
Doing one-handed push-ups on the side of the road on a rainy day, what does this veteran do?

Source: Chinese veterans

It's raining heavily

A traffic policeman suddenly fell to the side of the road

Did "one-handed push-ups"

What's going on here?

This young man lying on the ground

His name is Chen Haojie

He is a traffic policeman in Fuyang District, Hangzhou

That morning

Sudden rainstorms in Hangzhou

Chen Haojie patrolled near Jiangbin West Avenue

Serious water accumulation on the road was found

There are forty or fifty centimeters deep

Especially on the left driveway side

When a car passes, it will bring up the water and splash it on pedestrians

Doing one-handed push-ups on the side of the road on a rainy day, what does this veteran do?

Chen Haojie carefully examined the findings

The reason why the road surface is seriously waterlogged

It was because the sewer opening was blocked by debris

Make it impossible for stagnant water to drain

Chen Haojie didn't say a word

Quickly find clogged drains

He first took the sanitation worker's broomstick

Stabbed twice in the sewers

Found a lot of garbage in the drain

So I went straight to the overflowing ground

The left hand lands on the ground to support

The right hand kept reaching down the sewer

Pull out dead leaves and other garbage

Ten minutes later

The water on the pavement went down quite a bit

Chen Haojie told Xiaohua

"That lid opens

It was full of stones and leaves

The sanitation worker's little hook couldn't pull it out at all."

That's it

The scene of "one-handed push-ups"

Chen Haojie was born in 1997

After graduating from high school, he chose to join the army

"At that time, armed for five kilometers

I carried two rifles on my back

Two battle bags hang from the chest

Also took the first place in the whole company."

Speaking of experiences in the army

Chen Haojie was very proud

Doing one-handed push-ups on the side of the road on a rainy day, what does this veteran do?

The third from the left is Chen Haojie

Chen Haojie has always stressed with Xiaohua

I am a very ordinary person

He also jokingly called himself a "reckless man"

It is said that when patrolling in normal times, it encounters water in the road area

It will also directly "pull out" the manhole cover and guard it aside

Accelerated drainage

"First of all, we must ensure the traffic safety of the road surface."

Doing one-handed push-ups on the side of the road on a rainy day, what does this veteran do?

Chen Haojie's life photos

Chen Haojie's move

It has also been praised by many comrades-in-arms

Doing one-handed push-ups on the side of the road on a rainy day, what does this veteran do?

Swoop down

There is no task that cannot be completed

Veteran Chen Haojie
