
Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well

April 11, the twelfth day of home isolation.

Working Daily: Bloat.

Why the swelling? Yesterday, four new models of the BYD Han family were launched, and the price is 215,800 to 329,800. After watching the press conference, I made a not so thoughtful decision to order a hybrid VERSION OF BYD Han DM-i, which is also the second car I have ordered after et5.

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well

You see, you don't earn much money as a small editor, but the car is booked a lot. Isn't that bloat? Of course, the reason why I dare to act so arbitrarily is to thank the manufacturer for the right to refund at any time, and also give more opportunities for users like me who are more entangled to think. As we all know, the delivery of the car is now in accordance with the order order, so whether you buy it or not, the pit must be occupied.

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well

The reason for choosing BYD Han DM-i is also very simple, one is that the price meets its own expectations, and the other is that there is no battery life anxiety. In addition, as a medium and large car, it ensures a certain amount of rear space and is convenient for daily use.

But the problem is, if you have a little higher requirements for the brand, the only thing that can meet your needs is the luxury brand's plug-in model. Where is the gap between them, and who can be better?

This issue [Comparison of Medium and Large Plug-in Hybrid Cars] brings BYD Han DM-i Comparison Of the new BMW5 Series Plug-in Hybrid!

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well

After reading the picture, say the summary

BYD Han DM-i incense is finished

First of all, it is still explained for some viewers that this is a "not very fair" comparison, and the price of the two also determines that under normal circumstances, two cars will not be included in a person's car purchase list at the same time, but the data will not deceive.

From the chart data, the difference between the two is quite large, in terms of body size and power configuration, the advantages of the 5 Series Hybrid are obvious. The double wishbones +8AT are also BMW's consistent tonality, and all the data shows that this is still a "traditional" BMW, of course, the kind that can be on the green card. So what are the advantages of BYD Han DM-i? Briefly share my thoughts.

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well




The DiLink 4.0 (5G) adopted by Han DM-i in terms of car and machine has better interaction capabilities than before, and with the DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, the attributes of technology support are very heavy. Not to mention that the 242KM version has 5 high-precision millimeter wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars and 5 cameras. There are a total of 8 more radars than the 121KM version, and so many radars also ensure the reliability of assisted driving.

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well



Endurance and economics

UNDER BYD HAN DM-i can reach 1300 kilometers under NEDC conditions, which means you can drive from Shanghai to Beijing without refueling in between. Coupled with the fuel consumption performance of 4.2L/100km, it is very close to the people for daily use.

According to our editor's teacher, the previous plug-in hybrid models either had a short endurance of less than 100 kilometers, or the performance was almost over, and there was always a hint of dissatisfaction.

But bydir Han DM-i makes the pure endurance reach more than 200km, which means that you can use it as a tram every day. If you want stronger performance but don't want pure electricity, you can also choose the version of BYD Han DM-i, which can be described as flexible in selectivity.

Buy or not buy BYD Han DM-i is not important, first take the pit well

But is there any controversy? There are also some, such as the pre-sale price compared to the official price is only dispensable 1000 yuan, low-end models do not have heat pump air conditioning, delivery date can not be determined are some of the true reflection of the next user.

But as of 8:30 p.m. last night, there were 48,136 orders that seemed to tell me another truth: whether it was finally or not, the pit was occupied first.

Tips at the end of the article:

Shanghai car owners due to the epidemic caused by long-term parking of vehicles, try to start the car every 5 to 7 days for 20 to 30 minutes, so as not to park for a long time the vehicle battery loss, can not start, you can use every time you go downstairs to do nucleic acid when starting the car.

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