
Feelings that can only be felt if you like someone from the bottom of your heart

Likes, it seems, is also divided into many kinds.

Some people say that they like it, but they never show it, and they just stay on their lips.

Some people like, just a little like, can like this person, can also like that person, their own like is just an appreciation, limited to a certain aspect, but also may change at any time.

Having experienced too much, seen too much, we will really find that the same likes, but will be so different.

A like, there has always been a deep and shallow, shallow like, but it is only a superficial phenomenon, it has not been in the heart at all, at that time, even if we feel liked, we will still have various trade-offs.

And a particularly deep like, a heartfelt like, we often forget our own principles.

I don't remember what to care about at all, I just want to be with each other and want to do something for each other.

Feelings that can only be felt if you like someone from the bottom of your heart

Forget the standard and accept the other person's whole.

When we are single, when it comes to what kind of object we want to find, we will always have a lot of standards.

For example, the other party must not be fat, what kind of education must be, how much the monthly income should be, if it is where the people are, etc.

Most of the time, looking for the other half, we will often follow this standard, but anyone who is not suitable, will not be willing to give the other party any chance, will only directly screen the other party.

And when one day, we really like someone, very much like, at that time, even if the other party does not meet our expectations in many aspects, we will not have any mind.

Others can't be fat, he can, others can't have certain flaws, but if it's him, it doesn't matter.

In our eyes, some of the behavior of others will seem very childish and annoying, but if he is making some mistakes, and has some childish behavior, we will not think so, but will only feel very cute.

It is really the lover's eyes out of the West, because like, we like each other's advantages, but also love each other's shortcomings, each other's words and deeds, in our eyes, all of them are particularly attractive.

From then on, we have no other standard, that person is our standard, our only desire.

Feelings that can only be felt if you like someone from the bottom of your heart

Always hurt each other and want to take care of each other.

Whether you fall in love with someone from the bottom of your heart, whether you will feel pain because of the other party, that has always been a good standard.

If we only like a person when the positive energy is full, whenever the other party is not in a good mood, we will only feel disappointed and want to run away, leaving the other party alone to face, then our likes are really not true.

And if we not only like each other's very sunny appearance, want to stay with that other party, when the other party is very frustrated, the mood is not very good, we will want to comfort, will be particularly anxious, very unbearable, then we probably really can't escape.

The real like is that it will be very painful for the other party, the unhappiness of the other party, the difficulty of the other party, and the bits and pieces of the other party.

Always hope that the other party can be happy, hope that all the things of the other party can go smoothly.

Even if you know that the other party is an adult and has the ability to take care of yourself, you will still be afraid that the other party will not take good care of yourself, you will want to come by yourself, when it is cold, you will remind the other party to add clothes, and when the other party is hungry, you will send some good food to the other party.

Will use practical actions, to carefully care for each other, will always want to pay for each other, give the best everything to each other, no matter how much, still feel that there can be more, they can do better.

I can't say why, there is always a voice in our hearts that constantly urges us to be better to each other.

Feelings that can only be felt if you like someone from the bottom of your heart

Especially tolerant and want to walk together for a long time.

In life, we will meet a lot of people, too many people, once there is any contradiction between each other, what happens, we often feel intolerable, very easy to choose to give up on each other.

After giving up, I don't feel any pity, I just feel lost, that doesn't have much impact on my life, losing each other, my life will look better, no one to add to their own blockage.

Loving someone, and between that person, from time to time, there will also be some unpleasantness, and there will be many problems.

The difference is that when the problem occurs, we are not so extreme, even if one side is sad because of the other party, in the heart, we will also find excuses for each other, let ourselves forgive each other, do not hurt each other's feelings.

We will really be particularly generous, and we will always be particularly tolerant, willing to accommodate each other, and take the initiative to reconcile.

From the moment we met, we began to imagine that we wanted to marry each other, that we wanted to start a family with each other, that we wanted to go on the road ahead with each other.

Even if nothing has happened to each other, in the mind, they have already thought about each other's future lives.

At any time, we will not easily want to give up on each other, but will only find ways to solve the problems that exist between each other, so that each other's path can become more open.

Feelings that can only be felt if you like someone from the bottom of your heart

Like a person from the bottom of your heart, that is different from other likes.

Once we really have such a person in our hearts, we will start to be less principled, we will always put each other first, we will be special, and we will want to be able to stay with each other for a long time.

After getting to know each other, we also found out for the first time that we could still become like this.

Completely different from the previous self, I also began to become less rational, always very emotional.

Too much like, in fact, will be so, will be lost, will become unintelligent, will voluntarily become stupid.

From now on, I will still love myself, but I will love each other even more.

The degree of care and care for the other party is even far beyond oneself.

Text/Tan Meng
