
Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Fan Lord said: Shrewd "net red"

The rich and wayward Musk has doubled on the hot search ~ ~

According to the 2022 Global Billionaire List released by Forbes two days ago, Musk became the world's richest man with a net worth of $219 billion, and far behind, which is a ride.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Forbes 36th Annual List of The World's Billionaires (based on share price as of March 11, 2022)

However, he has attracted more attention, or the recent play of a "net red buy platform" riot operation. The middle-aged Internet addict, who sits on 80 million+ followers and "lives" in Twitter every day, recently bought more than 70 million shares of Twitter stock, becoming its largest external shareholder.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Netizens ridiculed Lao Ma as Twitter's chief paragraph officer

Musk currently holds a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter, making it effortless to surpass Twitter's former boss Jack Dorsey (2.25 percent). The deal cost about $2.64 billion, which is a drop in the bucket for the old horse.

Not only did the wave of operations make a lot of money, but the stock market news directly led to a 27% surge in the stock price, the biggest increase since Twitter's November IPO in November 2013

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Musk has also been promoted from a veteran user to a member of Twitter's board of directors for a term expiring in 2024. It is said that the new official took office three fires, anti-customer-based old horse, the first fire is to push (cast) (pressure) Twitter online editing tweet function, is currently in the test.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Some media believe that investing in Twitter is a play directed by Musk himself. First, he frantically complained that Twitter was "not free" and looked down on the new Indian CEO, and then he frantically hinted that he might be able to stand on his own and build a social platform.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Musk's heart, passers-by know?

Just when everyone was thinking about it, he unexpectedly joined Twitter, which suddenly detonated the media hotspot, and his wealth also rose with it.

In short, the huge wealth of the left hand, the super media of the right hand, and the "crazy devil" human protective body, Musk, the "atypical richest man" is definitely the top level, doing practical things and saying big words fly together, madness is only the appearance, shrewdness is the core, today Fan Lord will take everyone to see ~

Be savvy with money

Making money first, burning money is also crazy

As a businessman, Musk has a keen sense of smell and is extremely shrewd, and after dropping out of Stanford in 1995, he successively created the "American Yellow Pages" Zip2 and the "American version of Alipay" PayPal and successfully cashed out, jumping to a billionaire in only 7 years.

After earning money, Musk began to chase poetry and far away, for the space dream of his youth, he smashed more than $100 million in hand into SpaceX and Tesla, and then embarked on burning money, making money, burning again, and earning again. The infinite cycle model, with huge assets but little cash, is said to be "the richest and poorest on the surface".

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Squeeze out tesla founders themselves to take office

Today, Tesla's high valuation is one of Musk's main sources of wealth. Because his image of "Silicon Valley Iron Man" is too deeply rooted in people's hearts, many people subconsciously think that Musk is the founder of Tesla, but it is not.

The real Tesla founder was Silicon Valley engineer Martin Eberhard, and on July 1, 2003, Martin partnered with his long-term business partner Mark Taponenen to form Tesla Motors. The name Tesla was coined by Martin's fiancée in honor of Nikola Tesla, the physicist who invented alternating current.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

After Tesla was founded, due to the lack of financing, the two people's money quickly burned out, at this time Musk shined on the scene, spending 6.3 million (also said to be 6.5 million) TO invest in Tesla, on the condition that he became the chairman of the board of directors and had the final decision on all matters.

Musk's addition not only brought an important turning point for Tesla, but also became a "nightmare" for the two original founders. With the high-profile debut of Tesla Roadster in 2006, Musk, who aspires to become the real leader of Tesla, successfully squeezed out the original founder step by step through capital operation, and finally officially became the CEO of Tesla in October 2008. (Now Twitter does not dare to give Musk control, but also afraid of history repeating itself.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

With the successful listing of Tesla on the NASDAQ in 2010, Musk not only made $630 million on the opening day, but also the impression of "Musk = Tesla" was also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, laying a solid foundation for him to become an opinion leader who later became a storm.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

The original founder who was squeezed out was more miserable, not only was Musk called "the worst person who has ever worked", but also did not make any money. However, from another point of view, although Musk has obtained Tesla by shrewd operation, if he did not join, Tesla would have been yellow long ago, and the two parties are actually mutually successful.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Virtual coin preacher, crazy goods on Twitter

Musk, who has many assets and lacks cash, the original intention of investing in cryptocurrencies is to find money for Tesla. When Tesla was exposed to quality problems and the stock price plummeted, Musk began to become a big man in the currency circle, frequently standing for Bitcoin.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

The "virtual coin preacher" also has a special way of entering, that is, "Twitter speculation". As an opinion leader admired by countless people, Musk's influence in the cryptocurrency field has also been proven several times, and with the touch of a finger, the price of cryptocurrencies can be rubbed up. He briefly changed the Twitter profile to "bitcoin", which directly led to a rise of more than 14% in half an hour

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

It also mentioned Dogecoin several times in a day on Twitter, causing its price to rise rapidly by 60%, becoming the 8th cryptocurrency in the world.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

It even pushed Tesla directly into the market, according to SEC documents disclosed that in January 2021, Tesla bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin and wanted to use bitcoin as a payment method. In just one month, the 1.5 billion investment has become 2.1 billion, and the monthly income is comparable to Tesla's net profit for the whole year of 2020.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

However, there are also people who think that he is "playing with fire", there is news that he flipped the coin overturned, a loss of 600 million a year, in fact, from the perspective of absolute income, Musk speculation is still profitable, but the profit has been retraced, this wave of "reverse speculation" is only to increase the gimmick, but his followers need to be vigilant, do not be a leek ~

For the realization of the space dream, burn money without blinking

Musk is savvy on other projects, but a bit "silly" when it comes to SpaceX. Not only are the stalls bigger, but the money is burned and there is a bottomless pit. Whether it is a spacecraft or a Starlink project, the estimated cost is tens of billions, and Musk even said that the "primary goal of the Starlink project is not to go bankrupt."

After all, SpaceX had suffered a bankruptcy crisis in 2008, when the Falcon One rocket failed three times in a row, and the company was so poor that there was only $40 million left on the book, and Musk once had to borrow money from friends.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

In his latest speech at Starbase City, Texas, Musk revealed that 50 launches are planned for 2022. And each launch will cost more than $10 million, which means burning $500 million in this alone.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

So now SpaceX not only receives various orders for deliveries to space, but also raises funds again and again. Musk also recently said that he can land on Mars in 2029, and it is estimated that this wave of advertising can raise a lot more money

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

However, according to statistics, Space X has carried out a total of 51 rounds of financing since its establishment, raising $6.6 billion, which is obviously a drop in the bucket in the face of huge expenses.

Therefore, Musk must stabilize or increase Tesla's market value on the one hand, the most direct way is to sell to his own company on Twitter; if necessary, quickly obtain cash flow in the form of "speculation", and multi-pronged continuous blood transfusion for Space X's burning money project.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Data analytics site Visual Capitalist summarizes Musk's tweets over the past decade


It seems like a mad demon, but in fact, it has a purpose

The boss is a workaholic and the employees are forced to work overtime

In the matter of "establishing people", Musk has considered it very carefully. His "Silicon Valley Iron Man" identity, seemingly crazy, actually has a purpose...

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

As a tech geek, Musk is well known for his career fanatics. He previously said that he worked at least 100 hours a week, and that eating and sleeping were "wasted time", and that he could save money.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

This model sleeps in the company 2-3 days a week, in order to promote herself to sleep less and work harder, the "bed" in the office is filled with cement

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

From 2020 onwards, he also sold out the mansion one after another, carrying a bag to live in a rented "folding room" near SpaceX, making it easier for him to be in work.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

When I travel to China on business, I will not spend time on eating and socializing, pulling the team to either "squeeze the dumpling shop" or "the roadside pancakes will be just a little".

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Even when he surpassed Bezos as the world's richest man for the first time last year, he pretended that nothing had happened, and said that he was going back to work

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

Perhaps it is precisely because he has always been fully committed to his work and has no reservations, so Musk takes it for granted when asking employees.

A Tesla employee named Ambras complained about him, saying that "it is basically impossible to take a weekend off, Musk will call us, look for various reasons for us to do some work, and also give him a little help."

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

"Silicon Valley Iron Man: Elon Musk's Adventurous Life" wrote that in the face of employee dissatisfaction, Musk directly stated: "After we go bankrupt, you will have more time with your family." ”

The book also mentions an employee who missed an event because of the birth of the baby and was scolded by Musk, saying that "we are changing the world, changing history, if you are not going to do it, then you don't do it." It feels like it's quite PUA... But Musk himself said it wasn't.

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

People before Internet addiction in middle age, after people traffic godfather

In addition to coercing everyone into being a workaholic together, Musk's operation on social media is not simple.

He's a real Silicon Valley influencer who surfed Twitter in 2009 with 80.736 million followers and at least 73486938 tweets (still growing wildly).

Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, crazy in front of people, and behind it was all heart tricks...

The most powerful thing is that Musk also has a set of "social media tactics", very good at bo attention, looking for gimmicks, so that he and the company are always at the peak of traffic, with their own strength, saving the publicity costs of several companies.

The first trick is "alarmist". For example, when Tesla's stock price fell and the company's market value evaporated by $20 billion a week, Musk seized the opportunity of April Fool's Day and sent 4 tweets in a row, stressing to everyone: Tesla is bankrupt!

He even sent a photo of himself holding the "Bankwupt" brand, and did a good job of playing it to regain everyone's attention to the company.

The second trick is "crazy talk". At that time of speculation, he first gave the virtual coin platform at two ends for three days, one moment he regretted that he was too late to buy bitcoin, and the other said that he wanted to send Dogecoin to the moon.

Later, it suddenly rebelled against the water, "reflecting" that the virtual currency was not environmentally friendly, and did not accept the purchase of Tesla with bitcoin, resulting in a sharp drop in the price of bitcoin. In a matter of minutes, investors can be ruined, and they are also scolded for manipulating the market as rich and unkind.

The third trick is "shaking the earth". The top few brothers on the rich list, except for Arnault, were almost all stifled by Musk.

When Zuckerberg encountered the "Facebook leak door", Musk "stepped on a foot" and directly deleted the Facebook accounts of all his companies, including Tesla, and said that he did not know what Facebook was....

Bill Gates shrugged it off more than once, especially when Gates praised Tesla and turned around and bought the Porsche Taycan. Musk listened to this, and immediately launched an attack mode against Gates, "To be honest, when I talked to Bill Gates, I really didn't leave any impression."

Even against the respected Buffett. Previously, Buffett said in an interview that he would not invest in Tesla's stock, which immediately made Musk unhappy. In the past two days, he has launched a counterattack, saying that Buffett is "bored", "reading a lot of company annual reports and accounting materials" and just trying to figure out "whether to invest in Coca-Cola or Pepsi", and the automobile manufacturing industry he is engaged in is "down-to-earth life".

Bloomberg's picture is also very expressive

It can be found that Musk's behavior of these online gangsters can almost all be related to Tesla. The richest man's fight triggered netizens to watch for minutes, and the advertising fee was saved.

In the past two years, in order to brush his own space career, Musk has from time to time to cue the old brother Bezos to grab the headlines.

When Bezos "soared" before, Musk complained that he did not fly high enough, not counting going to space, while politely blessing before leaving.

Then he turned his head and began to advertise his own rocket, and the meaning of the competition was very obvious.

Later, it developed into a frenzy of Bezos, saying that he "became a professional litigation stick after retirement" because his company sued SpaceX on average every 16 days; Bezos invested in anti-aging companies, and Musk also had to be afraid: "If it doesn't work, he will even have to sue the god of death!" ”

The fourth trick is "not easy to get out of the way". The acquisition of Twitter shares is a good example, Musk's front foot complained that Twitter has no freedom of speech, but also let everyone vote, and the back foot changed from "Internet celebrity" to "major shareholder", simply not too dramatic~

These social media riots have been stirred up until now, Musk casually sent a "seven-step poem" can be on the hot search 4 times a day, and making an emoji can also derive countless interpretations... No one could figure out what he wanted to do, and the fire was over.

Of course, in addition to online posting, he also transforms into an offline dance king from time to time to dominate traffic.

Before the Tesla Shanghai factory began to awkwardly dance without a word, staged the soul "undressing", out of the devil's steps, the scene boiled like a disco, netizens were also excited...

Delivering a new car in Germany last month, he danced again and reached new heights of embarrassment.

Take the "weird man" route, but the human design will not collapse

However, Fan Feels that Musk's smartest is to take the "weird" route, let everyone accept his words and deeds, but avoid the risk of the collapse of the human design.

His strange remarks have never been broken, such as the theory of having more children, the theory that people should not live too long, and so on.

The most overheated thing was the sudden announcement that "considering privatizing Tesla at $420 per share, with funds guaranteed", and 17 days later, he changed his mind and announced that he would abandon Tesla privatization. As a result, he was forced to resign as chairman of Tesla because of misleading investors. Even if you don't care about this, everyone can't understand where his bottom line is.

In terms of feelings, the beautiful girlfriend has not been broken after the divorce, the child has given birth to a lot, married and left, and the breakup can also burst out of the hibi girl...

On the other hand, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg, who flipped the scripts of "Good Husband" and "Big Philanthropist", have been scolded as sieves...

Life savvy

Talk about efficiency and cut the door, "free" to have 8 children

Cut yourself, and cut others even more

Although Musk is the richest man, he is famous for his efficiency + door-cutting in terms of life. He dresses very simple or anything, likes leather coats with black T or shirts, I can't see how delicate it is.

Occasionally wearing a Givenchy, but also to increase exposure, to the fashion entertainment industry brushed a few waves of presence. Looking at givenchy's official call gesture, I don't know if it is advertising.

As mentioned earlier, the mansion was sold out and the property was light for a lifetime.

The cars are all companies, the private car is a Model S Performance, and before driving cyberrunk all over the street.

In fact, Musk is even more critical of himself, but he is even more critical of the people around him!

Child Grimes ran out a while ago to spit on him, saying that when the two interacted, they lived like they were below the poverty line, living in a $40,000 mobile home with no security and privacy to speak of, about 40 square meters; the mattress was broken and he was reluctant to buy a new one, and he ate peanut butter for 8 consecutive days... Seeing that netizens are swelled, ready to raise funds for the old horse

Use the other half as a fertility machine and easily have 8 children

As a "fertility promotion ambassador" who shouts that humans have more children when nothing is wrong, Musk easily became the father of 8 children (the eldest Nevada died prematurely) by using the other half as a fertility machine + nanny.

The 8 children are from two mums: first wife Justine and "flexible girlfriend" Grimes.

The first wife, Justine, was entirely a fertility machine. In the 5 years after the unfortunate death of his son due to illness, IVF gave birth to a pair of twins, a pair of triplets, and 5 babies are sons, which can be said to have pulled the efficiency full.

After the divorce, Justine also received only $2 million in cash, $80,000 a month in child support and a Tesla, and the child could only communicate with Musk's assistant.

The second Raily didn't have a good life either. Over the years together, Riley is like a substitute mommy - although she did not have a baby, Musk and the previous 5 babies are her. In the end, I couldn't stand it, and left with $16 million in alimony

Even without a license, as girlfriends, Amber and Grimes had to help with the baby when they fell in love with him. Sure enough, every object, regardless of whether he has a baby or not, has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of carrying a baby with him.

Later, Musk and Grimes dated, and also had various births - the two first gave birth to their youngest son X AE A-XII (now known as Baby X) by natural conception in 2020, and gave birth to their first daughter, Baby Y, through surrogacy last December.

Grimes had been bleeding profusely during the birth of his first child, and it felt like it was not easy to close the ghost door.

Well, about the shrewdness behind Musk's "crazy people", I will talk to you here, what do you think about this, welcome to discuss in the comment area.

Images from the web, partly from Visual China

Business Fan Production: Editor Josie Grace | Operate Eva

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