
Just released last year's financial report, net profit growth! Good news for GAC Group's sales in March?

Recently, GAC Group's 2021 financial report showed that the total operating income of GAC Group in the consolidated statement last year was 75.676 billion yuan, an increase of 19.82% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 7.335 billion yuan, an increase of 22.95% year-on-year, and the cumulative sales last year reached 2.1444 million vehicles, an increase of 4.92% year-on-year, which can be said that the performance of GAC Group last year was particularly outstanding.

Since the beginning of this year, GAC Group has continued its hot sales. Yesterday, GAC Group announced the production and sales in March, and the data is very eye-catching. How the specific performance, we may wish to take a look together.

Production and sales achieved double growth, and the new energy sector continued to erupt

In March, GAC Motor Group produced 227,600 vehicles, achieving a double year-on-month increase. At the same time, GAC Group sold 227,500 units in March, up 58.6% month-on-month and 30.7% year-on-year. Under the background of tight chip supply, repeated epidemics and rising raw material prices, ITC Group can still achieve double growth in production and marketing, which is not easy. The more difficult the moment, the more you can see the strength. The reason behind the success may be inseparable from the group's heritage and good adaptability.

It is worth mentioning that the new energy sector of GAC Group has also achieved double growth in production and sales. In March, GAC Group produced 23,497 new energy vehicles, up 165.53% year-on-year, 23,220 new energy vehicles, up 165.01% year-on-year, and the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles in the first quarter were 52,819 units, up 144.8% year-on-year.

It is not difficult to find that whether it is production or sales volume, the year-on-year growth rate of GAC Group is about 150%. It is not easy to double in one year, not to mention that the production and sales of gac motor group's new energy vehicles have not only doubled. According to this development rate, GAC Group still has a lot of points to watch in the future new energy field, and it is more worth looking forward to.

Its brands blossom at many points

From the perspective of the brand, GAC Aean performed quite well, with production and sales exceeding 20,000 for the first time. Among them, GAC Aeon sold 20,317 vehicles in March, an increase of 138.3% month-on-month and an increase of 189.7% year-on-year; the cumulative sales volume from January to March reached 44,874 units, an increase of 154.9% year-on-year, which has a profound impact on the entire new energy sector of GAC Group.

Technological breakthroughs, such as pure electric mileage breaking thousand, 5 minutes charging 112km, etc.; the product matrix continues to grow, such as the arrival of AION Y, AION V Plus; the synchronous improvement of product strength, such as the improvement of AION S Plus, AION LX Plus, the reason why GAC Aeon sales have increased rapidly, it is really reasonable.

GAC Trumpchi sold 30,091 units in March, up 26.5% month-on-month and 15.1% year-on-year, a stronger performance. Looking at the causes, Trumpchi M6, M8 and Shadow Leopard have a certain role in promoting it. However, among the mainstream brands of GAC Group, the year-on-year growth rate of GAC Trumpchi is relatively low.

In terms of joint venture brands, Guangqi Honda sold 76,833 units in March, up 34.6% month-on-month and 21.5% year-on-year, and its cumulative sales from January to March exceeded 210,000 units, up 16.7% year-on-year. Among the group's brands, its performance should not be underestimated. At present, GAC Honda has also begun to lay out in the field of new energy, and the recently popular Jipan 1 is expected to become a new growth point for GAC Honda's future sales.

In addition, GAC Toyota sold 97,006 units in March, an increase of 93.6% month-on-month and 41% year-on-year, which was particularly good, and the cumulative sales volume from January to March exceeded 240,000 units, an increase of 28.1% year-on-year. All along, the sense of quality, value and other labels have been attached to GAC Toyota, and GAC Toyota has been constantly innovating, and in response to the "double carbon" goal, and the tone of the entire low-carbon environmental protection is consistent, consumers are naturally willing to choose.

It is not difficult to find that the brands of GAC Group have blossomed at many points, the joint venture brands have performed hard core, the new energy brands have the strongest performance, and the traditional independent brands have performed decently. Overall, many brands under the GAC Group have made good breakthroughs and achievements.

There is no shortage of explosive products in the group

Specific to the model, GAC Group sold more than 20,000 models in March, namely the Camry series, the Accord series and the Leiling series. Sales of the Camry series were 27,211 units, the Accord series was 20,667 units, and the Ralink series was sold 20,032 units. For these models, Xiaobian believes that everyone is very familiar with it, and its product strength does not need to be said more, after all, sales have explained everything.

In addition to these three models, GAC Group also sold more than 10,000 models in March. Among them, Binzhi sold 16,623 units, the Veranda series sold 14,344 units, the Haoying series sold 12,481 units, and the Trumpchi GS4 series sold 12,374 units. In fact, in addition to these models, models such as Weisa, Fenglanda and Shadow Leopard have not really played a role in the market, and it is believed that with their charm, they will also bring good effects to THE GAC Group.

Auto Network Review: GAC Group made a good start in the first quarter

Unconsciously, it has entered April, and it is time to summarize the first quarter. Gac Motor Group's cumulative production in the first quarter was 598,100 units, an increase of 25% year-on-year, and cumulative sales were 608,200 units, an increase of 22.5% year-on-year, achieving a double increase in production and sales. It seems easy, but in the current environment, who can easily say the words "easy and easy"? Every achievement deserves respect, and every brilliant achievement deserves recognition.

Not long ago, GAC Group announced last year's financial report, the data is very eye-catching, and the hard power should not be underestimated. In less than a few days, GAC Group announced the march production and sales results, and the book data was also shining, and it can be said that GAC Group achieved a good start in the first quarter. Of course, the past can no longer be changed, the only thing that can be done is to think about how to continue to create new highs in the future and how to bring better products to consumers. And such a group or brand is also more worthy of our expectations.

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