
One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

author:Mother alpaca
Even if it is a newborn baby, there is not much mental activity, and it needs to be coaxed by parents.

Many parents will say that newborn children do not know anything and do not need parents to spend time coaxing them! So much so that when children really need parents to put in the energy, they avoid it.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

It's like coaxing a child to sleep, anyway, the child can't tell who is who, can't you just find someone who coaxes them? Isn't it okay to use any kind of method?

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person!

Michelle and Gabi are twins, they were born in an ordinary family in the United States, the task of caring for the child was originally entrusted to the mother, just like most families, the father has little care for the child, and has little experience.

Just one day, the mother suddenly went out, not at home, the task of taking care of the two children was handed over to the father, although the mother was very uneasy, but after all, it was only a short time, and she would come back to take care of the child as quickly as possible.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

After the mother left, the two children began to cry and make a lot of noise, which made the father become very big, the two little guys seemed to be embarrassed by themselves, these are indeed a bit difficult for the father, after all, to coax the twins, the difficulty is also double!

When Dad's patience was exhausted, Gabby became the unfortunate child, and Dad picked him up and began, shaking violently, as if he had sprinkled all the anger in his heart on him.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

Just after being violently shaken for about 5 seconds, Gabby suddenly became quiet, as if the pause button had been pressed. At this time, the father did not know what was happening, but he knew that the child did not cry and his head did not hurt!

Only when mom came back, she found out at a glance that something was wrong with Gabby! After being examined by the doctor, the mother really regretted letting the father take care of the child. Because Gabi was diagnosed as a vegetative person.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

The cause of the disease is that the father exerts too much force, resulting in a strong impact on the child's brain, damage to the brain nerve fibers, resulting in the rupture of blood vessels, and increased intracranial pressure and the formation of a hernia.

This is a real case, and it was nominated for the 1999 Pulitzer Prize, and I also wanted to take this opportunity to popularize the world about the condition of infant shaking syndrome.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

In fact, this disease in daily life, is also a very frequent existence, many parents because of ignorance and lack of experience, even because of gambling, will invisibly hurt their children.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

After all, the baby's brain development in the infant stage is very imperfect, their brain and adult brain are completely different, the brain tissue is like jelly, once it is violently hit or injured, it will lead to abnormal changes in tired tissue.

Mild symptoms are restlessness and lack of spirituality in both eyes. Some of the more severe ones are slow response, the brain stops developing, the coma is unconscious, and so on. The worst result is to become a vegetative person, or even to die.

In addition, there are 3 common coaxing postures to avoid

Shake your baby with high frequency

Many parents of the older generation, do not know whether it is because of heavy hands, or because of some other reason, there will always be a high frequency of shaking the baby when coaxing the child, and many times this way of coaxing the baby works, not because it is suitable but because the child does not shake the faint.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

Like motion sickness, they can't tell what the situation is now, they just receive signals that the brain is uncomfortable, and choose to protect themselves temporarily, so that the mood becomes very quiet and stable.

But in fact, although this high frequency of shaking babies has not yet reached the level of causing infant shaking syndrome to occur, we must believe in the principle of accumulating less into more, and maybe one day it will erupt.

Create some extremely dangerous actions

For example, if they are very happy to find that their children are lifted high by chance, they will repeat this action repeatedly, thinking that this is their own killer skill.

One action for daddy, baby into a vegetative person! Common doll-coaxing postures should be avoided

But in fact, children do not respond relatively because of comfort, but because of curiosity, they can't tell the difference between different stimuli, and they don't know what a pleasant mood is.

Too young children sit in rocking cars

Nowadays, many small supermarkets will have a rocking car at the entrance, which is the kind of large toy that the baby will shake when sitting on it after the coin is invested, and almost all the babies are very fond of playing with the rocking car.

But in fact, children who are too young should never play with a rocker! Because the seemingly low frequency of shaking the shaker is also dangerous for children of their age.

Today's summary:

Have you ever used one of these methods to coax your child? Welcome us to share your thoughts together!