
The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

author:Bragging Aboutio
The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Teacher Schenkova may now want to sing a song to the sea, the song "Listen to me say thank you, because of you, warm the four seasons."

Because Haiqing suddenly single-handedly turned the embarrassing scene of sheep placenta.

These two days of surfing the Internet, you will most likely see multiple bloggers shouting "You, yes, my god !!!! ”

Notice that the last "god" is bound to shout out in the valley with a roaring voice as all the mountain pigs return to the barn for dinner.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Don't worry, bloggers aren't collectively suffering from hysteria.

But because they all watched the unprecedented embarrassing video of Haiqing when he was a guest in "Happy Boy".


Star embarrassment learning

Today's unique traffic password

Without further ado, this "You are my god" video is first placed below.

At that time, it was the 2013 "Happy Boy" charge triwizard, Ou Hao and Ning Huanyu PK.

Haiqing was invited to be the "V God" of the show, equivalent to a special guest, with the right to veto a judge's judgment.

Who would have thought that Haiqing, represented by the image of a mother who is always anxious and anxious in family dramas, is not very calm on this stage full of youthful atmosphere.

Before the judges scored, she interrupted He Jiongwanghan's words and stepped onto the stage.

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Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee at Ou Hao and shouted sincerely:

"Although in this show, I am the V God; on this stage, you are — yes — my God !!!"

At the moment when Hai Ming knelt down on her knees and put her right hand on her heart, she smiled happily.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

The audience cheered happily, and at that time, smartphones were not even popular, and most of the audience wore slightly bulky cameras and camcorders to shoot.

It is also thanks to the fact that smart phones were not popular at that time, otherwise before Haiqing stood up, Weibo hot search would come out:

"Boom! Haiqing knelt down on one knee to OuHao."

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

But at the scene, only Haiqing and the audience were very happy.

The three guests standing on the edge of the stage were already petrified on the spot.

Ning Hengyu, who was PK with Ou Hao, was very embarrassed, and the guests all ran down from the judges' bench to show love to their opponents.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

The two pillars of Hunan Satellite TV, He Jiong and Wang Han are also embarrassed.

Wang Han's eyes widened in disbelief as soon as he knelt under Haiqing, tilting his head slightly, and a question mark might be slowly emerging in his mind: "Is this something that can be done?" ”

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

After He Jiong repeatedly glanced at the table book next to him, his brow frowned, and he was even overwhelmed to the point where he began to bite his hand.

After so many years of hosting career, what storm has not been seen?

But sorry, Haiqing this staged something you have not seen.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Of course, the most embarrassing thing on the scene was Haiqing's kneeling object Ou Hao.

After Haiqing began to speak "I am the V God", Ou Hao entered a continuous cycle of sipping and biting.

After seeing the other party kneeling, Ou Hao quickly stepped forward to help, but Haiqing was holding a microphone in one hand and covering his chest with the other, and there was no room for him to play.

End with "You are my God!!! After the clip, Haiqing stood up and made an arch gesture, said please to the judges, and then walked off the stage with a smile.

At this time, OuHao's expression was ↓

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

No one knows what Haiqing's impulse was this time.

Netizens can only dare to speculate that when the midnight dream recalls this paragraph, Teacher Haiqing will not have a hundred million points of embarrassment.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

It can be said that this star black history, like sheep placenta, has multiple elements that are worth savoring.

As soon as the archaeological video came out, some netizens predicted in advance that it would definitely set off a wave of imitation.

Apparently, he was right.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Haiqing's female hegemony, Ou Hao's panic, and the shock of He Jiongwanghan and other old fritters in the entertainment industry, all added luster to the famous scene.

One of the most distinctive, of course, is the righteous voice of Teacher Haiqing.

All the bloggers who try to restore the scene are also committed to restoring this voice.

But unfortunately, even if ordinary people's voices are loud enough and they are broken, it is difficult to restore the effect of Haiqing full of qi, as if to crush the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

The video screenshots from left to right are from @An Maoyuan @Buddhism Spring @Lele.ah

After all, the original version is extremely penetrating and cannot be dispersed in the ear for a long time.

Some bloggers have taken videos to complain, and before the nap, the brain has been circulating "my god", and you have to shout a voice to enjoy it.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

via @Brother Octopus

Not long after, another video of Haiqing in the same program was also dug up, and the dead memory suddenly attacked.

She asked Ou Hao whether she liked female growth or short hair.

After receiving the response from the short haircut, Haiqing shouted her declaration domineeringly with the same overwhelming momentum:

"This life! My short hair, stay for you! ”

Since then, Haiqing's embarrassing black history has been repeatedly mentioned by netizens, and the video has often been hundreds of thousands of likes and millions of plays.

From the time she took off her shoes to present the award to Guo Jingming, to the time she shouted "give the actress a little more opportunities" at the award ceremony, Song Jia hurriedly said that "the above only represents Haiqing's personal views".

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Haiqing gradually replaced Sichengova and Yuan Li in the sheep placenta scene, and became the object of ridicule of the new generation of netizens.


Love and don't love netizens

All play hi

Celebrities may never have expected that there have been so many delicate or funny people to set labels with each other, and in the end, the most popular label is instead -


Fans Of alle i ignored, and the star embarrassed me to punch hard.

Handsome and beautiful women I can't remember the name, embarrassing queen I can count as many family treasures.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Counting the Shanghai Qing generation, the lucky ones held by netizens have been 5 generations.

At the earliest, Gulinaza established the position with a "poor Ha", and then Zhu Dan took over the throne with "sorry" and "Di Li Re Ma".

Guan Xiaotong's sentence "You fork fork" awakened everyone's ancient memories, and Sichen Gaowa Yuan Li joined hands to carry forward the sheep placenta culture.

Among them, "Poor Fork fork" created by @ musician Wang Bo is the node, and some embarrassing small soldiers are also pulled by hand.

According to the introduction in the video introduction, they have Chen Xuedong, the angry man, Liu Haoran, the bass old cannon, and Ma Jiaqi, the happy boy.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

This ghost animal song brainwashed a national audience at the end of last year, you say "you fork" and I can follow up with "sing the sunrise".

Poor haha is followed by singing sunset, and then another sentence "Harry Potter flying on a broom, sorry~sorry~"

The degree of popularity can be called the contemporary downgraded version of "palace jade liquor, one hundred and eight cups".

I have to say that the spread of star embarrassment has a mass basis and a human nature foundation.

It can be carried forward and become a manifestation, which is inseparable from everyone here.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

I don't know if you have ever thought about why it is not star happiness learning, not star crying learning, but embarrassment learning?

That's because embarrassment itself is a science.

The mood of these scenes is very direct, and the emotion of happiness is like a trampoline, everyone is cheering together on the top, but it will always be tired and dispersed;

And sadness is like a hammer, directly in the middle of the face of the crowd of a critical blow, heavy.

But the embarrassment is different, it is like a feathered tickle.

Some people can quickly accept it and enjoy the pleasure of laughing wildly; but others will only get goosebumps when they first touch the tickle, and can't help but frown and try to avoid it.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

This is why, every time the queen is born, there are always netizens who wonder:

Why do you like to watch it? I didn't dare to watch the video at all, for fear that the old problem of embarrassing people would be committed again.

But soon, this barrier will be broken by the surging second creation.

It's like tickling once and trying to avoid it, but after using it a few more times, you gradually get used to it and start to want to stop.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

At every incident, there are countless bloggers or netizens who spontaneously rush up and play with the terrier.

There are dozens of song lists with the theme of "Poor Ha" on the NetEase cloud, and the number of sheep placenta video plays on station B easily exceeds tens of millions.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

The first batch of netizens who played the terrier were like preachers who were desperate to take apart the black history videos of the stars and crush them, turn them into knowledge points, and then deliver them to the public.

Taking the sheep placenta incident as an example, they accurately extracted whether this can be said, the skin is unfolded, and if she needs it, and constantly practices and repeats it in real life.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

College thesis selection meeting can be sheep placenta, "No Xiaoming students have already thought of the thesis framework, can this be said?" ”

Workplace negotiations can be sheep placenta, "Can you help Xiaomei do a meeting PPT" "Oh, if she needs it." ”

Our colleague Mu Tiezhu simulated the hilarious scene of "If Liu Haocun, Si Qinggaowa and Yuan Li have a meeting together", please be sure to click to see

Watching the sheep placenta protosthetic video alone may be toe on the ground for the stiff conversation atmosphere between Sichenkova and Yuan Li.

Because that is the real scene, contemporary netizens are socially afraid, and they really don't want to experience such torture in an immersive way.

But if it is a fake joke at a glance, everything is OK again.

People who were originally afraid of embarrassment will gradually desensitize and gradually develop tolerance in the continuous bombardment of dense play terrier videos on the whole network.

Just like myself, the first time I heard Haiqing shouting "You are my god", I couldn't help but turn down the volume, quickly turn off the video, and couldn't bear to watch Ou Hao's expression again.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

But in the true and false Haiqing teacher has been shouting on the homepage for a day "My God!!! "After that, I broke the defense.


Boring entertainment industry

Rely on netizens to save

In a sense, these stars who have suddenly turned popular also have to thank netizens.

A heat that falls from the sky and is a carnival type of the whole network is a "blessing" that many people can't ask for.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

After the "Poor Fork fork" ghost animal song exploded, Guan Xiaotong sang a cover with Yang Di and Fan Chengcheng, and instantly appeared on the hot search.

This move is also regarded by some netizens as an "atmospheric" performance that stars can accept ridicule.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

If the star can take over the stubble after being ridiculed by netizens to carry out some self-deprecation, it can also gain some good feelings.

Zhu Dan appeared on the "Spit Conference" after the slip of the tongue incident and arranged himself into a paragraph:

"A staff member in the background accidentally stepped on me, he said sorry~, and I asked him why he not only stepped on me but also humiliated me."

Gulinaza said bluntly in the interview of the show that just after the award ceremony, I saw the hot search backstage, and I felt as if I was "stupid", but I felt a little cute after watching it several times.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

This Haiqing Ouhao incident is somewhat special, because the parties had responded to it a few years ago before the video exploded.

Haiqing said in an interview that he did not think so, and responded with a hard breath: "I have stood up on this matter, and many people are still kneeling." ”

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

In response to the video, netizens complained mercilessly:

I'm sorry Teacher Haiqing, you yourself have stood up, but you have been kneeling on my front page for a whole day.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

After saying to Ou Hao, "In this life, my short hair is for you", somehow, Haiqing suddenly grew long hair again.

The most damaging thing is that someone even rushed to tell Ou Hao about this matter:

"You know what? Haiqing left long hair! ”

As a result, Ou Hao fell into an embarrassing situation again, and could only politely joke that "it should not be very long."

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

In recent years, in all the celebrity embarrassment learning terrier boom, stars are often passive status.

He was told how he had become a terrier, how he felt when interviewed, forced to watch various funny editing videos, and asked to recreate embarrassing scenes.

On the contrary, netizens and ordinary people have become the dominant position of star embarrassment.

Take the initiative to discover videos, take the initiative to choreograph jokes, and take the initiative to spread them.

Even if it is the work that the entertainment industry should have done, netizens did it themselves.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

Nowadays, after the star heat terrier explodes, the most common is to restore imitation.

This set of skills was moved to ten years ago, which was called "The Hundred Changes Show", which is the unique work of the comedians.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

The difference is that ten years ago, there was a group of stars who were willing to dress up ugly, and another group of stars did not care about being ridiculed by the terriers, so they presented a comedy to the audience.

Nowadays, there are fewer stars who are willing to play ugly, fewer stars who do not care, and even fewer comedies.

The heavy responsibility of choreographing jokes to please the audience has shifted to the heads of Internet celebrities and ordinary netizens.

In the early years of the "Hundred Changes Big Coffee Show", Zhang Wei Shen Ling imitated that British Wang Fei

Celebrities, the kind of work that used to be responsible for setting trends and creating happiness, are now more like Barbie dolls in the window.

The entertainment industry's universal pursuit of perfect characters has determined that it is increasingly difficult for stars to put down their bodies and become people who actively create jokes.

The rapid changes in social media have determined that the star team can only slow down netizens most of the time.

The dominance of public opinion was naturally handed over to ordinary people.

It is not gulinaza who actively chooses to become the queen of embarrassment, but netizens who accidentally choose them.

The only fun for the stars is the embarrassing name scene

When on "Happy Base Camp", Gulinaza was once again cue and restored to "poor Ha"

Maybe the star team doesn't want to go out of the circle in the way of being imitated and ghosted and get hot.

But what they have to choose is that star embarrassment has become a well-known traffic password.

This means that Haiqing is definitely not the last star to be turned over from black history.

Next, there will be more entertainment bloggers who will continue to dig deeply and continue to dig, and netizens are also happy to watch the embarrassing B side of the bright and beautiful stars.

Shiver it stars.

Who will spend the next crown of the King of Embarrassment?

Welcome to discuss and predict in the comments section which star has the most potential to take over the crown of Haiqing teacher.

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