
World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today

author:Capital Health
World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today
World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today

7 April marks the 73rd World Health Day.

The World Health Organization has identified the global theme as "Our Planet, Our Health". The world is working together to fight COVID-19 and is working to promote a healthier, greener world.

This year is also the 70th anniversary of the patriotic health campaign, the National Health Commission set the Theme of World Health Day in China as "Healthy Homeland, Healthy China", aiming to continue to inherit the fine tradition of the patriotic health movement in the new era and create a strong cultural atmosphere of loving the motherland, stressing hygiene, building civilization and emphasizing health.

Today, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce China's patriotic health campaign and the practices and achievements of building healthy cities.


What is "hygiene"?

"Hygiene" evolved from "health"

World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today

On the mainland, the word "hygiene" first appeared in the Lingshu. In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Shangshan compiled the Lingshu and Suwen into one book and named it the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic. The Lingshu was already written during the Warring States period, and its circulation was before the Warring States — this is now recognized by the medical community.

In modern society, the term "hygiene" refers to personal and social hygiene measures taken to improve human health, prevent diseases, improve and create a production environment and living conditions that meet physiological requirements. Moreover, according to medical historians, the medical term "hygiene" has actually evolved gradually from the word "health" that often appears in ancient medical books.


Origin of World Health Day

World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today

On 22 July 1946, the UN Economic and Social Council held its first International Health Assembly in New York, and representatives of more than 60 countries signed the Charter of the World Health Organization, which entered into force on 7 April 1948.

To commemorate the adoption of the Organization's Charter, in June 1948, the World Health Organization was formally established at the first World Health Assembly of the United Nations in Geneva, and it was decided to designate 22 July of each year as "World Health Day", advocating that countries hold various commemorative activities.

The following year, the Second World Health Assembly, taking into account that schools in most countries were already summer in July and were unable to participate in the celebration, made 7 April a global "World Health Day" from 1950 onwards. Since 1950, THE WORLD has annually selected a theme for World Health Day, highlighting the priority areas of concern to WHO.


What did the press conference say?

World Health Day | The focus on hygiene and wellness is more than just today

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the patriotic health campaign is not a simple cleaning and sanitation, but should be carried out from the aspects of improving the living environment, eating habits, social mental health, public health facilities and other aspects, and advocating a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle. The patriotic health movement is a great initiative and successful practice of the Communist Party of China in applying the mass line to health and disease prevention work, creating a "Chinese miracle" of health and health.

1 Decade

The living environment is improved, surrounded by clear water and blue sky

Mi Feng, spokesman of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Department of Publicity, informed at the meeting that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the patriotic health campaign has further strengthened the leadership of the party and the government, organized and mobilized the masses to carry out a series of activities, and effectively protected the health of the people. In the past ten years, the health of the urban and rural living environment has been significantly improved, and the blue sky and clear water and pure land have been around; in the past ten years, the construction of sanitary cities and sanitary townships has been deepened, healthy cities have been comprehensively explored, and health integration has been further implemented; in the past ten years, "healthy cells" such as healthy families and health promotion hospitals have grown strongly, and healthy lifestyles have become a new fashion, building a strong defense line against the epidemic.

2 National prefecture level or above

National sanitary cities account for more than 60%

Mao Qun'an, deputy director of the Office of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee and director of the Planning and Information Department of the National Health Commission, introduced at the press conference that at present, the proportion of national health cities at or above the prefectural level in the country accounts for more than 60%, creating a number of model cities for the construction of healthy cities, laying a solid foundation for the construction of a healthy China.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Patriotic Health Office and the National Health Commission have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and worked with more than 30 member units of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee to solidly promote the patriotic health campaign. The first is to create a healthy environment and build a healthy home. The second is to cultivate the concept of health and improve health literacy. The third is to strengthen health governance and help build a healthy China.

Mao Qun'an introduced that with the joint efforts of various regions and departments and all sectors of society, the urban and rural living environment has been continuously optimized, the health level of the population has been greatly improved, and the environmental indicators such as the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas, the harmless treatment rate of urban domestic waste, air quality, and health indicators such as average life expectancy and infant mortality have been significantly improved compared with ten years ago.

3 The average life expectancy of the population is 77.3 years

Mao Qun'an pointed out that in the past 70 years, the patriotic health campaign has flourished, endured for a long time, and achieved remarkable results.

First, the environmental sanitation of urban and rural areas has improved significantly. According to statistics, the penetration rate of rural sanitary toilets has exceeded 70%, the harmless treatment rate of urban domestic waste has reached 99%, and the rural centralized water supply rate and tap water penetration rate have reached 89% and 84% respectively. The average number of good air quality days in 339 cities at or above the prefecture level in the country accounted for 87%, and various environmental health indicators were significantly improved.

Second, good results have been achieved in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Through patriotic health campaigns, we have effectively controlled acute infectious diseases such as plague and cholera, and reduced the risk of transmission of intestinal infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, insect-borne infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, as well as schistosomiasis and parasitic diseases. It is through the patriotic health campaign, especially in the response to SARS and the new crown pneumonia epidemic, that the whole society has played an important role in epidemic prevention and control.

Third, the health level of the whole people has been significantly improved. Through the development of a wide range of health science activities, the concept of health and basic skills have become more and more popular, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise has reached 37.2%, the health literacy level of residents has reached 23.15%, the average life expectancy has reached 77.3 years, and the per capita health status has improved significantly.

Fourth, the influence of the patriotic health movement has been expanding. The World Health Organization has awarded the government the "Special Award for Sanitary Cities" and the "Outstanding Model Award for Social Health Governance", giving high praise to "China has been practicing this principle through the patriotic health campaign long before the integration of health into all policies has become a global slogan".

April is also Patriotic Health Month. Mao Qun'an introduced that last year, the National Patriotic Health Association, the Central Civilization Commission and the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee jointly launched a two-year campaign to advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and the theme of the activities of last year and this year's Patriotic Health Month was determined as "civilized, healthy, and green environmental protection", with the purpose of truly implementing the relevant work, promoting the cultivation of civilized and healthy habits of the masses, and helping epidemic prevention and control.

4 Take a healthy city as a

An important starting point for the construction of a healthy China

Mao Qun'an said that in the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline, it is proposed to take healthy cities as an important starting point for the construction of a healthy China, and in 2016, the National Patriotic Health Association fully launched the construction of healthy towns, and in recent years, we have focused on promoting the following aspects:

The first is to continuously improve the policy system. It has successively issued the norms for the construction of healthy cells such as healthy enterprises, schools, and communities, and healthy townships and healthy counties, and created a whole-chain construction system of healthy China, healthy cities, healthy counties, healthy townships, and healthy cells. At present, it has formed a work pattern of healthy city construction led by party committees, led by the government, multi-departmental cooperation, supported by professional institutions, and jointly participated by the whole society.

The second is to actively explore appropriate models. Put forward the "6 + X" construction model, "6" is to establish the party committee and government leadership work mechanism, formulate a healthy city development plan, carry out the construction of "healthy cells", promote a number of key construction projects, establish a national health management system, and carry out construction effect evaluation. "X" refers to the need to promote the construction of characteristics, and encourage various localities to explore some construction models suitable for local areas in combination with local realities.

The third is to promote related work through integration. In order to promote the Patriotic Health Campaign and the Healthy China Action, we have selected 15 cities to carry out the pilot work of the innovative model of promoting the Healthy China Action for the construction of Healthy Cities.

The fourth is to give full play to the exemplary role. We have issued an evaluation index system for healthy city construction, carried out evaluation work on a regular basis, and launched a number of model cities for healthy city construction, leading the work with typical demonstrations.

Through the work in recent years, the comprehensive index and sub-index of healthy cities in various places have steadily improved, the health status of the population has continued to improve, the median life expectancy has reached 79.40 years, and the infant mortality rate, under-5 mortality rate, and maternal mortality rate have continued to decline, reaching or better than the average level of high-income countries.

Comprehensive Health China, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, Baidu Encyclopedia, etc

Editor: Guo Lei

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