
In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

"Special Battle Glory" saw the 8th episode, and my favorite was actually Lu Xiaotian.

Yan Baoyue was a natural soldier, and the excitement he felt when he heard about actual combat, the kind of heroism he had when he arrived on the battlefield, was something in his bones. But Lu Xiaotian does not have that kind of heroism in his bones, he is often like Xu Sanduo in "Soldier Assault", he is not born to be a soldier, he is timid, his quality is poor, he is not even as good as Xu Sanduo, at least Xu Sanduo is not afraid of suffering or tiredness, and has such a tenacity.

And Lu Xiaotian did not.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

A lot of times, he's like a "dog leg." Thinking of him, I even think of the classic dog-legged Zhuang Qiang in "The Richest Man in Xihong":

You always say that I am a dog by his side, and today I want you people who look down on me and think that I am a waste, and take a good look at what is wrong with being a dog.

Lü Xiaotian is Yan Baoyue's loyal "dog leg", as long as Yan Baoyue greets, he does not even want to do it as a billionaire, only willing to follow Yan Baoyue's side and not give up.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Have a heart.

In the first episode of the TV series, Lu Xiaotian is a negative teaching material that was taken out: he could not eat the five eggs, so he put them on the ground and stepped on two feet, he could not finish eating, and he could not leave them for others to eat.

Li Xiang said sarcastically: Militarily, this is called not leaving a grain of grain for the enemy.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

When Lü Xiaotian was such an obvious negative teaching material, Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie were the most obvious positive teaching materials, and the seats of the two of them were the cleanest.

One positive and one opposite, all at once the difference between the two was highlighted: Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie already had a strict spirit of self-discipline before they became soldiers, while Lü Xiaotian still had a strong atmosphere of looseness and arbitrariness that was incompatible with the army.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Waiting for their warm-up exercises, Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie were even more invincible, and Lü Xiaotian was the one with the worst physical strength. He cried wolf and howled, and then he pulled Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie to death.

At the end of the five kilometers, Lu Xiaotian was the last to reach the end, and then he couldn't get up at all. Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie ran round and round, and in this circle and circle, the two of them had already surpassed the genius, and were directly regarded as crazy by the comrades of the new corps.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

However, as Li Xiang thought: genius, get respected; madman, only isolation.

In the future military training, the more excellent Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie were, the more they would be out of place. And once the group collaborates, no one wants to be in a group with them, because they can't keep up with the pace of madmen. And this is also called the high place is not cold.

But the worst Lu Xiaotian took the initiative to come to their side.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Why is that?

Because the odds are available:

I just think that the two of us are a match made in heaven, you see you two are so strong, ordinary people dare not come close, I do not argue. The younger brother has a life wisdom, leaning against a big tree to cool off, looking up at the sky and sleeping soundly. The two of you are my sky, my tree.

When others saw Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie and felt inferior and xenophobic, what Lü Xiaotian saw was his own inadequacy, he was weak, if he found a few weak ones together, then he could only be eliminated. And as long as he catches these two strongest people, then he is very likely to counterattack.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Strange goods can be lived, referring to Lü Buwei in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Lü Xiaotian is also known as Lü Buwei.

Yan Baoyue was a natural warrior king, while Lü Xiaotian was a natural businessman.

Here I have to say that Lu Xiaotian has a very valuable point: his heart. No matter how powerful he meets, he will not be jealous, he will appreciate, he will use, he will approach, he will lean back on each other, and he will push himself to another height.

Thinking deeply, Lu Xiaotian interpreted such a sentence very accurately: Choice is greater than effort.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Iron butt.

Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie did not look up to Lu Xiaotian.

They are the strong and have a natural contempt for the weak. Xiao Yunjie still had a touch of humanity, and when Lu Xiaotian held out his hand for help, he would pull Lu Xiaotian a hand. But Yan Baoyue ignored it.

When the instructor questioned Yan Baoyue and asked him to unite and help his comrades-in-arms, Yan Baoyue said something like this: Do you think he is my comrade-in-arms?

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

That kind of contempt, in Yan Baoyue's eyes, a weak person like Lü Xiaotian was not worthy to be his comrade-in-arms, because this kind of comrade-in-arms who could only pull back his legs, he didn't need it at all.

How shrewd Lü Xiaotian was, he naturally saw through Yan Baoyue's contempt, but he still cheekily pasted it, there was a big kind, I followed you, no matter what, I will not give up the momentum.

Because of this cheekiness, he always unswervingly followed Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie's side. When practicing in the wild, he followed Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie to smash the enemy's old nest and became famous in one fell swoop. What is even more valuable is that when they were criticized for this, Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie held their pride and could not say it:

We are wrong, and when we go back, we must write an extremely profound examination, seriously reflect on and analyze ourselves, and comprehensively examine ourselves from the depths of our ideological consciousness.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Only when Lu Xiaotian saw that the momentum was not good, could someone who immediately became soft blurt out these words. At that moment, Lu Xiaotian immediately made up for Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie's biggest regret: it was too hard and would not be soft.

After Lü Xiaotian's words, Li Xiang finally had a step down and gave them the three lightest punishments.

In the confinement room, Lü Xiaotian did not complain at all about yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie's "trouble", he said:

To put it bluntly, I am honored to be able to board the thief ship of my two brothers.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

If the previous Lü Xiaotian was not qualified to become a friend of Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie. Then after this experience, they really became friends.

A person's cheekiness is never a shortcoming, especially Lu Xiaotian, who is willing to belittle himself and hold others, and even if he suffers with the other party, suffers, or even punishes, he can gladly accept it.

From this moment on, it has to be said that the three of them were a match made in heaven. Although the combination of the strong can be stronger, once no one between the strong refuses to give in, the combination becomes a falling apart. The combination of strength and weakness, although it may weaken the combat effectiveness, it is also very likely that through the combination of the weak, the strong burst out of greater strength, and even become more accommodating.

As a weak person, Lü Xiaotian just has this kind of mind and ability, when this three-person team needs the burst of the strong, as a weak person, Lü Xiaotian willingly took out his own materials, he was willing to be the soldier who squatted down to lift the strong, rather than having to compete to be that general.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Those shining generals are certainly shining, but those soldiers who are willing to achieve "generals" are not worthy of admiration.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming


When Xiao Yunjie was transferred away, Lü Xiaotian and Yan Baoyue went to deliver mung bean soup.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian did not have any jealousy towards Xiao Yunjie, but shouted with a look of pride that "my brother is so good":

You see our family Xiao Lao'er, finally turned over the serfs and sang, top-notch.

His bright and dangling smiling face was so likable, it was not only his comrades-in-arms, but also his family, he trusted Xiao Yunjie and Yan Shaoyue, so he could give all his bullets to Yan Baoyue on the battlefield, he regarded Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie as a family, so he saw the progress of the two of them, and he was happier than anyone.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

He even sent a letter of help to Ai Qianxue in order to help Yan Baoyue transfer out of the cooking class. When he was doing this, he only thought about how good his family Yan Shaoyue was, but he didn't think at all that once Yan Shaoyue left, the cooking class would only leave him alone.

After counting all the soldiers in the new barracks, no one could achieve such a point for the sake of his comrades-in-arms, and Xiao Yunjie could not do it to Yan Baoyue. Because both of them are strong, they both have the pride of being strong, and both have an extreme desire to become stronger. In the dictionary of their lives, there is no concession of these two words.

However, Lu Xiaotian's dictionary has: I see my own weaknesses, but also see the strength of my friends. I can't do it myself, I'm willing to fulfill my friend, and once he does, I will be happy from the bottom of my heart.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Yes, when you look closely at Lu Xiaotian as a person, the more you think about it, the more you will feel his preciousness.

Looking at the big competition of the cooking class, others saw that Yan Shaoyue ignored his comrades-in-arms and bravely went forward on his own, and everyone felt indignant, but As the comrade-in-arms who was abandoned by Yan Shaoyue, Lu Xiaotian did not complain at all. Not only did he not complain, but he would also be happy for Yan Baoyue's riding.

He also gave his own bullet to Yan Baoyue, because he felt that his use was also a waste, and it was better to give Yan Baoyue a greater role.

Sometimes being a weak person is not terrible, the terrible thing is that I am weak, you can't be strong, that is the selfishness in human nature, and Lu Xiaotian just does not have this selfishness in human nature. I am weak, you are strong, I admit that I am weak, and I also admit that you are strong.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Waiting until Yan Baoyue was trapped in the tunnel, Lu Xiaotian's emotional outburst was so shocking, obviously the weakest of him, in order to save Yan Baoyue, he burst out a huge force, his squad leader could not stop him at all, he immediately ran back to the tunnel to save his comrades-in-arms, his family.

When the tunnel was about to collapse, Li Xiang chose to save more people, and Lu Xiaotian was the first to object, he shouted: I will not withdraw, I will not withdraw.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Even if he dies, he will save the swallows.

He and Yan Baoyue have no classmate friendship, Xiao Yunjie and Yan Baoyue are partners who grew up from childhood, and Lü Xiaotian is only a comrade-in-arms who has been together for several months. But just in the past few months of getting along, Lu Xiaotian has such a deep affection for Yan Baoyue.

The strong person's dependence on a person is often weak, because he himself is strong enough, and the weak person's dependence on the strong is huge. Because, that strong man is his hope, his dream, his faith.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Have courage.

In the original work, when Xiao Yunjie was trapped, Yan Baoyue took someone to save him.

When Xiao Yunjie saw Lü Xiaotian, he was surprised, he did not expect that Lu Xiaotian, who was so busy that his feet did not touch the ground, actually came. Lu Xiaotian said:

People, a lifetime of chasing fame and profit, there will always be a few days when they will suddenly get bored, want to do something arbitrary, not so utilitarian, just at this time, the boss gave me a power call.

You see, Lu Xiaotian is this kind of person, he values interests the most, but when he gives up, he is so generous and courageous.

He was usually preoccupied, full of thoughts to steal a little laziness and take advantage, but when it came to the critical moment, he could make the supplies and bullets more generous than anyone.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

After he retired from the army, he became a billionaire, but when Yan Shaoyue needed it, when Xiao Yunjie needed it, as long as he said hello, he could gather around them again.

When I was young, I always felt that the efforts of the strong were more shocking, but only when you have gone through a thousand sails and experienced the hardships of the world can you understand the efforts of the weak and be more sincere. Like Lu Xiaotian, his efforts for this brotherhood were far higher than those of Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie.

Sweet green leaves, red flowers are busy showing themselves, and green leaves are busy setting off red flowers.

This fat green leaf was none other than Lu Xiaotian.

As the weakest one in the new barracks, he followed Yan Baoyue step by step, often falling down, often being used as a joke, but it was in this most relaxed and pleasant way that he integrated into the two strong men.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Every time I saw three people in the same frame, I always couldn't help but smile: Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie collapsed themselves too tightly, too tired, and once Lu Xiaotian joined, they would have a moment of ease and happiness.

And we should never underestimate this happiness and ease, it is a string, a string that can make Yan Breakyue and Xiao Yunjie not collapse themselves.

Lu Xiaotian is that string.

General, it is too precious, but a soldier like Lü Xiaotian is also very valuable.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Only when you are a "confessional" person in this life can you be happy.

Why do I like Lu Xiaotian?

Because, not everyone in this world can be Yan Baoyue. Li Xiang began to attack Yan Shaoyue from the first day, because he could not let those recruits see that Yan Shaoyue was too good.

Because, that will make those recruits lose the confidence to work hard, and no matter how hard they try, they can't catch up with him. Anyway, no matter how hard you try, you can't match Yan Baoyue's talent.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

And Lu Xiaotian is one of these people who are not excellent, and it is very obvious that he does not compete with a talented player like Yan Baoyue.

He confessed.

Because of his recognition, he developed his other talents. Or the most critical sentence above, sometimes the choice is greater than the effort. And Lu Xiaotian is exactly the kind of person who does not blindly work hard but attaches importance to choice.

Therefore, when many people were not accustomed to Yan Baoyue and Xiao Yunjie, Lu Xiaotian used an appreciative eye to look at yan baoyue as a strong person.

In "Glory of Special Warfare", Lu Xiaotian, who "became a billionaire": his "confession" is the most heart-warming

Not humble, there is a hint of joy in dependence. And in the celebration, there is a hint of tenacity.

He knew who he was, and he also knew what the mighty looked like, the vastness of heaven and earth. That's a drop in the ocean of positivity.

The world is big, we are often not the waves, but the drop in the ocean. May we, although a drop in the ocean, still be able to run happily to the ocean.

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