
Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

Speaking of common chronic diseases of modern people, stomach diseases are always a topic that cannot be avoided, after all, there is a folk saying of "ten people and nine stomach diseases".

Nowadays, the continuous acceleration of the pace of life, overtime, long-term pressure of staying up late, and the temptation of various greasy and high-sugar foods have buried hidden dangers for the emergence of stomach diseases.

When it comes to stomach diseases, whether it is gastritis, stomach ulcers, or even stomach cancer, it is inseparable from a bacterium called "Helicobacter pylori".

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

"Helicobacter pylori" is a very professional term at first glance, and it has become more and more well-known in recent years.

Helicobacter pylori can damage the mucous membrane of the human stomach, causing abnormal gastric acid secretion, resulting in chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Because this is the only bacterium that can survive stomach acid, the long-term stomach ulcer and gastritis caused by it are also the key to the emergence of stomach cancer.

Therefore, the World Health Organization has designated "Helicobacter pylori" as a prokaryote of human carcinogen, which is also the first to be recognized as a biological carcinogen.

Even so, there are not a few infected people in China, and according to statistics, half of the people in China are infected with this bacterium.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

Of course, although studies have found that it is related to stomach cancer, it is not necessary to suffer from stomach cancer if it is infected.

85% of Helicobacter pylori carriers have no discomfort or complications, and less than 2% eventually develop stomach cancer.

Of course, Dr. Xiaokang said this to avoid everyone's fear, but it does not mean that infection with Helicobacter pylori can be ignored, after all, it may cause cancer, so everyone is still cautious.

If you already have these symptoms, be wary of helicobacter pylori infection, it is best to go to the hospital to consult a doctor for treatment:

1. Persistent bad breath

Bad breath is a problem that annoys many people all the time.

Most people have a certain amount of plaque on their teeth, and Helicobacter pylori sometimes resides in dental plaque and secretes odorous substances that directly cause bad breath.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

Second, do not think about eating, nausea and nausea

After infection with Helicobacter pylori, the gastric mucosa is damaged, resulting in abnormal secretion of stomach acid. When the stomach acid secretion is excessive, it is easy to have symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

Third, fatigue, weight loss for no reason

If you lose weight for no reason without deliberate weight loss, and often feel tired and tired, you should consider whether it is a symptom of anemia caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

4. Irritating pain in the abdomen

Substances secreted by Helicobacter pylori can cause irritation to the stomach, leading to stomach pain, bloating, and symptoms of indigestion.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

Once Helicobacter pylori causes physical discomfort, it is painful and unbearable, but it is not impossible to prevent infection in life.

How to prevent Helicobacter pylori?

1. Use the tableware at home separately

If tableware is mixed between family members, it is easy to cause cross-infection of Helicobacter pylori, and the direction of infection is often transmitted from parents to children. For the health of the family, it is best to use the tableware separately.

2. Eat less or no raw and cold foods

Helicobacter pylori is more likely to survive in water and raw food, and avoiding raw and cold foods can effectively reduce the probability of infection.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

3. Pay attention to hygiene and wash your hands frequently

Before eating and after going to the bathroom, be sure to wash your hands carefully and wash away Helicobacter pylori that may be attached to the skin.

4. Maintain oral hygiene

Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth regularly every day, pay attention to changing your toothbrush regularly, and carefully clean your teeth cup. Oral problems such as plaque should also be cleaned up regularly to minimize the conditions for bacterial growth.

In addition to proper prevention, pay attention to the health of the diet in daily life.

It is best to choose a relatively fixed time for three meals a day to make the diet regular. Don't eat too late, and don't be under control for a while, eat too much.

Spicy, greasy, raw and cold foods, as well as strong tea, coffee, alcohol and other drinks are easy to cause irritation to the stomach and aggravate stomach diseases.

Finally, we should also remind everyone to maintain a good mood, a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, regular physical exercise, and improve immunity.

I hope you can stay away from Helicobacter pylori and have a healthy stomach.

Half of the people who cause stomach cancer suffer from this bacterium? Do 4 things well to eliminate hidden dangers

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