
What aspects need to be paid attention to when designing an indoor children's amusement park

author:Henan amusement equipment manufacturers

What aspects need to be paid attention to when designing an indoor children's amusement park

The continuous expansion of the children's consumer market has made the indoor children's amusement park consumer market more popular, and the number of franchisees to invest in children's parks has gradually increased, so is there some skills in the design of indoor children's amusement parks? The following naughty castle equipment manufacturer Huajin amusement will come to briefly introduce it for everyone.

What aspects need to be paid attention to when designing an indoor children's amusement park

1. Styling design

The shape design of the indoor children's amusement park should first be visually lively, close to nature, close to life, and the appearance of the shape is vivid and expressive. Secondly, it is best to use animals and plants in the natural ecology in the shape.

For younger children, it can improve the awareness of the thing, and it is also conducive to exercising the child's observation ability. Third, the integration of kaleidoscopic patterns in the shape can satisfy children's imagination of the whole thing.

Adding more patterns, through the changing shapes and abstract patterns will attract children's attention, in line with children's willingness to explore.

The indoor children's amusement park equipment modeling should be interesting, attract children's interest, and conform to the characteristics of children's psychological development.

What aspects need to be paid attention to when designing an indoor children's amusement park

2. Color design

In the choice of color, first of all, in line with the characteristics of children's age, some of the indoor children's amusement parks that have been endowed with childlike colors are often more favored by children and cause children to resonate psychologically.

Children's nature of loving nature can be better reflected and grasped in the colors of children's paradise, and the use of the inherent color or tonal system of natural organisms can make children easier to identify.

At the same time, the addition of appropriate contrast colors can make the indoor children's amusement park have a strong attraction and impact on the color, in the indoor children's amusement park such an environment, the indoor children's amusement park with higher color brightness and warm colors will make children feel happy.

What aspects need to be paid attention to when designing an indoor children's amusement park

3. Theme embodiment

Character-oriented design, that is, theme design, for children's different preferences, personalities and current children's hot spots.

In the theme design, the children's paradise design is based on the theme of the child's favorite story theme or the game theme, and the children's paradise design is designed with the main line of imitating or restoring the story content.

In the theme, children can be conceived as the protagonists of the story, accompanied by these bionic children's paradises, as if entering the fairy tale world, where there are their character worlds and story development.

Through the theme design, the indoor children's amusement park can be better integrated into the specific scope of the playground, where the indoor children's amusement park appears as a prop, which is convenient for them to make up the story content at any time, expand their rich imagination space and exploration space, and give life to the original plain children's paradise.