
[Long serial] A song of fireworks cold. (31)

[Long serial] A song of fireworks cold. (31)

The smoke and rain river has a flood, and He Dang is endowed with a decline.

The next day, I was actually a little nervous about my wedding, and in the evening, this nervous feeling became more and more obvious, I looked at the time frequently, and the minute and second seemed to run over my heart, and at once, it slammed my heart.

At eight forty-seven, there was a group of me: "Enter the team." ”


"Do you want a wedding parade?"

"Farewell, it's a bit silly."


I was two minutes quiet, and there was a tantric on me: "Slightly." ”

"I'm in."

"Thank you."

"Huh? Thank me for what? I thank you. ”

He never spoke back, knowing that it was nine o'clock, and before starting the wedding, he said to me: "Thank you for marrying me, I will take care of you seriously." ”

"Don't say that, I thank you, I'm very happy to know you here."

"I'll come to you later."

He dropped this sentence and brushed the red envelope in the gang, Jingzhi kept saying that he had never seen Yu Yu so active in the game, and it seemed that he was really fond of me.

Heartwarming? Yes, the nightly meetings during that time, every little meet present, I have to admit, this is a very attractive man. He is handsome, but not like some self-sustaining and beautiful boys, he is just so light, can make me deeply trapped, not to mention now more and more frequent contact, what should I do? Continue to pretend to be stupid or make a bold confession?

The link in the cave room is very happy, the dialogue on the screen brushes quickly, I feel that the eyes are not used, I don't know who said what, after the end, there is a flood to let me go offline, gave me an address to let me go over to find him.

It wasn't far from my house, a river on the edge of the city, so he was relieved to let me go by myself.

In order not to make him wait, I walked and trotted up, with the posture of a night lover. When I was about to run, I subconsciously slowed down and tried to make my breathing even, and walked step by step, and under the big tree that I didn't know what it was, I saw that there was a flood.

He leaned against the edge of the tree, a cigarette in his left hand, and smoked it for a moment. The night wind blew through, and by the light of the street lamp I saw his hair blown a little messily, and the moment he turned his head to see me, I felt that my heartbeat was about to stop.

"I'm sorry, it's coming a little slowly." I ran to him.

"Slow? I think it's fast. ”


"On the day of the big wedding, can't you see your daughter-in-law?"

"You're not kidding." I said and touched his forearm lightly.

He smiled, still leaning against the tree and looking at me: "I am married, and I have to let you understand and understand me, although your daughter-in-law has never cared." ”

"If there is, I'm just embarrassed to ask." I was in a hurry.

"Oh? What do you want to ask? ”

"What do you want to say?"

He stood up straight, put his hand around my shoulder, and said, "Let's go, find a clean seat." ”

I sat down on a stone bench and took out a can of coffee like a magic trick: "Hold it." ”

It was hot, and my heart warmed: "Thank you." ”

"I told you last time that I was in jail."

"Hmm." I looked up at him, but he didn't look at me, looked up at the starry sky: "Wei Wei, you say I'm not handsome?" ”

"Amount? Handsome, very good-looking. ”

He chuckled: "My father is more handsome than me, in their young age, he had knowledge and culture, but he was silent, so the work was assigned to the county town, when he first went to work, the whole county town was sensational, and the big sister-in-law and the little girl would blush when they saw him." ”

"So where is he now?"

"Now? I'll tell you about the past. Not long after work, my father met a beautiful girl, the two fell in love at first sight, the girl's beautiful return rate is absolutely 100%, but they are not together. ”

I didn't dare to speak, waiting for Youfeng to continue: "Two people are going to get married, my father went to my sister's house, and when he came back, he locked himself for three days without eating or drinking, and when he came out, the two people broke up." I heard others say that the girl's family conditions should not be too good, her family did not look up to my father, and my father continued to be decadent until my mother appeared. ”

At this point, he sighed deeply, stopped, I was a little overwhelmed, had to gently tugging on his sleeve, he looked down at me, smiled, and then took out his mobile phone and turned out a photo: "You see, this is him two." ”

The most attractive thing in that photo is that the man, that is, the father of Yu Feng, is really handsome, even in the photo, it is equally eye-catching. Look at the lady next to him, it is his mother, with flat features, a plump figure, and her hands are tightly wrapped around the people around her, as if holding a baby. His father had a somber face, and his mother smiled brightly.

As I was looking closely, I heard Yu Yu ask, "What do you see?" ”

"Your dad is handsome."

"They're not a good match, right?"

I didn't want to speak, he continued: "Everyone said so, after the girl left my father, my mother tried her best to marry my father, using me as a blackmail to let him stay with her, year after year, when I was six years old, in an argument, my mother took a knife, did not cut my father, and committed suicide. ”

My heart was in shock, and when Yu Feng said this, yun seemed to be telling someone else's story: "She can't get his heart, she can't get his respect, even the quarrel is a one-sided performance, and that tragedy should have ended long ago." ”

"And your dad?"

"I haven't seen each other for a long time, I left home after graduating from college, and then I went in for some reason and met my eldest brother."

Speaking of this, Yu Feng let out a long breath and looked at me: "It's over, married a bastard, what can you do?" ”

I smiled and said, "You're serious." ”

Yuzuki: "You didn't take it seriously?" ”

"Are you serious?"

"It's better not to take it seriously."

He stood up, and I stood up in a hurry. Thinking he was leaving, who knew that he suddenly turned around, reached for the back of my neck, and put me next to him, looking at me: "What? When you were a brother-in-law, that sister-in-law was called in vain? ”

"That's not...

He pressed his forehead against mine: "I'm serious, slightly." I really take it seriously, I married you will be good to you, not to make you sad, not to make you sad, and will not hurt you. ”

The night wind blows softly, and the person I love is right in front of my eyes, telling me his mood, how can I not be moved.

I reached around his waist and buried my head in his shoulder: "Jiang Youfeng, I also take it seriously." ”

"Hmm." He hugged me too.

I took a sharp breath and said, "Actually, I took it seriously." ”

His chuckle came from his ear: "I already knew." ”

Ignoring his laughter, I hugged him even tighter: "I will love you well, we are each other's family." ”

Yu Feng didn't speak, but he put his arms around me tighter.

I didn't say a word this night, and with the night breeze he sent me home and left.

To be continued

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