
In the strongest brain, Zhang Yucheng said four words, revealing Cao Yidong's strength positioning

author:Tian Tian Ye Xiao Qi

Yesterday's strongest brain, the zhu keqi team and bai yupeng team game into the decider, the two sides each sent three people to compete one-on-one, the first two wins the team collectively into the final brain king battle. In fact, such a format reflects the importance of platoon deployment, Zhu Keqi's side is sent by Huang Ruoyi, Cao Yidong and Zhu Keqi, while Bai Yupeng's side is corresponding to Zhang Wenjing, Bai Yupeng and Meng Jie.

No matter which team, the three people sent out must have a difference in strength, such as Zhu Keqi's side, the strength of the three seems to be similar, but in fact, Cao Xiangdong is still relatively weak, which he himself admits, and in recent games, his performance is not too good. On Bai Yupeng's side, he himself was definitely the strongest, Meng Jie's strength was also good, and Zhang Wenjing was slightly weaker.

Of course, the most impressive thing is that Cao Yidong took the initiative to ask for help, the second to fight, and the reason he gave was not how strong he was, but put himself in a weak position to touch the strongest Bai Yupeng on the other side, so that the probability of winning for the entire team increased.

Is this idea familiar?

Remember a detail? When the two sides announced the order of appearance before the game, everyone was shocked to see that Cao Yidong was actually in the opposite position of Bai Yupeng. At this time, Zhang Yucheng, a young player of bai yupeng's team, said four words to his teammates around him, and said it twice-

Horse racing.

In the strongest brain, Zhang Yucheng said four words, revealing Cao Yidong's strength positioning

In fact, this format is played in the mode of Tianji horse racing. That is, if the weakest person is used to consume the victory of the strongest person on the other side, then the two stronger people on their own side have the greatest chance of winning.

But the problem was that Cao Yidong was actually the weakest horse on his side.

In fact, on this issue, Cao Yidong also generously admitted, and Zhang Yucheng said these four words, which indeed revealed Cao Yidong's true strength positioning. Cao Yidong himself showed weakness, indicating that he had a relatively clear grasp of his own strength and state, but this matter was said by others, and it seems that it has become a consensus.

In the strongest brain, Zhang Yucheng said four words, revealing Cao Yidong's strength positioning

It is no wonder that Cao Yidong's performance in recent games has indeed been questioned by everyone. In the previous three-on-three match, Zhang Tianyang and Zhu Keqi were relatively smooth, except for Cao Yidong, who appeared first, almost fell into a state of collapse. Since then, Cao Has been in a relatively sluggish position. When Zhu Keqi and Bai Yupeng were selected as captains, Cao Yidong was not selected until the end, which shows that everyone's recognition of his strength is not too high.

You know, Cao Yidong was very high-profile and eye-catching at the beginning. First of all, he was the first player in the initial ranking, and secondly, he took the initiative to take on the responsibility of leader many times during the competition and led everyone to complete the project. But as the game progressed, Cao Yidong was gradually compared to other gods.

In the strongest brain, Zhang Yucheng said four words, revealing Cao Yidong's strength positioning

We might as well compare this trio with the trio in the previous stage. Before the three-on-three time, Cao Yidong and Zhang Tianyang, Zhu Keqi jointly played, before the game, this group gave people the feeling of three Heavenly King level figures, if according to the previous performance, Cao Xiangdong even had the strength to bear. In yesterday's program, among the three people Huang Ruoyi, Cao Yidong and Zhu Keqi, Cao Yidong became the person who was recognized as the weakest. When the four words of Tian Ji racing were said by others, Cao Yidong's strength positioning was actually very clear.

Anyway, Cao Yidong has entered the battle for the king of the brain after all, or hope that he has a good play.