adverse impact on the environment, there are potential safety hazards to the environment and the riders themselves. We strongly appeal to the relevant government departments to give self-driving caravan camps a more relaxed policy environment to strengthen the supply of infrastructure for caravan tourism; at the same time, our caravans and riders stop and camp as much as possible to choose relatively safe venues such as campgrounds, self-driving tour stations, highway service areas or parking lots for caravans to avoid potential safety hazards to the environment and to the riders themselves. ”

Spring is in full bloom, and it is the peak season of self-driving tours, and this time, China's scenic roads will not only have the figure of self-propelled caravans, but also the figure of trailer caravans.

Let's go! Towards the spring blossoming April!

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