
Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

author:Red dust

Love knows no borders, no race, no class, no age, not even gender, as long as two people do not violate morality, sincerely love each other, you can cross all obstacles, white head and old age.

Take my name as the surname of Ru

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

In Britain, when it comes to fashion and fashion, no one does not know that this Vivian Westwood, who is dressed in glory in the fashion industry, is called "punk godmother" by the West and "Queen west" by the East.

The famous female designer's crazy and unstable life is interspersed and strung together by three twists and turns of love.

Born in 1941 to a poor, ordinary working-class family in a small town in the south of England, Vivian had a happy childhood despite his modest family.

Vivian excelled, often receiving scholarships in secondary school, and although she went to Harrow Art School for a semester to study gold and silver jewelry design, her dream at that time was to become a teacher.

In order to enter the university of teacher training, Vivian first went to the Kodak factory to make money, and after earning the money, she transferred to the academy and became a teacher as she wished, she said, "I can teach while drawing."

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

It was during her time as a teacher that the seemingly unremarkable English girl met her first husband, a factory worker who also looked unremarkable, Ker Westwood.

The two young men met and soon fell into the vortex of love, and in 1962, Vivian, a 21-year-old young woman wearing a wedding dress she had designed herself, married Ke Westwood, who also had her husband's last name.

Soon after the marriage, the crystallization of their love, Vivian's eldest son Benjamin, was born, and this seemingly happy marriage was soon tested.

England is a country of very polite gentlemen, and Westwood has a very typical traditional idea, he hopes that Vivian, as his wife, will be meek and virtuous at home to teach her children, rather than working outside.

Contrary to her husband, Vivian is a crazy punk lover, often wearing a trendy rock costume, these unique and strange clothes let Vivian see a different self, and the three-dimensional couple constantly contradict each other and finally choose to divorce.

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

"The Godfather of Punk" "The Godmother of Punk"

After divorcing her first husband in 1965, Vivian soon met her second husband, rock singer Malcolm McLaren, through her brother.

The acquaintance of the two of them was like two fiery currents, violently colliding in a frenzied run, erupting into a fiery spark.

As a genuine school bully, McLaren not only gave Vivian the passion and inspiration he needed most as a fashion designer, but also helped his wife with his own scholarship.

Vivian's lively enthusiasm also injected new blood into McLaren's boring life, and the two of them helped each other, encouraged each other, and were also mentors and friends.

Because the two shared the same hobby, they saved up money to open the first punk-style clothing store at the time, and at first, Wei Wei'an, who had just entered the industry, only gave the talented McLaren a hand.

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

Their starvation marketing model was also successful, opening stores only two hours a day in the middle of the night, leaving young, fanatical rock punk youths chasing crazy trends to line up until midnight to snap up.

Vivian was brilliant, and it wasn't long before her love of rock and roll, her penk fanaticism, and her understanding of fashion trends from a feminine perspective gave her a quick burst of inspiration.

She gave rock 'n' roll a typical look, tearing clothes, hole-digging T-shirts, and metal chains that have influenced and led rock's wave.

McLaren and Vivian are called "punk godfathers" and "punk godmothers" by these young men and women who are crazy about rock punk.

The good times did not last long, McLaren looked at his increasingly excellent wife, thinking of his own self who was devastated and not understood, and his heart gradually became unbalanced.

In order to vent this imbalance, he frequently violently abused Vivian, cold violence, and although Vivian was grateful to McLaren, who was also a teacher and friend, he could not stand this disappointing and hurtful marriage, and finally chose to end it.

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

"The Hand of the Son and the Son with the Old"

Divorced Vivian is like a kite that breaks free of the line, an eagle that soars with wings outstretched, and she gets great freedom from this failed marriage.

Her career as a designer is like hanging out, or maybe she finally has the ability and her own time to create works.

Although there are still many people who cannot accept such sexy clothing, in such an era of better and better living conditions and materialism, ordinary clothes can no longer meet the needs of those fanatical youth who pursue rock and roll and pursue the punk spirit, and what they need is clothes with soul and spirit.

Vivian will put her fiery soul and emotion into her designs, her designs are extremely beautiful and aura, and her clothes have her soul and life.

A dress with temperature can always bring more people to resonate, her design even spread to the East, in the Eastern countries there is also a group of fans who enthusiastically pursue her design, they in order to express their love for Vivian, call Vivian "Western Empress".

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

Vivian is undoubtedly a model of self-taught talent, and in her 50-year-old year of cutting thorns and thorns, she met a man who could hold the hand of her son and grow old with her son.

Can you accept the pursuit of a man 25 years younger than yourself? Or can your family bless you to marry a 25-year-old man who is a little bit of yourself?

In Eastern countries, this may be love that will not be blessed basically, but in Westernist countries where love is paramount, love knows no borders, no race, and certainly no age.

Andreas Krantler, 25, was a student in Vivian's fashion class, and the young man fell in love with Vivian at first sight after listening to her first lesson.

Madly in love with this confident, trendy woman, embarking on a fanatical pursuit of her, the fifty-year-old Vivian felt a passion and new inspiration in Andreas Krantler that he had not seen in a long time.

Soon, she couldn't help but fall in love with this enthusiastic young man, and in this way, they did not care about the eyes of the world, and in 1992, they joined hands and entered the palace of marriage, and the 50-year-old Vivian married the 25-year-old Andreas.

Western "punk godmother": 3 romances in a lifetime, married to a 25-year-old student at the age of 50, and has been growing old with a white head since then

Vivian's life is crazy, brave, amazing, and successful in the eyes of people, her freedom, purity and fanaticism are fascinating, and it is her madness that has made her life.

Today, at the age of 80, Vivian still does his favorite things, participates in various fashion activities, is active in his favorite world, and is always the bright sun.