
Grade I Medical Malpractice! The hospital was fined 40,000 yuan and the doctor revoked his practice certificate

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Grade I Medical Malpractice!

The hospital was fined 40,000 yuan and the doctor revoked his practice certificate

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Health Commission announced a punishment for a "first-class first-class medical accident".

Grade I Medical Malpractice! The hospital was fined 40,000 yuan and the doctor revoked his practice certificate

Screenshot of the official website of the Anhui Provincial Health Commission

The relevant illegal facts are as follows: On May 21, 2021, Liu Liqin, an obstetrician and gynecologist at the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, did not follow the normal medical procedure and did not receive a patient without epidemiological investigation, performed intrauterine device removal for the patient, did not complete the preoperative examination, did not sign the preoperative consent form, and did not write the outpatient medical records and surgical records for the patient's outpatient visit and operation. The patient died on August 21, 2021, resulting in uterine perforation, perforation of the small intestine, and eventually acute diffuse peritonitis with septic shock, multi-organ insufficiency, and even failure. On December 15, 2021, the Anhui Provincial Medical Association identified this case as a First Class A medical accident, and the doctor was mainly responsible.

Penalty result: The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, warning and fine of 40,000 yuan; Liu Liqin, revoked the physician's practice certificate. (Anhui Provincial Health Commission, Dawan News)

The president accepted more than 10 million yuan in bribes and was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison in the first instance

On April 6, the Intermediate People's Court of Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, publicly pronounced a verdict in the case of Hu Jie, former president of Guyuan People's Hospital, for accepting bribes through remote trial video. The Yinchuan Intermediate People's Court found that from 2007 to 2016, when defendant Hu Jie was the vice president and president of Guyuan People's Hospital, he took advantage of his position to provide assistance to others in medical equipment procurement, medical equipment payment, project payment, etc., and illegally accepted 36 units or personal property totaling 11.287503 million yuan on 140 occasions.

The Yinchuan Intermediate People's Court held that after Hu Jie was arrested, he should be given a lenient punishment in accordance with law if he truthfully confessed the facts of his crime, voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment, took the initiative to report and expose the criminal conduct of others after investigation and verification, and voluntarily returned part of the stolen money. Hu Jie was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison and fined 600,000 yuan, and his illegal gains were recovered 11,287,503 yuan and fruits. (Yinchuan Intermediate People's Court)

The first case in China! Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Take the lead in implementing domestic single-hole robot gynecological surgery

Recently, Professor Sun Dawei of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital used the domestic single-hole laparoscopic surgical robot system to successfully perform ovarian cyst removal for a 32-year-old female patient through the navel approach. The entire surgical procedure took only 35 minutes, the bleeding was only 5 ml, and the postoperative patient's umbilical wound was only 2.5 cm, and he was discharged from the hospital the next day after the operation. It is understood that this is the first case of gynecological registered clinical surgery completed by applying a domestic surgical sharp multi-arm single-hole robot. (Doctor Concordia said public number)

Wuhan medical staff in Shanghai Fang Cabin Hospital to take patients to jump up bone exercises

On the afternoon of April 6, in the Shanghai New International Expo Center Cabin Hospital, medical staff led patients to jump up a special bone exercise, led by Wang Wen, a post-90s nurse at Wuhan Fourth Hospital. Wang Wen said that the hospital she works in is also an orthopedic hospital, and she often teaches patients to do this set of exercises every day, which can play a role in exercising muscles. By the time she took off her protective suit, she was soaking wet. (Burning News)

Video screenshots

Chongqing added a new national tertiary first-class general hospital

According to the news of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College (Chongqing Sixth People's Hospital) on April 6, the hospital has officially passed the national third-class first-class general hospital review, and the evaluation level is valid from April 2022 to March 2026.

It is understood that the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College was founded in 1948, its predecessor is the hospital directly under the Central Plains Ministry of Health of the Second Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, after 73 years of inheritance and accumulation, the development of the hospital has made great progress, and has developed into a national tertiary general hospital with occupational disease prevention, treatment, research and poisoning disposal as features, with medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention and health care as one. (The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College)

The president of a hospital in Wenzhou died at the age of 53

According to the news of Yueqing City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on April 6, Li Shiquan, deputy secretary of the general party branch and president of the hospital, unfortunately died at 4:00 a.m. on April 3 at about 4 a.m. on April 3, at the age of 53.

It is understood that in early November 2020, Li Shiquan was transferred from the Third People's Hospital of Yueqing City to the Yueqing City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During his tenure, he worked hard and his body was always under overload. Li Shiquan's wife revealed that a few minutes before the shock rescue, she was still explaining to her colleagues about supporting nucleic acid sampling in Liushi Town. (Yueqing City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Healthy Yueqing)

Jiangsu reported 5 typical cases of poor epidemic prevention and control

On April 6, the Jiangsu Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission reported five typical cases of poor epidemic prevention and control. One of them involved Lin Jiang, deputy director of the Department of Clinical Laboratory of Jiangyin People's Hospital, and others.

According to the notification, at 18:00 on March 18, the initial screening of the laboratory department of the Hospital's ShanWan Campus found that the test results of a 10 tube nucleic acid samples of hospitalized patients were abnormal, that is, double reagent re-examination was carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the province, and at 21:00 that night, the staff Tang Wendong found that the result was still positive, that is, he informed Lin Jiang through WeChat, and Lin Jiang did not reply. At 7 o'clock on the 19th, Lin Jiang saw the WeChat message and should have reported it in time, but he made a decision to re-examine it again, and only reported it after the re-examination result was still positive at 12 o'clock on the 19th, resulting in two delays of 15 hours to report, seriously delaying the hospital's start of emergency treatment work such as ward sealing and control, and increasing the risk of the spread of the epidemic. On March 20, Lin Jiang and Tang Wendong were given severe warnings and punishments within the party. (Jiangsu Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission)

Source: Medical community comprehensive collation

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreader: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao

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