
Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

In the latest trailer, Qin Ming and Ghost Douluo officially started a war. Qin Ming took the lead in opening the True Body of the Martial Soul, and was ready to take the lead in using the strongest means of attack, so as to achieve an effective suppression of the Ghost Douluo.

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

The Title Douluo is the top being among the Soul Masters, while the Soul Saint is a high-level being. In the later plot, there will be a bloodthirsty axe soul saint, and at that time, the original novel said that if a soul saint tried to escape, even if he was banned Douluo, it would be difficult to keep him. (The animation plot is the mainstay, supplemented by the novel, the reason is that Tang Jiasan likes to eat books, there are places in the animation that are modified, and there are also places to continue to eat books, such as Qin Ming's soul ring configuration, the age of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King)

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

In this way, the Soul Emperor cultivator and the following soul masters had absolutely no possibility of surviving the Upper Seal Douluo. Referring to poison Douluo's battle against the Golden Iron Triangle, soul saint did not have much power to fight back in front of poison douluo. When he saw Tang Hao beating Zao Wou-ki, Flanders interceded for Zao Wou-ki, and Tang Hao told him that he didn't want to be beaten and went aside. The Soul Saint met the Sealed Douluo and was not a capital to fight against it.

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

Contra is qualified to fight with the Title Douluo, of course, the protagonist group can cross the level at any time to fight monsters. Yang Invincible was praised by Qian Yuxue, and of course, Tang Hao. For the average Soul Douluo, when he was in the Heaven dou Royal Academy, poison Douluo was one person against three Soul Douluo. It can be seen that a Soul Douluo cannot confront the Sealed Douluo head-on. Maybe two Soul Douluo could join forces and escape from the hands of the Sealed Douluo, and three Soul Douluo could cause some pressure on one Sealed Douluo. (Title Douluo or level 92 ordinary title Douluo, Soul Douluo to level 81 as an example)

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

Qin Ming was only a level 81 Soul Douluo, but he encountered a level 95 Ghost Douluo. Ghost Douluo effortlessly beat Qin Ming without the ability to fight back, and did not regard Qin Ming as an opponent at all.

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

In the preview of the previous episode, it was thought that Qin Ming's students had escaped first, but they did not run. And Qin Ming also fought to the end for the students.

Qin Ming officially vs Ghost Douluo, the gap between the strength of Soul Douluo and the Sealed Douluo was so large

Finally, let's talk about why Ghost Douluo appeared. Qin Ming came to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt soul beasts for students to obtain soul rings. Ghost Douluo, of course, is the forward, making some preparations for hunting the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

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